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Iran test-fires new "Qiam" Missile


Apr 3, 2010
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Iran test-fires new "Qiam" Missile

Iran's Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, announced that a new surface to surface missile, Qiam, has been successfully test fired today on Friday. The location of the test was not disclosed. No further details on the new Iranian missile have been released.








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If you calling it a paint job then please tell us the specification of the missile which is painted in Iranian color.....

I think he meant the colour scheme of the missile is good,not that it is some other countries missile painted in iranian colours lol.btw i never knew dark yellow is iranian colour.
Its good for Iranians, with long range ballistic missiles they can coerce Israeli's to rethink about their plans to attack Iran, lets face it, Iranians cannot have decent fighter jets & SAM's with the existing sanctions & they are getting tougher & tougher. So, the only viable option that Iranians have is to polish up their ballistic missile technology & bring it such an optimized level that any enemy will have to think twice before envisioning surgical strikes in Iran
Looks like a mobile platform , and compact wonder how far this goes ? never heard of this missile however...

It must have added functionality otherwise why would they make up a completely new missile ?
Qiam, "قيام يک", means insurrection, or uprising. It is liquid fueled and is operated from a mobile transporter. The Qiam, is unique in that it doesn't correspond to any non-Iranian design, similar to the Iranian solid-fueled Sejil which has a range of about 2-2,500km. It is also similar to the Sejil in that very little information has been released about it. The lack of any major external differences (what i mean by this is that it largely fills the role of other missiles like the Shahab 2, there isn't as with the Sejil a major difference in roles and construction) indicates that there are major internal differences (as there were with the Sejil). It is visibly smaller than the Iranian liquid-fueled Shahab-3 which means it cannot use the same engine simply because of size issues and therefore must have a new one. I am actually a little disappointed its not a solid-fuel ballistic missile since they are technologically superior in terms of performance, range, and faster to deploy. Moreover, Iran has showed prowess in the past with solid-fueled systems. My own guess for the range of this system is below 2,000km (from 500km to 1,000km). What stands out is the lack of controlling fins, which attests to Iran's statement that the new system has maneuverability which is different from older ones.

Iranian television has stated that Iranian commanders have put forward that the new system is faster than the Shahab-3 --which is again liquid-fueled and I'm guessing of the same range, hence this could be a replacement for the older Shahab 2-- and has a new guidance package, which sets it apart from Iran's older systems. Reports also stated that the new missile requires even lesser time to prepare than the Shahab series. The media also stated that it can perform prior-calculated evasive maneuvers to avoid defense systems-- that it could deviate from it's path but remain on course to it's stated destination. From what other statements that were made, I gather it has a guidance system similar to that of the Iskander missile whose guidance system is it's best asset. Belarus and Russia continue to operate it. It could be said that Iran received key components of and so forth. These are my own guesses alone though.

Furthermore, My own opinion, which is probably wrong, is also that the Qiam was a test bed for the military and the Iranian space program simultaneously in that they have tested perhaps a new kind of liquid-fueled motor and/or a new fuel mixture for future SLVs and/or a new type of guidance system.

Iran also released a video about showing the kinetic impact from it. This is a first as much information can be deduced from it.

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Black Blood, this isn't the Qiam. This is the Sayyad-1, which is an Iranian version of the Lavochkin OKB S-75 (NATO: SA-2 Guideline) Soviet high-altitude SAM.

I know - Dawn news posted it as a Surface to surface missile - they must be nuts:lol:

BTW what is the range of the new baby?
I know - Dawn news posted it as a Surface to surface missile - they must be nuts:lol:

BTW what is the range of the new baby?

Refer to post#8 above where I have spoken of all the details that Iran has released so far about this new entrant, which are little at best. There has been no mention made of range thus far.
Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics spokesman Keyvan Khosrawi said that the missile was produced completely by the Airspace Industries Organization, affiliated to the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics. Iranian defense ministry officials acknowledged that the Sayyad-1 missile was an SA-2 of Chinese design, but was at least partially manufactured in Iran. Chinese Aviation Industry Minister Zha Yuli was on an official visit to the strategic Iranian town of Qeshm in Bushehr province at the time the missile is test-fired. Chinese ambassador to Iran, Wang Shijie, accompanied him on the trip.

Thus specifications be same as SA-2
Range: Minimum 5 miles; maximum effective range about 19 miles; maximum slant range 27 miles
Ceiling: Up to 60,000 ft.
Warhead: 288-lb. blast-fragmentation
Speed: Mach 3.5
Weight: 4,850 lbs
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