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Iran proposes establishment of Islamic military organization: Defense min.

if they consider their best well wishers as their worse enemies.....then what do expect???eh,thats why ....israelies right now are acting as Allah's wrath upon them.....as they've learned nothing from their past......now all my arguement with israelies are over.....now i will never ask them that do you have a heart????now i will ask to those brother muslim countries who considered us as a threat:are you guys in your seneses???are you alive???do you have a heart???thank you @ks..someone rightfully said:muslims are always self destroyed:cry:
We never did and never will see Pakistanis as our enemies,we are brothers.
There is a misunderstanding here.
He didnt mean you.
Few years back Bashar Al-Assad has proposed the Islamic military organization under the auspice of OIC, now we clearly see where the Bashar Al-Assad is and how many of them would have taken his side in the situation of crisis ? The same will happen against Iran if this kind of military block would ever take place..
Go ahead Iran!
I will one day come to Iran to visit the shrine of Ba-Yazid Bastami (RA) :)
We never did and never will see Pakistanis as our enemies,we are brothers.
There is a misunderstanding here.
He didnt mean you.

then why didn't he explained that further????
it sounds very good but how it could happen.....?? when we muslims are enemy of each other like iran/iraq tension, iran/ksa tension, syria/turkey.....
first of all we need to resolve these issues amoungst ourself then its possible...............
Muslims are busy backstabbing and blowing up each other.
Iran better mind its own business and care for herself and herself only.
This whole 'Islamic Unity' fairytale is a joke.

Muslims are busy killing each other because we didn't teach our kids, that keeping hate (bukhel) for fellow Muslims, is haram.

Its all about what you feel inside... I fully trust Muslim brotherhood but those who create fitna in Islamic society.. need to be expelled.

I have also seen Mafia style sect. basis unions ... supporting each other ignoring all rules of Islam, but still claiming them selves as secular., this is called munafiqat (in urdu/arabic)
Who would lead such an army?
Who decides what the problems are?

For example Saudi Arabia would like to wage war on one issue, while Iran would not like to spend monies and military on it.

Pakistanis would LOVE to have other countries fight for Kashmir being incapable themselves, but most of the Islamic countries who have great relations with India would not like to join in. So who and what gives?

If its based on religion, a good number of Sunni's/Pakistanis consider Shias as Kafirs. This bigotry is also gaining ground. What happens in these situations?

Would they make decisions based on voting? If they agree that voting is fair, then half these 'Islamic nations' would have to change to democracy, the house of Saud will have to go. Because that would be hypocritical to have democracy between unequals in an international forum, while not having that in their own country. And hypocrisy would be Unislamic.
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