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Iran Vs Israel Science

World science impact:


Since Iran is absent i found the next best country which is at approximately the same level :D


Turkey with only One positive impact, in engineering, with 2.22% of world papers and impact of +8, while Israel with 0.88% of world total has impact of 10+. This yet again proves that amount of publication isn't evaluator of scientific strength, it is as if country X will print more money, it will not make X richer just the value per currency will decrease.
World science impact:


Since Iran is absent i found the next best country which is at approximately the same level :D


Turkey with only One positive impact, in engineering, with 2.22% of world papers and impact of +8, while Israel with 0.88% of world total has impact of 10+. This yet again proves that amount of publication isn't evaluator of scientific strength, it is as if country X will print more money, it will not make X richer just the value per currency will decrease.

Israel is not even a country, they are a thief, just like they stold land from palestine they are stealing scientific knowledge from the Usa and the west and claiming at as their own.
World science impact:


Since Iran is absent i found the next best country which is at approximately the same level :D


Turkey with only One positive impact, in engineering, with 2.22% of world papers and impact of +8, while Israel with 0.88% of world total has impact of 10+. This yet again proves that amount of publication isn't evaluator of scientific strength, it is as if country X will print more money, it will not make X richer just the value per currency will decrease.


What? i have nothing against Turkey nor Iran, just presenting data, since Iran is in absent i did comparison to Turkey.

Israel is not even a country, they are a thief, just like they stold land from palestine they are stealing scientific knowledge from the Usa and the west and claiming at as their own.

Really? so pre 1947 there was a country named Palestine? oh the ignorance....
The fact remains, one country is the baby who was given everything(israel) the other was forced to fight for himself in the rainforest like Tarzan, the pampered baby is not impoving so now it is crying.
What is wrong with the education system in UK? Do Pakistanis there just abandon education all together and live of welfare?
I mean, if you must argue about something as if it was a fact, at least argue with intelligence and facts backing you up but all this non-intellectual blabbering is just insulting to all the intellectual Pakistanis i`ve met.
U21 Rankings of National Higher Education Systems

U21 Rankings of National Higher Education Systems 2012


"The United States and the United Kingdom have the world’s top universities . But on a weighted per
capita basis the depth of world class universities is best in Switzerland and Sweden, with Israel and
Denmark next in rank order
Since this is a military forum, can someone tell me any Iranian weapon which is not a copy and not a joke?
And not Photoshoped!!

There is no comparison between Israel and Iran, science wise.
Israel, builds/develops its own weapons/technology. while I-Ran mass imports NK's dysfunctional weapons, build a duplicate, paint an Iranian flag on the side and call it a national achievement!
What an embarrassment:disagree:
We are proud of our Semite cousins!!
It would appear that I have hit a raw nerve as far as some Israelis on here are concerned. They can not bear anyone in the ME is stronger better cleverer etc. After years of dividing and shafting the Arabs they have have come across a worthy adversary and that is why they are crying to daddy America
Israel is scientifically far in front of Iran. Just look at Israel and then look at Iran. The technology in the society is far superior. And don't forget that the Jews always were one of the most intellectual people on this earth. They have won many nobel prices and their contribution to science and other intellectual fields, especially since the age of enlightenment, is quite astonishing. I as Iranian have pay tribute to the Jews.
Since this is a military forum, can someone tell me any Iranian weapon which is not a copy and not a joke?

They have very good gas chambers I hear, You and your family should pay it a visit.:lol::lol:

also you want a good weapon? here is one that your piece of **** of nation is pissing it's pants over.
sejill 2, , so I love you proving it is copy

And not Photoshoped!!

There is no comparison between Israel and Iran, science wise.
Israel, builds/develops its own weapons/technology. while I-Ran mass imports NK's dysfunctional weapons, build a duplicate, paint an Iranian flag on the side and call it a national achievement!
What an embarrassment:disagree:
We are proud of our Semite cousins!!

First Indias say they are Aryans, now they are saying they are semetic :rofl::rofl:
Stop being a low and downgrading your country, your Indian not a Bedouin.
A human who pretends to be a camel is not really deserving to be a human.
for the last 10000yrs Iran has produced world's greatest scholars and mastered in field of science when the civilized west was still in prehistoric era. They r d pure aryans. They dont need to prove anything to the west. Indian vedic scholars respect iran a lot as they have a connection to ancient sanskrit too.
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