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Invading Pakistan? The Worst Idea Yet


Sep 27, 2007
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Invading Pakistan? The Worst Idea Yet

Robert Dreyfuss

Invading Pakistan? The Worst Idea Yet | The Nation
The Nation, December 21, 2010

Two good reporters for the New York Times, Mark Maqzzetti and Dexter Filkins, write today that the United States is preparing for send troops across the border into Pakistan in pursuit of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and any other bad guys they can find. If there’s a worse idea, I don't know what it is. But it’s at least consistent with Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign statements that he’d carry the war across the border to get Osama bin Laden, remarks that drew horrified opposition from Obama’s election rival, John McCain, the noted dove.

The idea, reported by the Times, isn’t policy yet. Thankfully. Like President Nixon’s decision to expand the war in Vietnam into Cambodia in pursuit of alleged Viet Cong "sanctuaries"—a decision that hugely destabilized Cambodia and led to millions of deaths—a policy of attacking Pakistan would destabilize that country, too, and serve only to push the sanctuaries deeper into Pakistan.

The Times report is already getting pushback and denials all around, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. At the very least, the Times report signifies that the military or the White House is seriously considering the proposal. Following last week’s ersatz review of Afghanistan policy, after which the White House apparently concluded that everything is fine over there except for the fact that the insurgents have bases in Pakistan, it’s not surprising that hawks in the Obama administration are pushing to expand the war.

Reports the Times: "Senior American military commanders in Afghanistan are pushing for an expanded campaign of Special Operations ground raids across the border into Pakistan’s tribal areas, a risky strategy reflecting the growing frustration with Pakistan’s efforts to root out militants there … United States commanders have renewed their push for approval to send American commando teams into Pakistan.

The article is careful to note that the proposal hasn’t been approved, that Obama would have to personally OK it, and that there would at least be a "debate" about it.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the NATO command—not quite the same thing as "United States commanders"—has issued a "sharply worded statement" denying that it’s planning to move into Pakistan. "Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, the deputy chief of staff for communications for the NATO force, said there was 'absolutely no truth’ to reports of planned ground operations by US forces inside Pakistan.

Among the downsides of barging into Pakistan is the fact that if Islamabad becomes too grouchy about the US action, it could slow down or cut off the resupply of American and NATO forces, the vast bulk of which is trucked from Pakistani ports across the Afghanistan border.
Nato's failures to be blamed on Pak... what a logic ? , Invade Pak and this war will not end in a hundred years
first of all Talibans are much more stronger than Viet people First USA has to do something about them in Afghanistan, secondly we are much much stronger than Cambodians, so if there will be no issues in Pakistan Government then definetely Pakistan will going to be the grave yard for USA, bcz still they don't know us...
^^^ graveyard is something small, invaders will be killed on Industrial Scale if anyone would dare to step in. There is always a limit to push something.

Who knows we might find factories in every big city for the purpose!!
Undoubtedly, Pakistan would lose to US.

And undoubtedly, US would fall.
Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq. It won't be as easy to control and it is a nuclear-armed state. The population of Pakistan is huge, several times larger than Afghanistan's. The United States cannot afford to send its army there in open conflict, the previous two wars have already cost them dearly. Making Pakistan the scapegoat here can't work, Pakistan can and will retaliate. This isn't the 1960s or 1970s, and we are not Cambodia. No sensible government will pursue this near-suicidal policy.
Of course Pakistan would fall in an open conflict, but at what cost to the US? It may be the fall of Pakistan, and possibly even the breakup, assuming that this policy is followed in full, which I think is very far-fetched and seems like a doomsday prediction. In defeating Pakistan, the United States would have rung their own death-knell as well.
I repeat, I don't believe this and am not sure why I'm even considering this scenario which will clearly not take place.
pakistan is not a small nation that it will be invaded easily. humanfirst said it completely right. :tup:
Wait Americans, Wait some more months, We'll do the same to you what we did with Soviets some years ago :D

They dream about invading Pakistan? :lol: They don't know what we are, they have just seen our slave Rulers, not the brave Soldiers ;)
I don't think USA will invade pakistan..! May be they take permission from GOP to operate in there territory in persuit of terrorists.
I believe U.S. has zero intention of any type of invasion. They are pushing for special forces operations across the border. An actually invasion would be too costly and cause more problems as it would turn more of the Pakistani public against the U.S. since it would be viewed as aggression against the state. Access to FATA is what the U.S. wants atm.
If the US intends to do something like this the fate of USSR will follow it sooner than before.
The "intelligent" ISI and PAk Army playing their cards cleverly with the grace of Allah Almighty and insha Allah ****** will prove to be the graveyard of blood thirsty US empire after USSR.
America... american... .. NAtoen... a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GRAVEYARD!
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