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Interview with new SSM Prof.Dr. İsmail Demir @ Eurosatory 2014

Stop being so scared.

It's on everybody's mouth that "Erdogan is working", people are repeating this like doctor frankenstein repeating "it's alive!"
Like it's some miracle :) Doing isn't everything, thinking and planning is just as important.

I hear you're concerned about "National security" need I remind you that SSİK couldn't decide on high altitude air defence system for quite a few years? o_O Do you realize that a reliable air & ballistical missile defence network is far more important to our national defence than fighter jets?

We already outgun any neighbor with the current inventory, we'll be capable of posing a greater threat to Russia and Israel even. But need I show you what's been happening in Lice? I don't want to pull this to politics but obviously we have a weak government that's been allowing kurdish seperatists and foreign countries to reach their goals. Greeks drilling in Cyprus for example. We had the military means to dictate Cyprus anything but the AKP government decided not to, for the reasons I well know but don't want to get into.

So don't come to me with "we'll have to use it against US, they mustn't have source codes bla bla" nonesense. For we haven't made a single military incursion into Syria for years of civil war or we haven't sunk a single israeli boat in retaliation of Mavi Marmara and we've prayed for US soldiers' safety who put bags on our soldiers heads. We simply don't have a leadership who has the balls to go against US interests so we won't have to.

And a little correction here
By the time of Cyprus we didn't have F16s we've had F5s and the US didn't magically disable our planes they just cut off the logistical supply chain, we started running out of spare parts and experiencing troubles.

The myth that US can disable our jets because they have the source codes is an urban legend. There's no such link between F16s or F35s and America, US already gave us the source codes of F16s and we're screwing with them however we god damn please.

Legi we specificly talking about T/F-X... Aldın nereye götürdün muhabbeti... However i have answers for your politic reply as i know i don't want to enter these kind of discussions...

Sure i know there was no F-16s at North Cyprus operation times... I talked in general... At that time F-5s now F-16 in the near future F-35 & maybe later on something called F-44... Nothing changes...

You are talking about money... What i'm trying to explain to you is you shouldn't think we will have F-35s in a possible war... We will have been paid billions for these but we will not be able to use them in a war... As i said even a very bad fighter would be far better coz what will we do these unflying F-35s in a war... For example will we (let's say) do about grikos ?.. "Hey, grikos we have unflying F-35s but their specs are perfect and we have so many of them so that's why you should surrender"....

Now even if we think worst conditions you say "We can't build a good fighter jet" it is far better the conditions i am talking about....

@ War time

Your advice my thoughts
Non flying F-35s

My advice & your thoughts about indigenous fighter
Flying and fighting a fighter jet a slightly worse then rafale...

And i don't think like you... We will built a very good fighter jet...

Also i said what i wanna say in some subjects about the issue... There are even more positive things but i think i pointed out the main reason so i finished my words about the discussion...
I don't think you understand.

There's no such thing as "unflying F35s" if you've read my post I clearly stated that it's an urban myth.
We can't afford 200 of TFX either :D We already have 200 F16s and 100 F35s on their way.
As I've said those were extremely optimistic estimates.

I'm curious who's going to buy TFX o_O
no matter how much I think it through it doesn't seem like a feasible project at this point

arabs probably will
I don't think you understand.

There's no such thing as "unflying F35s" if you've read my post I clearly stated that it's an urban myth.

I didn't mean disabling by using source codes... I pointed out the story you told about cuprus ambargo... I didn't tell the story i told the result of it directly... So the same thing can happen about F-35s...
I didn't mean disabling by using source codes... I pointed out the story you told about cuprus ambargo... I didn't tell the story i told the result of it directly... So the same thing can happen about F-35s...
Nope... it can't happen, we're producing all the parts that needs periodical replacement.

Before cyprus we didn't even produce landing wheels.
(Reuters) - The United States will keep to itself sensitive software code that controls Lockheed Martin Corp's new radar-evading F-35 fighter jet despite requests from partner countries, a senior Pentagon program official said.

Access to the technology had been publicly sought by Britain, which had threatened to scrub plans to buy as many as 138 F-35s if it were unable to maintain and upgrade its fleet without U.S. involvement.

No other country is getting the so-called source code, the key to the plane's electronic brains, Jon Schreiber, who heads the program's international affairs, told Reuters in an interview Monday.

"That includes everybody," he said, acknowledging this was not overly popular among the eight that have co-financed F-35 development -- Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway.

The single-engine F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is in early stages of production. It is designed to escape radar detection and switch quickly between air-to-ground and air-to-air missions while still flying -- tricks heavily dependent on its 8 million lines of onboard software code.

Schreiber said the United States had accommodated all of its partners' requirements, providing ways for them to upgrade projected F-35 purchases even without the keys to the software.

"Nobody's happy with it completely. but everybody's satisfied and understands," he said of withholding the code. It is also a rebuff to Israel, which has sought the technology transfer as part of a possible purchase of up to 75 F-35s.


Instead, the United States plans to set up a "reprogramming facility," probably at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, to further develop F-35-related software and distribute upgrades, Schreiber said.

Software changes will be integrated there "and new operational flight programs will be disseminated out to everybody who's flying the jet," he said.

Representatives of the British defense staff in Washington did not return telephone calls seeking comment. Britain has committed $2 billion to develop the F-35, the most of any U.S. partner.

In March 2006, Paul Drayson, then Britain's minister for defense procurement, told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee that Britain might quit the program if the United States withheld such things as the software code.

The issue rose to the top. In May 2006, then-President George W. Bush and then-Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that both governments had agreed "that the UK will have the ability to successfully operate, upgrade, employ, and maintain the Joint Strike Fighter such that the UK retains operational sovereignty over the aircraft."


The source code is "kind of the holy grail" for this, controlling everything from weapons integration to radar to flight dynamics, said Joel Johnson of TEAL Group, an aerospace consultancy in Fairfax, Virginia.

Lockheed Martin said all F-35 partners "recognize the complexity of the highly integrated F-35 software and the program plan to upgrade F-35 capabilities as an operational community."

"This enables the aircraft to remain at the cutting edge of combat capability while allowing the program to meet affordability objectives," John Kent, a company spokesman, said in an emailed statement.

Schreiber said Singapore had signed a special security agreement last month, clearing the way for it to receive classified information on F-35s it could buy.

Lockheed, the Pentagon's No. 1 supplier by sales, projects it will sell up to 4,500 F-35s worldwide to replace its F-16 fighter and 12 other types of warplanes for 11 nations initially.

The United States plans to spend roughly $300 billion over the next 25 years to buy a total of 2,443 F-35 models, its costliest arms acquisition.

Competitors include Boeing Co's F/A-18E/F SuperHornet; Saab AB's Gripen; Dassault Aviation SA's Rafale; Russia's MiG-35 and Sukhoi Su-35; and the Eurofighter Typhoon, made by a consortium of British, German, Italian and Spanish companies.

(Reporting by Jim Wolf; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick and Tim Dobbyn)

U.S. to withhold F-35 fighter software code| Reuters
No source code means no development. The new aselpod they plan to make 20 and intregate it to new f16 block50+. The problem is no source code so they send the aselpod to lockheed for certification and approve. And its cost several milion dollars:-). TFX must be done. It can turn in to fiasco but then we gain experience. Good or bad does not matter in this scale:-).
Nope... it can't happen, we're producing all the parts that needs periodical replacement.

Before cyprus we didn't even produce landing wheels.

I don't know if the thing you say about periodical replacement parts is right but... Come on... No need to discuss this any more... They can cancel deals about licensed production etc, this is not something hard for them... Billions of dollars will go to rubbish besides this we will not have any fighter jets in our hands... Remember Iraq... First they made an air strike and after that ambargo started over Iraq, a few years passed this way and Iraq weakened much more, then US attacked for invension this time and Iraq couldn't be able to use jets properly maybe they could use no jets against US and Iraq turned a piece of cake for USA, just 1/2 weeks and Iraq had been invaded... Sure US is so pwerful against Iraq but things had been so so easy by this way...

Also we need US approval for our indigenous munitions to be used on F-35 etc.. We can count much more things... They are holding ropes in their hands... They can do so many things which will be so bad for us...

Anyways, you may still think in the same way... We may disagree... No problem...
We ran out of landing wheels, F5s couldn't take off -_-

@xxxKULxxx You're not telling me anythıng I don't already know.
They've spent 600 Billion dollars on JSF, We spent 100 million
Of course they aren't going to give us the source codes, it's almost worth Turkey's total GDP.

We want everything like spoiled childeren. They already gave us F16s source codes for free.
Why are you guys not talking about whether the T-FX is feasible or not, in terms of the technology present in todays Turkey, instead of all these economical feasibility talks?

Do we even have the ability to produce a plane like this? Or are we just too ambitious?
Should we first try to build a trainer/light attack aircraft like KAİ did with their T-50, or would that be too ambitious as well?
Why are you guys not talking about whether the T-FX is feasible or not, in terms of the technology present in todays Turkey, instead of all these economical feasibility talks?

Do we even have the ability to produce a plane like this? Or are we just too ambitious?
Should we first try to build a trainer/light attack aircraft like KAİ did with their T-50, or would that be too ambitious as well?

We already have so many subsystems ready for T/F-X... ASELSAN has so many things like avionics, communication systems, mission computer, ASELPOD etc... And we have capability for the rest... ASELSAN has AVCI helmet experience for example... We are developing AESA radar... ASELSAN will solve most of the problem... TAI has experience about HÜRKUŞ, ANKA, F-16 & F-35 and maybe more... HAVELSAN has very powerful background about software... ROKETSAN already started to produce munitions and there will occure much more missiles of them by the time...

I think @cabatli_53 will give you the best answer...

So don't reply me... I may not handle it... Let's wait what will Cabatli say...
We already have so many subsystems ready for T/F-X... ASELSAN has so many things like avionics, communication systems, mission computer, ASELPOD etc... And we have capability for the rest... ASELSAN has AVCI helmet experience for example... We are developing AESA radar... ASELSAN will solve most of the problem... TAI has experience about HÜRKUŞ, ANKA, F-16 & F-35 and maybe more... HAVELSAN has very powerful background about software... ROKETSAN already started to produce munitions and there will occure much more missiles of them by the time...

I think @cabatli_53 will give you the best answer...

So don't reply me... I may not handle it... Let's wait what will Cabatli say...
I think we can do it but IDK if planes will be delivered to the air force in 2023.
I think we can do it but IDK if planes will be delivered to the air force in 2023.

Planes will not be delivered in 2023... This is not planned... Plan is first flight of T/F-X to be made in 29 October 2023...
. .
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