yes and i dont mean it in any bad intention. Im sure you guys have great pilots and very skilled crew. Problem is, we do extensive training with pilots when an airline introduces a new Airbus model. Boeing does the same. But for western pilots its mostly an evolution, The differences ar not that big compared to the airplanes they used to fly before. But for iranian pilots it will be a jump of roughly 35 years of aviation technology. Evrything is automated, fly by wire and so on. The pilot is basicly also a system admin. Many pilots will have problems with that. The older ones even more so and this is a problem. And don't have illussions. Some may not be able to do it. And this is a huge personal problem. If you were a sucessful pilot for decades and then fail this...its important to not let thos guys alone with that. The worst thing that can happen to you is too wake up and realize you have become a living fossil.