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Iran fighter jet project

Persian Power


New Recruit

Oct 5, 2012
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A common mistake by people about Shafaq is that they assume Trainer jet version and fighter version have the same air frame, but they are two different aircraft in two different class with different dimensions. In articles it is always said that there fighter and trainer versions but when they talk about specification of them they don't clarify which specification is for which. For example in released article by Jahannews, the mentioned dimension is for trainer jet, but descriptions about internal bay and ... is for fighter version. By considering this fact, many questions like possibility of fitting AWG-9 on Shafagh will be replied.

If you visit the website of Mukhamedov group you see they have put image of M-ATF as fighter version and Shafagh as trainer jet version. According their website that is the only available official source for information of this project, Shafagh has 11.5 m length but length of M-ATF (vityaz-2000) is 15.2 m based on Mukhamedov's patent about M-ATF. So shafagh is a trainer jet in the size and class of Yak-130 or LCA, but M-ATF is a fighter in the size of F-35 and F-16.

This is the image of M-ATF on Mukhamedov Group website as fighter version of Shafagh:

and these are images of M-ATF in kish air show:


And this image has been captured from a patent about M-ATF by mukhamedov, look at the mentioned dimensions:

These are images of Shafagh on Mukhamedov group website :

And this is the introduced specification for Shafagh in Mukhamedov website:

Important point about Jahan news article is that it includes points that we had'nt heard about them till now but they are consistent with descriptions about Shafagh and M-ATF by Mukhamedov website, Mukhamedov is designer of Shafagh (Trainer jet) and M-ATF (and Vityaz-2000 that is a slightly modified version of M-ATF ).

Jahan news says at the first it had been planned to build Shafagh with two J-85 engine, The first patent of Mukhamedov about trainer jet with central disc shape section shows this too, below images shows captured image from first patent of Mukhamedov on trainer jet central disc shape section, submitted at 1993:

Jahannews article says the the first it had been planned to build a trainer jet, but then it was planned to build fighter version of it too. Mukhamedov says his group has been woriking on Shafagh during 1994-1999 years and they have built actual size mock-up it too (He doesn't indicate to where have they been working on Shafagh, but we know they were in Iran). He says they working on designing and providing technical proposal of mulirole fighter of M-ATF during 1994-1999 (the same years he was working on Shafagh in Iran).

We know Shafagh has no internal weapon's bay, but according to Mukhamedov website, M-ATF has internal bay.

After Russians left the project Iranians continued the project and considered different models of it like this too:

2-3 years ago commander if IRIAF talked about building Kowsar jet that is said is the same Shafagh or based on It. During recent 2 years other Iranian officials talked about building a fighter and trainer jet too. Last year IRIAF and Defence Ministry signed a contract on building a two seat trainer jet and a new fighter jet too.

Mukhamedov website:
От идеи до полёта

Trainer jet patent by Mukhamedov:
Espacenet - Original document

Multirole fighter patent by mukhamedov:
Espacenet - Original document

Here is another picture of shafaq

Please note I did not create the information in this thread. that credit goes to our brother M-ATF at imf.

I will be not surprised if Iran unveils two trainer jet and fighter aircraft with different design than both Shafagh and M-ATF but based on them.

For example I think these two images shows progress in growth of an Idea:


Intake of the first one is similar to F-16 and intake on second one seems to be similar to J-10, but nose and canopy still looks like F-16, there differences on vertical stabilizers too.
Maybe they have influenced by the F-16 they received from Venezuela. Hope they work on reverse engineering of engine of it too

A pity. Russians wanted us to buy their planes so they didn't sell us the RD-2000 engines. We have to wait and see if the turbofan engine they are going to unveil in Kish Airshow is a military turbofan of RD-33 class or not.

Yes, even though this project has been delayed, it is better now that we will see an Iranian jet engine.
hopefully it will be great.

also note we will see engine(s), so I think they will unveil more than one kind.
Guys, an advise, ur civilian planes are crashing every year. Try to build some part so they cant crash
Doesnt seem much aerodynamic to me, Seriously thats one weird designed fighter jet, Its looks fatter then Fattass-35. If i was Iran i would make a design similiar to Russian and Chinese Sukhois and MiGs.
Doesnt seem much aerodynamic to me, Seriously thats one weird designed fighter jet, Its looks fatter then Fattass-35. If i was Iran i would make a design similiar to Russian and Chinese Sukhois and MiGs.

We don't even know if it is finalized or not.It may have changed completely,or enhanced.
The most challenging part is the engine,Iran will unveil a Turbofan engine in november,if it's something like RD-33,then most of our problems are solved.it's pretty hard to build something like that.
We don't even know if it is finalized or not.It may have changed completely,or enhanced.
The most challenging part is the engine,Iran will unveil a Turbofan engine in november,if it's something like RD-33,then most of our problems are solved.it's pretty hard to build something like that.
Even china are not capable to build resilient and reliable engine, let me tell u am very very sckeptical
Even china are not capable to build resilient and reliable engine, let me tell u am very very sckeptical

It's a copy of a Russian one without caring about any international patents, or similar. Just like the anti-air which is a Russian one with different name.
We don't even know if it is finalized or not.It may have changed completely,or enhanced.
The most challenging part is the engine,Iran will unveil a Turbofan engine in november,if it's something like RD-33,then most of our problems are solved.it's pretty hard to build something like that.

I doubt Iran can built Turbofans engines, Even the chinese has trouble building one. I thinks its highly likely indeed that i will be a copy or reversed enginered RD-33. But if the Fighter jet will be a single engine one dont even bother making them, Would probably be a big fail duo low Kn...

It's a copy of a Russian one without caring about any international patents, or similar. Just like the anti-air which is a Russian one with different name.

The first 'Domestic' chinese engines where indeed pure copies but they because of it they gained enough know-how and experience to develop real domestic ones, And thats exactly what they did....

Is it a special mission fighter or a regular muiirole fighter that will replace ageing jets?
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