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Iran NRI hosts first wind energy conference, exhibition


Apr 14, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The conference focused on the Islamic Republic’s achievements in the field of energy.

Among the participants of the event were Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a number of his administration officials, experts and students from 80 universities throughout the country.

During the conference, Vice President for Science and Technology Nasrin Soltankhah talked about Iran’s advancements in the field of Combined Heat and Power (CHP).

“Today, Iran can produce up to 10 kilowatts of CHP and is looking to increase that figure to 32 kilowatts in the future. Today, we can also manufacture wind turbine propellers which can produce up to 660 kilowatts of electricity,” Soltankhah said.

CHP is a system for simultaneous production of electricity and heat, which uses the heat from turbines to produce steam or hot water and increase the output of turbines from 30-35 percent to over 70-80 percent.

Iranian Minister of Energy Majid Namjou also elaborated on the Islamic Republic’s upcoming energy projects.

Namjou said Iran is a manufacturer of 20-kilowatt hydroelectric microturbines and plans to increase the capacity to 50 kilowatts. The country is also working to develop 100-kilowatt thermal microturbines, he added.

Iran ranks 14 in the world in terms of electricity generation. The country provides electricity to neighboring countries such as Turkmenistan, Armenia, Iraq and Pakistan.

The Iranian Ministry of Energy currently spends 15 percent of its budget to invest in wind and solar energy.

PressTV - Iran NRI hosts first wind energy conference, exhibition

and IRan make his first 2 Mega watt wind turbine as well ... I don't know why Press Tv didn't report it ...
that 2 megawat turbine was huge , they said each blade had a weight of more than 1.5 ton and they only used some sort of glue to stick those blades to the turbine

What? How do you glue the blades to turbine?
What? How do you glue the blades to turbine?

I don't know about it but let me tell a simple story ...

in 3-4 years ago , we try to overhaul one of Kilo submarine and when we did it , we have to use some special glue to send it back to water but Russian didn't sell us and said " you are under sanction and this glue has dual use " .... so one of our best submarine was completely useless for 1 year .... we tried to buy the glue from black market , it wasn't available , we tried to buy it with some tricks but they sell us wrong glue ( what bunch of ba$tard$ Russians are !!! ) ... in the end some of our engineers begin work and they made a glue even better than Russian versions in several moths and we operate our submarine and rename it to "TARIQ" .....
I don't know about it but let me tell a simple story ...

in 3-4 years ago , we try to overhaul one of Kilo submarine and when we did it , we have to use some special glue to send it back to water but Russian didn't sell us and said " you are under sanction and this glue has dual use " .... so one of our best submarine was completely useless for 1 year .... we tried to buy the glue from black market , it wasn't available , we tried to buy it with some tricks but they sell us wrong glue ( what bunch of ba$tard$ Russians are !!! ) ... in the end some of our engineers begin work and they made a glue even better than Russian versions in several moths and we operate our submarine and rename it to "TARIQ" .....

I understand what you are saying and i think the self reliance policy in the long run will be more beneficial then buying it of the shelf.
Some old pics + a wind farm in Manjil, Gilan
Turbines produced by Saba Niroo










More pics of installation etc...

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