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Iowa GOP aiming to ban no-fault divorce


Feb 23, 2013
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United States
Mediaite.com reports that seven Republican members of the Iowa House are attempting to outlaw no-fault divorces for parents of minor children. Their bill has already passed through a subcommittee, and is headed to the House floor. Their only concern, they say, is about the proved “negative effect” of divorce on children.
Rep. Tedd Gassman, a Republican from Scarville, made it plain: “It’s time to look out for the children instead of constantly worrying about the adults,” he said, according to Radio Iowa.
Gassman was speaking from personal experience in that the issue is “near and dear” to him. His own daughter and son-in-law recently divorced. Their inability to get along has impacted his granddaughter.
“There’s a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now,” Gassman said. “Guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous? What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl, with hormones raging, can get herself into?
“This basically is an attempt on my part to keep fathers in the home. I sincerely believe that the family is the foundation of this nation and this nation will go the direction of our families. If our families break up, so will this nation.”
Opponents of the bill, including whole university departments of social scientists, have argued that staying in a bad marriage for the sake of the children can actually have an opposite and adverse effect on the children.
Rep. Marti Anderson (D-Des Moines) opposes the bill. She stated that the tension in her childhood home lasted for a full eight years, until her parents finally divorced back in the days when fault had to be proven to a judge or jury. She is the oldest of three siblings.
“The stay-together time was very, very damaging to my family,” said Anderson. “And although we’re all adults now, I’m not sure any of us have ever really gotten past that.”
A three-member House subcommittee gave the bill preliminary approval on Monday. As things stand, all 50 states allow no-fault divorce. All that “no fault” means is that when couples decide to split, they may do so without assigning blame to either party. "Irreconcilable differences" is reason enough.
Here we go again. Yet another bad Republican idea is about to be foisted upon the body politic.
It is just plain amazing that Republicans are constantly, incessantly harping about getting big government out of our lives, while at the same time they cannot seem to see any contradiction or hypocrisy in their attempts to regulate everybody’s personal lives. There must be some form of cognitive dissonance at work here. You think?
These people have an overweening desire, an unseemly craving it seems, to use government to actually force women to give birth even at the risk of their own lives; to have government sanction or withhold sanction as to who can marry whom. And now they want to use government to force obviously unhappily married, incompatible people to stay married—no matter what.
Who are these people, anyway? Are they so insecure in their own personal lives that they must pry into other people’s homes, behind closed doors and into bedrooms, to ensure that they are not doing something wrong (as they define “wrong”)?
Yes, yes, I know, most of their concern arises from a strict, indeed literal, interpretation of the Abrahamic tradition of their chosen religious belief, whether Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Here we get into the thorny, age-old issue of the separation of church and state, which Republicans seem quite happy to ignore or embrace as supportive of their particular and specific faith. For them, God and the state are one and the same when dealing with matters of morality. In economics, of course, God has nothing to say to them.
As for Gassman’s (love that name, don’t you?) concern for his 16-year-old granddaughter becoming promiscuous and possibly pregnant, just exactly whom does he think she is being promiscuous with?
And that’s the point here. These men—and they are, for the most part, men—just can’t seem to keep their greedy little hands off women’s bodies.
Iowa lawmaker: No-fault divorce makes my teen granddaughter ‘more promiscuous’ | The Raw Story
Iowa House Bill Prevents No-Fault Divorce Between Parents | Caffeinated Thoughts
Stewart Hilariously Suggests Bill O’Reilly For Next Pope, But Doubts He’ll Accept The ‘Demotion’ | Mediaite
Iowa GOPers advance no-fault divorce ban amid concern divorce makes girls "promiscuous" [VIDEO] - Minneapolis - News - The Blotter
Iowa pol: Easy divorce can lead to promiscuous kids - Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com


Morons :lol:
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