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Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israel


Nov 28, 2012
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Dont know accurate this, but I'll share it anyway.

'We are heading toward a collision course by the end of the year': Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israeli intelligence official - Middle East - World - The Independent

A senior Israeli intelligence official has warned that the Jewish state has just two months “to sleep soundly” before Iran is capable of making a nuclear weapon and that the two countries are heading towards aggression before the end of the year.

Speaking at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, said that Iranian scientists are close to crossing the ‘red line’ that was outlined by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outlined in a speech at the United Nations last September. During that speech, Mr Netanyahu drew a line with a red pen on a picture of a cartoon-like bomb, at which point he said that Iran would be 90 per cent ready to produce a bomb.

Mr Yadlin’s warning comes just a day after Israel and the United States agreed a $10 billion (£6.5 billion) arms deal that will see cutting edge American technology sold to the Israeli army. Mr Yadlin’s comments publicly affirm the opinion of many Israeli officials, who in private argue that talks aimed persuaded Tehran to give up its ambition nuclear weapons are wasted time, and that Iran is pressing ahead with enriching sufficient uranium to make a weapon.

Israeli officials believe that rather than seven-year old talks between the UN Security Council’s five permanent members, and Germany (known as the P5+1), and Iranian officials, which are approaching their 10th round, are set to fail and that, in the words of Mr Yadlin, “we are heading toward a collision course by the end of the year”.

Rather, Israel believes that only the outcome of Iran’s presidential elections, set to be held in two months’ time, will determine whether Iran decides to take the final steps towards making the bomb. Tehran insists that its nuclear ambitions are for purely for peaceful means.

Israel would rather the Americans, or better still a multi-lateral force, carried out any military action, but according to Mr Yadlin, “Israel will, in fact, be the first to have to reach a decision. It is not party to the negotiations.* At the Iranians’ current rate of production, even to those who today are saying they won’t cross the red line – there is no doubt that by the summer they will cross it.”

The comments come after the first visit to Israel by Chuck Hagel, the new US defence secretary. Despite the increased bellicosity in Israel, the P5+1 and unilaterally, the Americans, have constantly favoured a negotiated settlement. Having only recently extracted itself from a decade-long commitment in Iraq, Washington is loth to involve itself in another Middle Eastern military adventure.

However, the Americans and other countries have insisted military action remains a possibility. While John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, has said he does not believe Tehran’s assertions over its nuclear programme, he is reluctant to impose fresh sanctions and believes negotiations ought to be given more time to produce results.
blablabla it's all between Shia and Suuni. They are probably gonna threat the Gulf and those who are fighting against the regime in Syria.
blablabla it's all between Shia and Suuni. They are probably gonna threat the Gulf and those who are fighting against the regime in Syria.
Iran poses no threat to us ,but rather a pain in the neck. I can't speak for the whole world though. So, what will happen if they obtained the bomb or at least could produce low yield explosives. The answer is that Iran will guarantee the security and safety of its regime.
Iran poses no threat to us ,but rather a pain in the neck. I can't speak for the whole world though. So, what will happen if they obtained the bomb or at least could produce low yield explosives. The answer is that Iran will guarantee the security and safety of its regime.

Iran will be able to do what it likes - including toppling Bahrain.

With a nuke, they will bully the whole middle east and you will be impotent to stop it.
Iran poses no threat to us ,but rather a pain in the neck. I can't speak for the whole world though. So, what will happen if they obtained the bomb or at least could produce low yield explosives. The answer is that Iran will guarantee the security and safety of its regime.

They do pose a threat, since 1979 the objective was to export the revolution to the Arab world.

Pain in the neck is bs.
Don't worry about Bahrain, we can give them a hard time too. Also, Iran isn't the only nuclear-armed country in the world.
Iran will be able to do what it likes - including toppling Bahrain.

With a nuke, they will bully the whole middle east and you will be impotent to stop it.

They do pose a threat, since 1979 the objective was to export the revolution to the Arab world.

Pain in the neck is bs.
We dealt with them very well in the past and we could do it again. I don't believe Iran is willing to commit suicide.
Oh great, that's exactly what I want, travel to Gaza and right when I land in the middle of June to see my family Israel will start bombing us. :astagh:
Oh great, that's exactly what I want, travel to Gaza and right when I land in the middle of June to see my family Israel will start bombing us. :astagh:

Hopefully nothing is gonna happen by then. Don't forget to give my best to the Gazan please :D?
Oh great, that's exactly what I want, travel to Gaza and right when I land in the middle of June to see my family Israel will start bombing us. :astagh:

Give me your coordinates bro - I'll hand them over to Moshe in Shin-Bet to avoid your home.

Or alternatively, stop firing rockets and you won't hear a peep from us.

If everyone just calmed down and followed Israel's lead in the region, we'd all be better off. Striving forward, progressing. More rights for everyone.

Let freedom reign.

Being out of Israel makes you even more Israeli. You can travel the world and see amazing things, but Israel pulls you back.

It's magic brothers, it's magic.
They do pose a threat, since 1979 the objective was to export the revolution to the Arab world.

Pain in the neck is bs.

That's not enitrely true though. That might have been an objective at the start of revolutionary era and fever, but it isnt the case anymore. The Velayate Faghih does not resound well with Arab public in the region, which is why it is not a goal to export it.
IRI, with all its flaws, is a rational and strategic player rather than an ideological one. It chooses and make decisions entirely out of state interests, based on a cost-benefit approach.
I will update you guys if anything does happen in Gaza. I doubt it though. But during the last offensive they attacked my literal neighbors and killed their whole family. And they had no affiliations with the military wing of Hamas at all. Israel made up several stories to cover it up and even made up a name.

Israel not to probe ?unfortunate? killing of 10 members of Gaza family ? RT News

This was so sad, my Uncle called us and told us right when it happened. The father survived because he wasn't at home. I think I'm gonna pay him a visit and give him some money and tell him I'm sorry for his loss. All his children.

Give me your coordinates bro - I'll hand them over to Moshe in Shin-Bet to avoid your home.

Or alternatively, stop firing rockets and you won't hear a peep from us.

If everyone just calmed down and followed Israel's lead in the region, we'd all be better off. Striving forward, progressing. More rights for everyone.

Let freedom reign.

Being out of Israel makes you even more Israeli. You can travel the world and see amazing things, but Israel pulls you back.

It's magic brothers, it's magic.

LOL. You don't sound like all Israelis. Are you half British? And I think we are safe, my uncles wife used to get surgery at Israeli hospitals and my uncle works at a pharmacy. I doubt we would be targeted. But I think it will be a calm summer because of the Arabic countries involvement in Gaza and attempt to push an economy. The peace process may be discussed this summer too. Already Jordan was invited and Egypt and Turkey might be invited to the Summit.
Iran poses no threat to us ,but rather a pain in the neck. I can't speak for the whole world though. So, what will happen if they obtained the bomb or at least could produce low yield explosives. The answer is that Iran will guarantee the security and safety of its regime.
I like your honesty bro :tup:
LOL. You don't sound like all Israelis. Are you half British? And I think we are safe, my uncles wife used to get surgery at Israeli hospitals and my uncle works at a pharmacy. I doubt we would be targeted. But I think it will be a calm summer because of the Arabic countries involvement in Gaza and attempt to push an economy. The peace process may be discussed this summer too. Already Jordan was invited and Egypt and Turkey might be invited to the Summit.

I am Israeli, but living in the UK just now. Will go back someday. Hoping in the next 5 years or so.

Problem is that we have started to see a few rockets again. It starts gently. One rocket here and there just to test our response, then over time it becomes regular.

No rockets for a few days now, but we had about 10 in the two weeks prior.

Also, Erdogan is visiting Gaza. Which is a shame because he's making Abbas look weak. I don't know if you're a Hamas supporter, but their popularity is decreasing. Erdogan might give them a boost.

I suspect it will remain quiet. People are focussing on Iran/Syria and we're also busy kissing the Turks.

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