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Iran: Strike a chance to wipe Israel off map


Sep 19, 2012
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"If the Zionists act against Iran it will be a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe them off the world's geographic history," Deputy Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami declared Sunday.

According to the Fars news agency, Salami stressed that Iran is "No longer concerned by the Zionist regime's threats" to strike the country's nuclear facilities.

"If war with Iran breaks out it will be the doing of an international coalition headed by America," he said.

Iran's Aerospace Force Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh further warned that Tehran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel if it becomes convinced that Jerusalem was gearing to attack it.

Speaking with Iran's Al-Alam TV, Hajizadeh said: "Iran will not start any war but it could launch a preemptive attack if it was sure that the enemies are putting the final touches to attack it."


Military parade in Iran, Friday (Photo: AP)

Hajizadeh said any attack on Iranian soil could trigger World War III: "We cannot imagine the Zionist regime starting a war without America's support. Therefore, in case of a war, we will get into a war with both of them and we will certainly get into a conflict with American bases."

"In that case, unpredictable and unmanageable things would happen and it could turn into a World War Three."

Earlier Sunday, a senior Iranian MP said that if Tehran will end up cutting ties with the IAEA, its chief, Yukiya Amano, will be the one to blame: "Amano's frequent visits to Tel Aviv prove that the information about the Iranian nuclear program is given to the Zionist regime (by him)."

Javad Jahangir-Zadeh, a member of Iran's parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, added that if the IAEA "continues in its ways," Tehran would be forced to sever all ties with it.


Iranian special forces (Photo: AP)

On Saturday, Revolutionary Guards Commander General Mohammad Ali Jafari said that a war between Israel and Iran was inevitable.

"Israel seeks war with us, but it's not clear when the war will occur," Jafari was quoted by the ISNA and Fars agencies as saying. "Right now they see war as the only method of confrontation," he said.

Iran also threatened to attack US bases in event of war: Hajizadeh warned Sunday that the Islamic Republic will target US bases in the Persian Gulf should a war with Israel break out.

Hajizadeh said that no Israeli attack can happen without the United States' involvement, making all US military bases a legitimate target.

He warned that Gulf states would be "dragged into war" because Iran will attack US bases in Bahrain, Qatar and Afghanistan.

AP contributed to this report

By giving such threatening over zealous statements he is being very useful to Israel.......
Israel will only get more support and sympathy after these threats from a high ranking military commander
.QUOTE=ShadowFaux;3435369]"If the Zionists act against Iran it will be a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe them off the world's geographic history," Deputy Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami declared Sunday.

According to the Fars news agency, Salami stressed that Iran is "No longer concerned by the Zionist regime's threats" to strike the country's nuclear facilities.

"If war with Iran breaks out it will be the doing of an international coalition headed by America," he said.

Iran's Aerospace Force Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh further warned that Tehran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel if it becomes convinced that Jerusalem was gearing to attack it.

Speaking with Iran's Al-Alam TV, Hajizadeh said: "Iran will not start any war but it could launch a preemptive attack if it was sure that the enemies are putting the final touches to attack it."


Military parade in Iran, Friday (Photo: AP)

Hajizadeh said any attack on Iranian soil could trigger World War III: "We cannot imagine the Zionist regime starting a war without America's support. Therefore, in case of a war, we will get into a war with both of them and we will certainly get into a conflict with American bases."

"In that case, unpredictable and unmanageable things would happen and it could turn into a World War Three."

Earlier Sunday, a senior Iranian MP said that if Tehran will end up cutting ties with the IAEA, its chief, Yukiya Amano, will be the one to blame: "Amano's frequent visits to Tel Aviv prove that the information about the Iranian nuclear program is given to the Zionist regime (by him)."

Javad Jahangir-Zadeh, a member of Iran's parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, added that if the IAEA "continues in its ways," Tehran would be forced to sever all ties with it.


Iranian special forces (Photo: AP)

On Saturday, Revolutionary Guards Commander General Mohammad Ali Jafari said that a war between Israel and Iran was inevitable.

"Israel seeks war with us, but it's not clear when the war will occur," Jafari was quoted by the ISNA and Fars agencies as saying. "Right now they see war as the only method of confrontation," he said.

Iran also threatened to attack US bases in event of war: Hajizadeh warned Sunday that the Islamic Republic will target US bases in the Persian Gulf should a war with Israel break out.

Hajizadeh said that no Israeli attack can happen without the United States' involvement, making all US military bases a legitimate target.

He warned that Gulf states would be "dragged into war" because Iran will attack US bases in Bahrain, Qatar and Afghanistan.

AP contributed to this report


ha ha ha, this ******* terrorist officers knows only to talk, trust me if they try to use their words into action against israel, iran will be nucked and i don't think they'll attack the usa's forces go the gulf, if israel raided the iran's plants by themself, cause it would lead an US invasion of iran... Iran knows it, they don't posses what they talk, it's all empty.... Iran cowards
ha ha ha, this ******* terrorist officers knows only to talk, trust me if they try to use their words into action against israel, iran will be nucked and i don't think they'll attack the usa's forces go the gulf, if israel raided the iran's plants by themself, cause it would lead an US invasion of iran... Iran knows it, they don't posses what they talk, it's all empty.... Iran cowards
Not actually,Iran is saying IF Israel attacks Iran,we will do these things,you can blame Iran after thewar happenned and we didn't do anythings.
So,the real cowards are Israeli officials yelling everyday they will attack Iran soon (it's been like 3 years they are repeating this) and they didn't do anything.Only and only empty talks.
ha ha ha, this ******* terrorist officers knows only to talk, trust me if they try to use their words into action against israel, iran will be nucked and i don't think they'll attack the usa's forces go the gulf, if israel raided the iran's plants by themself, cause it would lead an US invasion of iran... Iran knows it, they don't posses what they talk, it's all empty.... Iran cowards
are you saying that if isreal raided iran the US wont be in the attack and the US shall leave isreal alone to deal with it ? they would be eaten alive if they do
We have been hearing and reading these empty threats from both sides for long enough not to believe in any of them. Nevertheless, in any hypothetical conflict between Zionism and Iran, any morally upright person has a duty to oppose Zionism if not support Iran.
Baghdad Bob has moved to Iran.

There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all"

"Our initial assessment is that they will all die"

"I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the Americans!"

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."

'We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

"Surrender or be burned in their tanks."

"No I am not scared and neither should you be!"

"We have them surrounded in their tanks"

Britain "is not worth an old shoe."

Of U.S. troops: "They are most welcome. We will butcher them."

"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."

"Washington has thrown their soldiers on the fire"

"These cowards have no morals. They have no shame about lying"

"They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion."

"They do not even have control over themselves! Do not believe them!"
sarjenprabhu;3435676].QUOTE=ShadowFaux;3435369]"If the Zionists act against Iran it will be a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe them off the world's geographic history," Deputy Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami declared Sunday.

According to the Fars news agency, Salami stressed that Iran is "No longer concerned by the Zionist regime's threats" to strike the country's nuclear facilities.

"If war with Iran breaks out it will be the doing of an international coalition headed by America," he said.

Iran's Aerospace Force Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh further warned that Tehran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel if it becomes convinced that Jerusalem was gearing to attack it.

Speaking with Iran's Al-Alam TV, Hajizadeh said: "Iran will not start any war but it could launch a preemptive attack if it was sure that the enemies are putting the final touches to attack it."

Every country in the world has the right to defend itself and what he is saying is if you were to attack us and we no about it we will try to hit you first how is that a threat that's their right self defense.

Americans have been saying that for years ''we are their killing them so they don't come here and kill us'' how is that acceptable but same said by Iranians is all of sudden is a threat.


ha ha ha, this ******* terrorist officers knows only to talk, trust me if they try to use their words into action against israel, iran will be nucked and i don't think they'll attack the usa's forces go the gulf, if israel raided the iran's plants by themself, cause it would lead an US invasion of iran... Iran knows it, they don't posses what they talk, it's all empty.... Iran cowards

sarjenprabhu when you were told by your mom you are not different your are special what she was trying to say is yes yes you are stupid cause only a certifiable Idiot will think Nuking a country size of Iran will be a walk in the park.
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