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Iran builds aircraft carrier!

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May 28, 2011
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PressTV - Iran Navy to build aircraft carriers


Iran's Deputy Navy Commander Captain Mansour Maqsoudlou has announced the country's plan to design and manufacture aircraft carriers.

The initial designs for building the carriers have been approved and the process of research, design and manufacture will start soon, Captain Maqsoudlou told IRNA on Wednesday.

The Iranian commander pointed to the Navy's capacities to accomplish the task despite the time-consuming nature of aircraft carrier building.

The Navy has set an agenda to produce vessels of different classes, some of which are being mass-produced and others being under study, Maqsoodlou pointed out.

He reiterated the Navy's ability to upgrade the equipment and systems in its fleet.

Since the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the country has embarked on a campaign for self-sufficiency in the defense industry and launched numerous military projects.

Last year in February, the Iranian Navy unveiled its first domestically-manufactured destroyer, Jamaran, in the waters of the Persian Gulf.

The 1,420-ton destroyer, equipped with modern radars and other electronic warfare capabilities, patrols the southern waters of the Persian Gulf.

In January, Iran successfully test-fired the mid-range, surface-to-air Hawk missile, and the Iranian Defense Ministry delivered new cruise missile systems to the Navy.

The systems, designed and manufactured by Iranian experts, are capable of spotting and destroying different targets at sea.
Iran has done something even China could not do. Build an aircraft carrier! Iran has become a superpower!
Why compare with China as if that country is a bench mark ???
What good will this do? Iran doesn't have a modern or powerful air force that can take advantage of an aircraft carrier. Most of the jets they operate are refurbished F-14s, Mig-29s, F-4s, Su-24, and F-5s, planes dating back to the 60s-80's. That thing is nothing but a giant floating parking lot for Iranian jets. This also means Iran wouldn't be able to defend this air craft carrier effectively in any ocean or major sea against potential enemies.

Money would have been better spent on developing their Air Force and current jets.
What good will this do? Iran doesn't have a modern or powerful air force that can take advantage of an aircraft carrier. Most of the jets they operate are refurbished F-14s, Mig-29s, F-4s, Su-24, and F-5s, planes dating back to the 60s-80's. That thing is nothing but a giant floating parking lot for Iranian jets. This also means Iran wouldn't be able to defend this air craft carrier effectively in any ocean or major sea against potential enemies.

Money would have been better spent on developing their Air Force and current jets.
first, this is not a verified news so there is no need for talking about this at this scale.
second, how it is that you are so sure about iran s air force?
third, defending an aircraft has nothing to do with the planes that are serving in it.
fourth, you think you know that an aircraft needs a strong air force and iran s military personnel didn't know that? we were waiting for you to notify us.
What good will this do? Iran doesn't have a modern or powerful air force that can take advantage of an aircraft carrier. Most of the jets they operate are refurbished F-14s, Mig-29s, F-4s, Su-24, and F-5s, planes dating back to the 60s-80's. That thing is nothing but a giant floating parking lot for Iranian jets. This also means Iran wouldn't be able to defend this air craft carrier effectively in any ocean or major sea against potential enemies.

Money would have been better spent on developing their Air Force and current jets.
This is just for propaganda aimed at government supporters. Their existence is solely dependent on Anti-Western stunts and display of might.

The 1,420-ton destroyer, equipped with modern radars and other electronic warfare capabilities, patrols the southern waters of the Persian Gulf.

Technically Speaking, a 1420 Ton boat would be a Corvette, no a Destroyer......
first, this is not a verified news so there is no need for talking about this at this scale.
second, how it is that you are so sure about iran s air force?
third, defending an aircraft has nothing to do with the planes that are serving in it.
fourth, you think you know that an aircraft needs a strong air force and iran s military personnel didn't know that? we were waiting for you to notify us.

It's a non-functioning replica of a US aircraft carrier for propaganda purposes. So Iran really isn't intending to use it just for show... Like that Qaher jet and mini subs.

Iran Is Building A Replica Aircraft Carrier - Business Insider

Iran is building a non-functioning replica of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrierthat analysts believe may be for propaganda purposes, The New York Times reports.

"Based on our observations, this is not a functioning aircraft carrier; it’s a large barge built to look like an aircraft carrier," Cmdr. Jason Salata, a spokesman for the Navy’s Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, told the Times. "We’re not sure what Iran hopes to gain by building this. If it is a big propaganda piece, to what end?"
its a mock up of nimitz class AC's and its just one third size of nimitz....
i think they are building this one to test their anti aircraft carrier missile capabilty
What they will fly from these carriers ? probably Qaher 313 :undecided:
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