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Iran Army gains capability to intercept, redirect enemy missiles

well the Artificial intelligence routine is just a piece of software programing , nothing is special about hardware the same microprocessor ,the same memory chip , the same hard disk , the same everything . and if a Plane can land without pilot input it also can take off without any help ,it just need a software to tell it what to do . to see what I say go and buy a Flight simulator like Microsoft Flight Simulator X , then first do a take off with any plane you like , after that try to land that plane in realistic mode and you'll see the difference .

about refueling ,that's also a software to do the procedure that can be installed on any drone if the drone have the equipment for refueling .
Your understanding of these matters is weak. The concept of Artificial Intelligence extends to both the software and hardware. Hardware has all the functions and software serves as their trigger mechanism.

If you have an hardware that cannot perform intelligent functions, no kind of software can make it do so.

Put an advanced software in a Robot which fully supports its functions and you get an autonomous machine. Put the same advanced software in a home PC and it will be useless.
Your understanding of these matters is weak. The concept of Artificial Intelligence extends to both the software and hardware. Hardware has all the functions and software serves as their trigger mechanism.

If you have an hardware that cannot perform intelligent functions, no kind of software can make it do so.

Put an advanced software in a Robot which fully supports its functions and you get an autonomous machine. Put the same advanced software in a home PC and it will be useless.

It's a very bad idea to talk about something you have no idea about. That's where you make a fool of yourself.

AI is at the core of the decision making process, which exposes an interface to other subsystems like Actuation, etc.
Your understanding of these matters is weak. The concept of Artificial Intelligence extends to both the software and hardware. Hardware has all the functions and software serves as their trigger mechanism.

If you have an hardware that cannot perform intelligent functions, no kind of software can make it do so.

Put an advanced software in a Robot which fully supports its functions and you get an autonomous machine. Put the same advanced software in a home PC and it will be useless.
Wrong .
what made a drone autonomous . it can fly by itself , it can land by itself , in doing its operation it don't need input from operator. well isn't those all operation that a normal plane do (some need operator to tell them what do , some need pilot tell them what to do ) . you see the hardware is the same for all but the different is who gave the order to the hardware to do the work , for a drone it's done by the operator . now you made the drone Autonomous and what happen is that the software gain limited control over the procedure . now the operator had to gave all the orders for refueling just like when a pilot do the same for an airplane . in X47-b they want to made it so the operator only need to tell the plane to do the refueling and then the plane do all the aligning maneuver and then do the refueling and then separate from tanker , all done via software command . now the operator give the command to the hardware tomorrow is the plane firmware to give the orders to the hardware.

now you telling my information on the matter is inadequate ,well let say you are right . than can you tell me what is special about the hardware that is suited for artificial intelligence

by the way i don't believe X47-b has artificial intelligence ,as artificial intelligence means having the ability to do the reasoning but nothing that X47-b is doing can be considered as reasoning .at the best the must complicated things this plane is doing is doing some procedures automatically .
It's a very bad idea to talk about something you have no idea about. That's where you make a fool of yourself.

AI is at the core of the decision making process, which exposes an interface to other subsystems like Actuation, etc.
Listen genius! Artifical Intelligence is a complex phenomenon. Its premise is based on combination of both the hardware and software.

Here is the key;

Many academic institutions, companies and corporations worldwide are involved in artificial intelligence research. While some focus exclusively on the hardware aspect of robotic machinery and androids - such as the prosthetics involved in creating elbow and knee joints and the artificial intelligence needed to control these, for example, others are focused on the workings of the artificial mind, creating deductive reasoning and other complex issues that mimic our own brain and our physical neural network.

Hardware issues of artificial intelligence can be the control of a body, as in the case of an intelligent, humanoid, robot. But also the hard-wiring of a simulated brain, as is the case with Asimov's "positronic" brain, or the brain of "Data", the android in the Star Trek television series.

Software issues can involve logic, action-reaction, response, speech and visual recognition tasks and of course the programming languages needed to write these programs.

Designing and creating a neural network similar to our own is one of the most difficult aspects of creating an artificial intelligence (see also Neural Networks, Nanotechnology and Robotics). This approach requires both hardware and software or wetware, also known as biological hardware.


Here is Terminator based explanation;

This is a bike:-


A human can ride it:-


But wait! This bike can also ride by itself:-


How is this possible?


The onboard electronics and its programming; combination of hardware and software, which grants autonomous capabilities to this bike.


Wrong .
what made a drone autonomous . it can fly by itself , it can land by itself , in doing its operation it don't need input from operator. well isn't those all operation that a normal plane do (some need operator to tell them what do , some need pilot tell them what to do ) . you see the hardware is the same for all but the different is who gave the order to the hardware to do the work , for a drone it's done by the operator . now you made the drone Autonomous and what happen is that the software gain limited control over the procedure . now the operator had to gave all the orders for refueling just like when a pilot do the same for an airplane . in X47-b they want to made it so the operator only need to tell the plane to do the refueling and then the plane do all the aligning maneuver and then do the refueling and then separate from tanker , all done via software command . now the operator give the command to the hardware tomorrow is the plane firmware to give the orders to the hardware.

now you telling my information on the matter is inadequate ,well let say you are right . than can you tell me what is special about the hardware that is suited for artificial intelligence

by the way i don't believe X47-b has artificial intelligence ,as artificial intelligence means having the ability to do the reasoning but nothing that X47-b is doing can be considered as reasoning .at the best the must complicated things this plane is doing is doing some procedures automatically .
See the Terminator based explanation above. That is my point.

But to further make my point clear, I will consider Global Hawk RQ-4 drone:


You see that this drone is equipped with electronics (hardware) which allow it to perform some functions and also take instructions.

And then we look at its programming side:

Once mission parameters are programmed into Global Hawk, the air vehicle can autonomously taxi, take off, fly, remain on station capturing imagery, return, and land. Ground-based operators monitor the system’s health and status, and can re-task the air system’s navigation and sensor plans during flight as necessary.

Once again! Combination of hardware and software is in the works to give this drone some autonomous capabilities. However, this drone follows a pre-programmed routine and its operation has to be monitored (externally).

In contrast, X-47B is being granted the capability to make its own decisions. It will be much less dependent upon external monitoring.
Again! Software alone cannot do wonders.

If a drone does not have autopilot capability at hardware level; how can you make it perform this function on the basis of its software? You need to give autopilot capability to the hardware and then you can make it perform this function via its software.

What is autopilot?

In the world of aircraft, the autopilot is more accurately described as the automatic flight control system (AFCS). An AFCS is part of an aircraft's avionics -- the electronic systems, equipment and devices used to control key systems of the plane and its flight. In addition to flight control systems, avionics include electronics for communications, navigation, collision avoidance and weather. The original use of an AFCS was to provide pilot relief during tedious stages of flight, such as high-altitude cruising. Advanced autopilots can do much more, carrying out even highly precise maneuvers, such as landing an aircraft in conditions of zero visibility.

What is avionics?

Modern naval aircraft have a wide variety of missions. The electronic equipment these aircraft carry enables them to perform these missions. We refer to this equipment as aviation electronics (avionics).

And see the Terminator based explanation above.

problem solved ,whats so special about autopilot ? let me make it simple .its basically a system that allow airplane to move the colored parts in picture below

well a drone already have the necessary equipment for that ,its simply the device that get the command from the operator thousands of km away and transfer them to the mechanical part of the airplanes . now tell me why you think its different for this device to get this commands from a software inside the plane rather than the radio from control base ?

now lets look at your terminator example

all these is already inside any modern drone whats remain is this part
Software issues can involve logic, action-reaction, response, speech and visual recognition tasks and of course the programming languages needed to write these programs.

Designing and creating a neural network similar to our own is one of the most difficult aspects of creating an artificial intelligence (see also Neural Networks, Nanotechnology and Robotics). This approach requires both hardware and software or wetware, also known as biological hardware.
and for this plane they even are not going to design the neural network only some pre recorded procedures to do what operator order it automatically otherwise this plane have no capability to act on its own logic if it made some decision it would be situation based like the thing that airbus 20 year ago did with Airbus A-320 .

and about these parts of your post
What is autopilot?

In the world of aircraft, the autopilot is more accurately described as the automatic flight control system (AFCS). An AFCS is part of an aircraft's avionics -- the electronic systems, equipment and devices used to control key systems of the plane and its flight. In addition to flight control systems, avionics include electronics for communications, navigation, collision avoidance and weather. The original use of an AFCS was to provide pilot relief during tedious stages of flight, such as high-altitude cruising. Advanced autopilots can do much more, carrying out even highly precise maneuvers, such as landing an aircraft in conditions of zero visibility.

What is avionics?

Modern naval aircraft have a wide variety of missions. The electronic equipment these aircraft carry enables them to perform these missions. We refer to this equipment as aviation electronics (avionics).

I don't get what you want to say even predator have these systems . in fact any serious drone have this system our mohajer drone also have an autopilot that made the drone fly according to a per recorded flight plane
problem solved ,whats so special about autopilot ? let me make it simple .its basically a system that allow airplane to move the colored parts in picture below
Not yet.

You are forgetting the avionics part. The AFCS component of avionics onboard can perform all these activities which this simulated image is showing. Now who activates this AFCS component? Human operator through autopilot controls available to him.

well a drone already have the necessary equipment for that ,its simply the device that get the command from the operator thousands of km away and transfer them to the mechanical part of the airplanes . now tell me why you think its different for this device to get this commands from a software inside the plane rather than the radio from control base ?
Their are two kinds of drones;

1. Drones which require manual guidance from a human operator to operate.

2. Drones which have autonomous capabilities. In this case, the human operator can instruct the drone to perform a task through its software and the drone will try to complete the task on the basis of its capabilities and manual guidance (where applicable).

now lets look at your terminator example

all these is already inside any modern drone whats remain is this part
Once again! Key point is Artificial Intelligence, which is dependent upon hardware capabilities and its programming.

and for this plane they even are not going to design the neural network only some pre recorded procedures to do what operator order it automatically otherwise this plane have no capability to act on its own logic if it made some decision it would be situation based like the thing that airbus 20 year ago did with Airbus A-320 .
Depends upon what capabilities the developers intend to grant to a product.

and about these parts of your post

I don't get what you want to say even predator have these systems . in fact any serious drone have this system our mohajer drone also have an autopilot that made the drone fly according to a per recorded flight plane
Recheck my edited response above. It is much more clear.

Your original claim is that software and programming grants special capabilities to the hardware. This is flawed assertion. My point is that the hardware possesses the capabilities and it is programmed to use its capabilities either by itself or on the basis of the instructions given to it.
If "nation" could do that than why it monkeyed China?
We are not talking ScFi here, so please make a realistic contribution, and do not make 'nation" a laughing thing for other nations.

'Monkeyed China" ? W.T.F. is THAT ? Anyway... Ever hear of the Space Shuttle ? Flies up, grabs stuff (satellites), puts it in it's hold and comes back down. The U.S. has been doing this for thirty years. Never heard of this before ? WOW !!!

The new Iranian Missiles are modern designs, some based on the Scuds, some are totally home made with the most recent tech.
They do, read recent news about it.

I'll say it again... Scud ? A 'modern' ballistic missile ? HAHAHAHA !!!

But now how come the US is knee-deep in knowledge and it can not supply itself with one educated person, just idiots?:blink:
Cause that's the way we roll. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!:usflag:
...You should not expect much logical reasoning from a person who belives that human are made from Clay and sperm.

That's a good one but I like how the Mahdi has been waiting in a well for 800 years and is going to jump out and kick everyones @sses. OH, those Shiiteheads. They're a hoot !!:rofl:
That's a good one but I like how the Mahdi has been waiting in a well for 800 years and is going to jump out and kick everyones @sses. OH, those Shiiteheads. They're a hoot !!:rofl:


I was talking from experience.

These are his glorious Islamofascist views from another thread

Koran explained it better; in the Koran it is said that humans were created from clay and then from sperm.
Since humans are intelligent animals, than this applies to all the other animals.
Koran goes further and explains about botanic and planets and galaxies. it covers everything from the microcosm (The atom and smaller particles) to the macrocosm (The creation of the Universe, the big bang, the movements of planets and galaxies and more).

So please, if you do not know the Koran, abstain from talking about it, or educate yourself on it and than discuss it.

And more.............

Islam is the first monotheistic religion and the last, it pre-dates Christianism and Judaism, besides all the other religions you are pointing to were inspired from the same area where Islam was born.
This on its own proves what I have said.

Please do your search on these matters before answering. Then we shall continue our discussion.

He is an avant grade retard.
Not yet.

You are forgetting the avionics part. The AFCS component of avionics onboard can perform all these activities which this simulated image is showing. Now who activates this AFCS component? Human operator through autopilot controls available to him.

Their are two kinds of drones;

1. Drones which require manual guidance from a human operator to operate.

2. Drones which have autonomous capabilities. In this case, the human operator can instruct the drone to perform a task through its software and the drone will try to complete the task on the basis of its capabilities and manual guidance (where applicable).

Once again! Key point is Artificial Intelligence, which is dependent upon hardware capabilities and its programming.

Depends upon what capabilities the developers intend to grant to a product.

Recheck my edited response above. It is much more clear.

Your original claim is that software and programming grants special capabilities to the hardware. This is flawed assertion. My point is that the hardware possesses the capabilities and it is programmed to use its capabilities either by itself or on the basis of the instructions given to it.

look all your mistake come from the point that you think drones like predator , RQ-170 or Heron or more primitive Mohajer and Karrar don't have the necessary hardware to do that works , but in fact they have the necessary hardware and compute power to do all that work that X47-b is supposed to do (well they may need ti install refueling gadget inside them) what that made them different is the degree of sophistication on the software site. in short X47-b have no advantage over RQ-170 on hardware side (expect their respective field of operation as x47-b is supposed to have attack capabilities while what make RQ-170 distinctive is the sensor package they installed i it)
About the AFCS , really it don't care who is going activate it to do what job , It can be operator , it can be a computer inside the plane , it can be a pilot inside the plane . as long as you tell it whats the altitude and whats the bearing it knows what to do

Not yet.

You are forgetting the avionics part. The AFCS component of avionics onboard can perform all these activities which this simulated image is showing. Now who activates this AFCS component? Human operator through autopilot controls available to him.

Their are two kinds of drones;

1. Drones which require manual guidance from a human operator to operate.

2. Drones which have autonomous capabilities. In this case, the human operator can instruct the drone to perform a task through its software and the drone will try to complete the task on the basis of its capabilities and manual guidance (where applicable).

Once again! Key point is Artificial Intelligence, which is dependent upon hardware capabilities and its programming.

Depends upon what capabilities the developers intend to grant to a product.

Recheck my edited response above. It is much more clear.

Your original claim is that software and programming grants special capabilities to the hardware. This is flawed assertion. My point is that the hardware possesses the capabilities and it is programmed to use its capabilities either by itself or on the basis of the instructions given to it.

look all your mistake come from the point that you think drones like predator , RQ-170 or Heron or more primitive Mohajer and Karrar don't have the necessary hardware to do that works , but in fact they have the necessary hardware and compute power to do all that work that X47-b is supposed to do (well they may need ti install refueling gadget inside them) what that made them different is the degree of sophistication on the software site. in short X47-b have no advantage over RQ-170 on hardware side (expect their respective field of operation as x47-b is supposed to have attack capabilities while what make RQ-170 distinctive is the sensor package they installed i it)
About the AFCS , really it don't care who is going activate it to do what job , It can be operator , it can be a computer inside the plane , it can be a pilot inside the plane . as long as you tell it whats the altitude and whats the bearing it knows what to do

That's a good one but I like how the Mahdi has been waiting in a well for 800 years and is going to jump out and kick everyones @sses. OH, those Shiiteheads. They're a hoot !!:rofl:
I wonder if not Jesus Christ want to do the same ( well technically not the same as he has waited for 900 year more ) ?

I was talking from experience.

These are his glorious Islamofascist views from another thread

And more.............

He is an avant grade retard.

well the problem is that you only took the face of the ords and not the meaning behind that . that Islam is not the one you think ,in fact according to Islamic teaching ,Islam is the religion of surrendering against God and it was the religion of the holy prophet Abraham . and according to the same teachings , Jews , Christians and Muslim all have the same religion that only reiterated in times by other holly prophets Moses (Pbuh) , Jesus (Pbuh) and Mohamad (Pbuh) .
right now if you ask any theologist they say you that Christianism , Jewism and Islam are practically the same religions with the same root and only different on the surface .
well can you tell me you think what made an airplane autonomous

and also landing and take off and refueling is nowhere terminator like capabilities . if the plane by itself decided it's time to go on patrol and then start the engine and fly to the operation area and in mid of its patrol say to itself let go patrol another area and then say that car look suspicious and fire a missile toward it then it will be terminator like capabilities . Autonomous mean having sort of artificial intelligence not doing some routine protocol when you are told to do them without the help.

Can you enlighten me on the matter, Pleeeeeeaaaaase.
A human being can be so tightly controlled by orders, not physical restraints, that he can have NO autonomy at all. This is where you failed to understand the concept of 'autonomy'. Orders given to a soldier is like software but only to a degree. As someone who actually served, I know the concept of an 'order' very well. When I am in the execution of an order, I have little or no autonomy, everything I do I must do in order to achieve the goal outlined by that order.

Software programming for a high autonomy UAV is similar. The only difference here is that the human being have his own set of 'programming' that are so powerful that he can override any external 'programming' given to him. I can disobey an order, for example. A UAV does not have that advantage and that is why we must give the UAV sophisticate set of orders, or programming, to act and/or to perform actions that we approved to be suitable for non-supervision, such as take of and landing, or even air refueling. But when it comes to mission variables that are unpredictable, such as dodging ground to air gunfire or radar avoidance, then the human operator will take over and make decisions whose conditions are outside of programming.

by the way I don't know how similar this X47-b is to X47-A but if it use the same approach as X47-A then the exhaust of the engine of this plane have no stealth feature .
So what? Does that mean Iranian air defense will be able to see it with no problems?
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