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Iran Vs Israel Science

Gödel Prize-Theoretical computer science:


Shlomo Moran
Yoram Moses
Moshe Y. Vardi
Shmuel Safra
Uriel Feige
Nir Shavit
Yossi Matias
Noga Alon
Avi Wigderson
Omer Reingold
Noam Nisan
Amir Ronen


Couldn't find.

Turing Award:


Michael O. Rabin
Amir Pnueli
Judea Pearl
Adi Shamir


couldn't find

First of all, Nobel prize or Turing prize is not an impartial way of looking at science output. It is a western thing. They never gave Iqbal a nobel prize since he was a true Muslim. And Iran's rise to science is recent and you are talking about past. As I have posted in first page of this thread, it is now and present that counts and not the past. Iran is rising the fastest in the world and has already crossed Israel. In future Iran will be way above Israel in science as proved by data from SCImago. Your achievements, are all in past. Iran's achievements on the other hand are in present. That is the difference. By the way Israel's days are numbered. This illegitimate state is undergoing a legitimacy crisis again and increasing number of people even in the west are becoming anti-Zionist.
Ever since Barak Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, it has become a joke.

Really? since Barak Obama? i would say since Yaser Arafat Peace Nobel became a joke, this is why i exclude 3 Israeli who received peace Nobel and one literature Nobel, other than that Nobel prize is the most prestigious in science.
Gödel Prize-Theoretical computer science:


Shlomo Moran
Yoram Moses
Moshe Y. Vardi
Shmuel Safra
Uriel Feige
Nir Shavit
Yossi Matias
Noga Alon
Avi Wigderson
Omer Reingold
Noam Nisan
Amir Ronen


Couldn't find.

Turing Award:


Michael O. Rabin
Amir Pnueli
Judea Pearl
Adi Shamir


couldn't find

I know to you lot history only started after the second world war. You can not think to emulate Iran's past. Aneyway the graphs in the OP show where Iran is headed and where you are headed.

I assert that this is the true reason that you want to attack Iran. You can not bear for anyone to be stronger cleverer etc. You even murder their scientists so your scientists have no competition and can win crappy prizes that other Jews or Zionists give out
it's normal sejjil, sejjil 2 is much more powerful

Both sides have a point.

On a total output basis, Iranian scientific productivity is increasing at a faster rate than Israel and it is catching up quickly.

However, on a per-capita basis, Israel is still way ahead and others have a lot of catching up to do.

Good for Iran and Israel (and Saudi Arabia); I wish Pakistan would put more focus on science and put on the running shoes.

We are ahead of Saudis if you check the figures. With Israel you are clearly not factoring in American assistance. Israel is the only country in the world that gets this assistance and then passes it of as itself. Without the assistance they would be around the Jordan level. A small country with no or little resources. Neither are you taking into account of sanctions on Iran. lastly bottom line is per capita is just that per capita. They may be ahead of China as well but does not make them as powerful as China

Also you are not taking in the fact that Israel is on the fall way down check the 2018 extrapolation where Israel has the largest fall.

was CV Raman a Jew???
was Amartya Sen a Jew???
was Ravindranath Tagore a jew???

Go check the prize was set up by Jews and the committee that decides they have more than their share of reps. Of course they have to give a few out to non Jews etc to make it look fair.

Nobel Peace Prize: political tool — RT
Aryan_B i think i must ask them some scientific question about the things that we learned at high school, i am sure that they can't answer them . lol. we learn about nuclear porgrams in high school. LOL what do they learn in there? sex? :)
On a serious note have you noticed how stung the Israelis have been on this thread by the idea that Iran is well on its way up in science and they are on the way down.
First of all, Nobel prize or Turing prize is not an impartial way of looking at science output. It is a western thing. They never gave Iqbal a nobel prize since he was a true Muslim. And Iran's rise to science is recent and you are talking about past. As I have posted in first page of this thread, it is now and present that counts and not the past. Iran is rising the fastest in the world and has already crossed Israel. In future Iran will be way above Israel in science as proved by data from SCImago. Your achievements, are all in past. Iran's achievements on the other hand are in present. That is the difference. By the way Israel's days are numbered. This illegitimate state is undergoing a legitimacy crisis again and increasing number of people even in the west are becoming anti-Zionist.

What data from SCImago shows is that in publication till 2010 Israel is 22 and Iran is 31. Quality wise Israel is 368 while Iran with 106 suppressed by countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Bulgaria, Kenya, Puerto-Rico, Estonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Malaysia, Egypt....
It is idiotic/moronic that you compare amount of papers of a country with 77million to a country of 7 million, and conclude on basis of that comparison who is superior in science, the EVALUATOR is not papers but their QUALITY! citation per document and their impact index, how stupid can one be?
On a serious note have you noticed how stung the Israelis have been on this thread by the idea that Iran is well on its way up in science and they are on the way down.

The reason is that this is an independent Muslim state and they know that Iran's success will eventually help lead to their downfall.
Just so that you know, people who are lagging behind can catch up as compared to people at the top.

I don't understand your comment. The 'it' in my post refers to Iran, not Israel.

We are ahead of Saudis if you check the figures.

KSA has only recently woken up and is not exactly a benchmark of scientific achievement yet. We should look at forward goals rather than feeling falsely happy by looking behind us. There is nothing inherently inferior about Arabs so, with proper funding and guidance, they may well overtake us.

With Israel you are clearly not factoring in American assistance. Israel is the only country in the world that gets this assistance and then passes it of as itself. Without the assistance they would be around the Jordan level. A small country with no or little resources. Neither are you taking into account of sanctions on Iran.

Let's give credit where credit is due. Even in the US, Jewish people excel in the sciences and are leading authorities. Israel does have the highest per-capita number of scientists and people with advanced degrees. That is a fact, and it has nothing to do with America.

lastly bottom line is per capita is just that per capita. They may be ahead of China as well but does not make them as powerful as China

In the final analysis you are right: what matters in the end is the total output. If China/India have a billion people to pick from, they have an advantage. Whether that's fair or unfair is irrelevant. However, to make the comparison fairer, we should look at per-capita numbers.

It still doesn't change the fact that what Iran has achieved despite the sanctions makes their feat even more impressive.
Succes? Do some people even now what Iran could accomplish if those idiot mullahs were not in power? Iran has the biggest Brain Drain of the world and thats only because of the mullahs. They scare off every bit of talent. And the talents they treat well is only because of self-preservation. Iran could be way ahead of Turkey and even be way ahead of some European countries.
It is idiotic/moronic that you compare amount of papers of a country with 77million to a country of 7 million, and conclude on basis of that comparison who is superior in science, the EVALUATOR is not papers but their QUALITY! citation per document and their impact index, how stupid can one be?

You are the one making stupid racist comments. No one said Jews were inferior. When it is pointed out to you that you are not as good as another country at something your answer is that you are a smaller country. Well if you are a smaller country behave like a smaller country say like Jordan. Stop threatening great larger countries than yourself.

You retain the Samson option. Why should Pakistan not have plans for Tel Aviv and why should Iranians except that you a mosquito should dare threaten Tehran.

Behave like a small country and we will all say very good you are doing well for a small country but that is it. You are not invincible and omnipotent as per your and American propaganda
What a loser
Aren't you the one who claimed I am "Greek Christian" lol. Your an 18 year old greek who we killed your friend in 9/11 when you were 6 year old! and who happens to speak Persian and happen to only have Persian friends!:rofl:
Put this story in writing, maybe it could be the next oscar wining Iranian drama;)
I can't blame you though. I also would be ashamed of the Iranian flag if I was cursed with the misfortune of being one:wave:

I have no Idea what you saying, all I can imgine when I was reading that is a camel.

You are an Indian who says he is semetic, I mean how low life do you have to be to say your a camel Bedouin?
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