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Iran to launch several satellites in next few years

Nov 24, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

The Iranian Space Agency has ambitious short, middle and long term space projects, a senior research official said, adding that the country will launch several home-made satellites and satellite-carriers in the next few years.
“Like developed and advanced counties, our country needs to have pioneering and superior role in the field of space sciences and related technologies," Chairman of the Materials and Energy Research Center Hassan Karimi said on Saturday evening.

As regards ongoing projects in the field of space science and technology in Iran, Karimi said, the country will send its first home-made national communication satellite into orbit by 1397 Iranian calendar year (March 2018 - March 2019).

Karimi added that Sharifsat, another home-made satellite, will be launched by the end of this Iranian year (March 2014).

He said that Iran’s Simourgh satellite-carrier will be sent into orbit in the spring of 2014, and noted that Sarir ultra-heavy satellite-carrier is another space project due to be launched in 1394 (March 2015 - March 2016).

In related news, it was announced on November 21 that the final tests and technical inspections are being carried out on Iran’s new satellite, the Tadbir (Prudence), before it can be put on the launch pad for the final blast-off in the coming days, said head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA).

ISA President Hamid Fazeli said that many tests are conducted on satellites before they receive the technical approval and the green light for launch, adding that the Tadbir has gone through that stage and will be ready for the countdown in the coming days.

Noting that the Tadbir is a research satellite, the ISA official said, “Launching research satellites and using the information that they dispatch play a great role in improving the living conditions of people."

The newest Iranian satellite will be launched on a carrier called the Safir (Ambassador) B1.

Tadbir is Iran’s fourth and most advanced satellite to be launched into the earth orbit, equipped with devices that will check the effects of space on living organisms.
Welcome to the space club, of the few...friend...
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