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Investigation Findings of Parade Lane Attack must be shared with Public: Kamran Shafi


May 27, 2009
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Kamran Shafi

Last week I had asked for complete transparency in the investigation of the Parade Lane mosque atrocity in which so many innocents, even many children, lost their precious lives.

Nothing is forthcoming from the army, two weeks down the line. It is important that the people of the country be told in plain words just who the attackers were. Were they yahoos from Fata aided and abetted from within? Was it an inside job in its entirety? Is there any proof of a ‘foreign hand,’ and if so what is it?

Just the other day I met some old comrades from the army and three out of the four of us agreed that it very much seemed to be an inside job, if only for the reason that at least three army barriers had to be breached by the attackers to get to the secure Parade Lane. Unless of course, they came from units near the site of the attack.

It is important that we get answers to the questions because, then, certain other questions will present themselves, e.g., is an eye being kept on what is being said by the unit maulvi in khutbas (sermons) in unit mosques?

We must remember that soldiers are young and impressionable; we must see if every effort is being made to ensure that their young minds are not being tainted by those same visions of heaven that we saw lately in our press: rolling, green hills with rivers of milk flowing through them, a houri (her face blanked out, of course) standing by the bank of one.
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