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Iran Unveils 6 New Home-Made Drugs


Dec 25, 2010
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TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a ceremony in Tehran on Sunday unveiled 6 new types of home-made medicines used for treating various kinds of diseases.

The Iranian president unveiled 2 new types of drugs and 4 types of raw materials for treating osteoporosis, hemophilia and neurological, skin and muscle diseases and breast cancer.

According to the report, the new drugs can save $68bln for the country.

Iranian scientists had also in 2011 managed to produce a new type of anti-cancer drug using the venoms of reptiles like snakes and scorpions.

"After several years of research and studies on a combination of snake and scorpion venoms, the anti-cancer drug was produced in Iran," Abbas Zare', the Director of the Venomous Animals Department of Iran's Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, told reporters in October.

"This anti-cancer drug has been produced from snake and scorpion venoms after 10 years of research work and has been extracted from the fat (peptide) of such animals," he added.

Iran has taken wide strides in science and technology, particularly in medical and medicinal fields, in recent years.

In September Iranian Health Minister Marziyeh Vahid Dastjerdi announced that Iran plans to boost its capacities and capabilities in a bid to make a huge and rapid advancement in drug production by synthesizing 15 types of anti-cancer medicines.

"15 types of monoclonal anti-body drugs are being synthesized with the help of the Scientific Department of the Presidential Office, using hi-tech technology," Vahid Dastjerdi said in September.

Also, Iranian scientists in April succeeded in producing new types of medication for treating different kinds of cancer, viral diseases and arthritis with 100% positive results.

"The medicine has been synthesized through a new and unique formula and has the capability to destroy all malignant cancerous cells," Head of the research team Qassem Tak Dehqan told reporters at the time.

Fars News Agency :: Iran Unveils 6 New Home-Made Drugs

well done Iran!
& we are going to send 2 new sat in to space ;)
while some zionists idiots here post about a barbarian country.
we even export some anti-cancer drugs to the usa and eu.isnt our right to stop exporting them to the them?
some tehrans hospital are ful of some europian and arab but usa these arabs and eu countries ...
well one of the drugs the one that is used for treatment of osteoporosis and fracture in
cancerous people was necessary because production of it was in the hand of a US firm
and we have problem for getting it. (acquiring the drug was possible but due to sanctions
it needed a lengthy bureaucracy to get the necessary permits)

and by the way that 68 milliard toman not 68 milliard dollar.
while some zionists idiots here post about a barbarian country.
we even export some anti-cancer drugs to the usa and eu.isnt our right to stop exporting them to the them?
some tehrans hospital are ful of some europian and arab but usa these arabs and eu countries ...

And what exactly do you export?
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