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Iran delegation in Pakistan to free abducted guards


Sep 20, 2013
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An Iranian delegation is in Pakistan to negotiate the release of five Iranian border guards abducted by Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group, an Iranian official says.

Ali Abdollahi, the Iranian deputy interior minister for security and law enforcement affairs, said on Friday that the delegation headed to Pakistan’s Balochistan Province on February 19.

Abdollahi declined to provide more details, adding that further information will be released in due time.

A video first broadcast by Saudi Arabia’s al-Arabiya TV channel and then posted online on February 16 showed the five abducted Iranian guards in good health.

The five Iranian guards were kidnapped by Jaish-ul-Adl terrorists in Jakigour region in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan on February 6 and taken to the Pakistani territory.

The Islamic Republic has asked Interpol to prosecute those behind the abduction.

Meanwhile, Iranian and international activists have launched a campaign known as “Free Iranian Soldiers” on social media websites, calling for the release of five Iranian border guards.

On February 15, Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli held Pakistan accountable for the kidnapping.

Iran President Hassan Rouhani has called for an investigation into the incident, tasking the Foreign Ministry with taking the necessary measures to implement a border security agreement with Pakistan.

In February 2013, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement, under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering the activities that pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran has repeatedly called on Pakistan to comply with the terms of the agreement.

PressTV - Iran delegation in Pakistan to free abducted guards
First of All It is the Fault of the Iranain Government. They know well that their diplomats and nationals are kidnapped in Yemen, Syria, libya etc. by the Saud led terrorists. there were many terror attacks on its east before.

The Question is Why these 5 concript soldiers were sent to patrol at Border without proper cover when the East of Iran is already infested with Saud Led Bloody Terrorists. Iran should correct itself and it is no position go to war against usa allies while it is trying to reach a deal with usa led coalition.
I-India and I-Iran...Both for known for passing mindless and Halitotic statements of Hot Pursuits but i guess they have come to senses now of solving problems in a diplomatic and non constipated environment....
If the Jaish-ul-Adl terrorists are an ISI invention, then there's a possibility of the Iranians being freed. If not, then it's pointless for the Iranians to approach the Pakistani government as these so called freelance 'non-state actors' are a law unto themselves and are not bound to take orders from anyone.

If the Jaish-ul-Adl terrorists are an ISI invention, then there's a possibility of the Iranians being freed. If not, then it's pointless for the Iranians to approach the Pakistani government as these so called freelance 'non-state actors' are a law unto themselves and are not bound to take orders from anyone.

The Terror groups in the Muslims world are implanted by SAUD. Pakistan is the closest ally of SAUD. The terrorists came from Pakistani Territory and Fled back.

Saudi do not like good relation between Pakistan and Iran. The coming years are dangerous.
Everything should be done to make sure these guards return home. Good to see the Iranian delegation in Pakistan.
The real guilty behind this is the weak Central Government in Pakistan and its master Saudi Arabia which has been funding and training anti Shia militant groups in Pakistan.
The constipated and Knee jerks reaction of Iranian government shows how mature they are in foreign relation dealings. Don't know why they act so cocky

There are 200 decision makers in Iran.
And when I say decision makers, I'm talking about major "decisions".

About the keyboard warriors, I think users from both counties had their own share of "assholity".

And by the way, if Pakistani government has no leverage against these terrorists, how will sending a delegation help releasing the conscripts? Are they going to ask them nicely? :D
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There are 200 decision makers in Iran.
And when I say decision makers, I'm talking about major "decisions".

About the keyboard warriors, I think users from both counties had their own share of "assholity".

And by the way, if Pakistani government has no leverage against these terrorists, how will sending a delegation help releasing the conscripts? Are they going to ask them nicely? :D

We helped you catch Riggi. Be grateful of that and know Pakistan is sincere with Iran in fight against these elements. A new government in Iran and they forgets what Pakistan did in past
We helped you catch Riggi. Be grateful of that and know Pakistan is sincere with Iran in fight against these elements. A new government in Iran and they forgets what Pakistan did in past

I would personally be more grateful if you would shoot down anyone who enters your borders without any hesitation.
There shouldn't have been any Riggi in the first place, I'm not trying to play a blame game here, but its a well-known fact that Riggi was using Pakistani soil as a platform to launch his attacks. So while Pakistan cooperation in elimination of Riggi was commendable, it was Pakistan's duty not to allow terrorists operate inside its territories against its neighbors.
I would personally be more grateful if you would shoot down anyone who enters your borders without any hesitation.
There shouldn't have been any Riggi in the first place, I'm not trying to play a blame game here, but its a well-known fact that Riggi was using Pakistani soil as a platform to launch his attacks. So while Pakistan cooperation in elimination of Riggi was commendable, it was Pakistan's duty not to allow terrorists operate inside its territories against its neighbors.

Remind us again the terrain, of Pakistan Iran Border area? How long it is and whether it is mountainous or flat area? How much Iran is successful in Securing their own side of border? If they are not then how could we due to resource constraints?

Iranians suggesting shooting anyone crossing border as if it is a flat area border b/w PAK-IRAN. At least bother yourself to look those areas in google maps
beside all these mishaps & negative activities, Iran ever played amnesiac and psycho attitude while commenting on diplomatic level showing cheap and immature thinking. Problem should be discussed over joint cooperation level and keeping respect while bringing problems into state level statements and such expertise are vanished in Iranian government.
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