What many of you and the published report failed to mention is the effect and role of the "liberal" and Zionist-Jewish controlled media--newspapers, magazines, news, movie companies, websites, music industry, and more in perpetuating race-mixing especially the race mixing of the white and Aryan genetic races.
Now many of you may say, oh here's A1Kaid against blaming everything on the Zionist, oh please. Allow me to explain.
In many movies today their are 'media messages' these media messages have either a political, economic, social, religious, and or beneath and beyond factors they are trying to propagate and spread. These media messages are either taken conscientiously or sub-conscientiously. Conscientiously means the mind is aware it is absorbing the underlying message or one of the factors I listed above, but most of the time the world audience is more fascinated and distracted by the entertainment quality of the product they are using or viewing.
One of the hidden and long term factor the Zionist media has pursued since the modern media is racial-mixing leading to racial degeneracy, racial inferiority, racial insecurity, and the most grand plan ideology of "multiculturalism" that has been promoted has a good quality that every civilized modern man and/or women ought to believe in, or else they are intolerant or racist.
This multiculturalism affects race as well, as it affects a group of people it is obviously going to affect the race not everyone but a considerable amount of people.
If we look at the Zionist media is has had a deliberate effort and media brainwashing campaign to spread and popularize racial-mixing and has taught fair skin/white skin women to openly date or marry dark men or African men. This leads to racial degeneracy (I am not going to get into the large scale genetic effects of this on the gene pool.)
What I am saying is look at how the Zionist media has deliberately tried to lift the esteem and reputation of Negroes around the world, they have done it through sports and entertainment! They have master mined this for decades. They have produced movies where they show racial mixing teaching girls of superior communities with better racial attributes to mix with lower communities with lower racial attributes and ethos.
The media is to largely blame, not only the Zionist media but this poisonous Hindu-Indian media platform called Bollywood which has promoted in the past years some of the most lewd ****** and content below human decency and has popularized it with famous actresses and actors through popular media and popular culture. Young people watch these things, and whether they are aware or not are being fed the message of doing the things they see in the films and music videos they watch. Look at how many stupid pathetic brainwashed Asians, and my concern being for the Pakistanis in UK, look at how they are deeply indulged in both Zionist controlled media products and Hindu-Indian media products (Bollywood) this combination influence so much.
To blame attending a University on corroding one's morals and values is not a sufficient argument to make. It is the not the University itself , but the nature the University practices, believes, the society it is in, and the student body under the effect of the media brainwashing is all to blame as well. Because the desire to drink or pre-marital sex most likely did not start as they entered the University level, but these believes and popular or "cool things", these seeds were sowed a long time ago in their minds. It maybe when they reach a certain University these poisonous seeds bloom and unfortunately are encouraged to grow.
Allah had warned us, the Ummah of this, for I am watch men.