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"Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

Very friendly.

Unless you're gay, or a Kurd, or a Baha'i or a Sunni Arab, or someone that likes western music, or western haircuts, or if you're a woman who wants to feel the wind in your hair.

Home of the friendly people who chant "death to the Baha'i" as they publicly hang three Baha'i men

Take your biased bullshits somewhere else.
iran with nukes ! know the truth !
India was also threatened with nuke attack by the US. Iran has balls to challenge US and it did. The US is the only country to have used the nuclear bomb...that too on a non nuke country. US has thousands of nukes ready to be launched. Who is US to tell who must have nukes and who shouldnt? And what is the big issue with Iran having nukes??
Well, i think we agree that we should have less nukes in the world.
Iran was,is and always will be one of the most beautiful countries in the world.India has learnt a lot from our Persian/Iranian brothers since time immemorial.Personally i think the Irani people are one of the friendliest ones on earth based on my interactions with some Iranians till date especially @haman10 .My heartiest greetings to all my Iranian brothers and sisters out there,may our two countries prosper together in the future as friends and allies!!

Iran is a great country... & viewed as a progressive & affluent society by the outside world. If anyone has caused any damage to their reputation.. it's Press TV. In it's quest to present Iran's views to the world, sometimes the channel would cross the line of objective journalism & unleash over-nationalistic fervor!
I have little doubt that the majority of Iranian people are kind and welcoming towards those visitors who treat their country and culture. The older more conservative generation, probably not as much.
Sure. Those tens of thousands we see screaming for the deaths of Israelis, Americans and Brits have no beef with any one.

Listen. Anyone with a brain knowns not all Iranians are wide-eyed fanatics - but after 35 years of Islamic revolution propaganda pumped out through the TV and every other media as well as controlling the internet, it's no surprise than many Iranians have turned into wide-eyed fanatics.

We've got about a dozen of the lunatics on here who believe everything that comes out of the Mullah's mouthpieces.
dont exaggerate calm down !
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