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Iran science output in future


Mar 28, 2011
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Couple of days ago I had started a thread based on SCImago future prediction for science output by different nations. The thread got overwhelmed by trolls and eventually shut down. Since then I have found new information about that table which is interesting and I am putting here:

First the table showing that Iran is going to be the 4th largest science producer in the world by 2018:

SCImago Science Output Table for 2018


The table was made and published by SCImago Lab based on Scopus database analysis. SCImago Lab is a part of SCImago research group of institutes and this Lab runs the SJR site and makes all of its rankings and presentations based on Scopus and Elsevier databases. As per the SJR description: "Number of documents published during the selected year is usually called the country's scientific output."

Furthermore the table predicting science output of countries for 2018 was published on behalf of SCImago, by Dr. Félix de Moya Anegón who is a Spanish professor specializing in bibliometrics and works as the main research fellow for SCImago and SJR as well as working as a research professor for CSIS (Spanish National Research Council) and IPP (Institute of Public Goods Policies) both being Spanish government institutes.


Dr. Félix de Moya Anegón

I also found another study done in 2005 by ScienceMetrix for the Government of Canada and published by Grégoire Côté and Dr. Éric Archambault which basically had predicted that Iran's scientific output would reach the level of Canadian output in 2017.
You do understand that this was based only on the number of journals published by Elsevier. The other journal publishers like ACM, IEEE, Springer etc. are conspicuously absent. And there is no notion of Conference publications (at least A+-Tier ones) done in this study. As i mentioned previously too, Iran lags way behind (but better than Pakistan) in patents. So there are a lot of unknowns to make a prediction in 2018. What can be said is the commendable way in which Iran's S&T growth has been so far. Secondly, you also need to factor in qualitative indexes (e.g. citation index, specialization index etc.) to see where the quality of Iran's output is going.
You do understand that this was based only on the number of journals published by Elsevier. The other journal publishers like ACM, IEEE, Springer etc. are conspicuously absent. And there is no notion of Conference publications (at least A+-Tier ones) done in this study. As i mentioned previously too, Iran lags way behind (but better than Pakistan) in patents. So there are a lot of unknowns to make a prediction in 2018. What can be said is the commendable way in which Iran's S&T growth has been so far. Secondly, you also need to factor in qualitative indexes (e.g. citation index, specialization index etc.) to see where the quality of Iran's output is going.

Oh, no, you are just jealous because India is going to be behind Iran in 2018. That is understandable. By the way your logic sucks. Scopus gathers all the data including IEEE, ACM and Springer etc. You obviously do not know how bibliometrics work, otherwise you would not have come here with such a stupid comment devoid of any logic. At any rate I would trust Scopus and SCImago over your empty rants.
As in the previous thread, I'm going to make a comment based on the data for the previous decade.

According to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)
- China (330%)
- Pakistan (322%)


That is wonderful. The future of science is bright in eastern countries. We have to unite and bring back our past glory.
As in the previous thread, I'm going to make a comment based on the data for the previous decade.

According to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)
- China (330%)
- Pakistan (322%)


Wow guys that is incredible. The three countries should work together on Science.
As in the previous thread, I'm going to make a comment based on the data for the previous decade.

According to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)

- China (330%)

- Pakistan (322%)


Wowwww Look at Malaysia 670% and they are going to be on 13th spot from 30th spot!
Congrats to Iran and China :cheers:
Pakistan need to work a lot more... :pakistan:
As in the previous thread, I'm going to make a comment based on the data for the previous decade.

According to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)

- China (330%)

- Pakistan (322%)


Wowwww Look at Malaysia 670% and they are going to be on 13th spot from 30th spot!
Congrats to Iran and China :cheers:
Pakistan need to work a lot more... :pakistan:

Where is Russia? :what: 22nd place :what:
I think sanctions and the push of necessity will help

That is certainly the case. China used to be under sanctions and threats by west and they improved massively. Now it is Iran that is moving up. Even we were doing much better in 1990's when some sanctions had been placed on us. So certainly the push coming from sanctions can be helpful.
You're right actually, Malaysia has done really well too.

That means out of the four highest performing nations, THREE of them are Muslim-majority. :)

That is right. But China takes the limelight as it tops the list. And so some extent Iran which has made it to fourth position. What is even more interesting is that the nation that drops the most in ranking is no other than Israel. They moving down the ranking fast.
That is right. But China takes the limelight as it tops the list. And so some extent Iran which has made it to fourth position. What is even more interesting is that the nation that drops the most in ranking is no other than Israel. They moving down the ranking fast.

I think their prowess (Israeli) is deceptive and due to the massive grants given to Israel from Americans. With Americans with an unsustainable deficit I think it is inevitable that Israel will be like any small country without any resources whether they be manpower or rather more inanimate resources come down
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