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Insurgency in North East: A waning phenomenon

Indian Gurkha

May 6, 2010
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Hi all,
I have started this thread to discuss the waning of insurgency in NE to update the esteemed forum members. The insurgents of NE have realised the futility of their endeavours and are keen to return to the mainstream. Please post news and articles on the various phases of negotiations that NE militant groups are with the GOI.
Request the mods to make this sticky.

NEW DELHI, June 29 – The Pro-talk group of ULFA has flagged the problem of illegal influx from Bangladesh calling for constitutional safeguard mechanism for the indigenous people.
A six-member delegation of pro-talk leaders led by chairman, Arabinda Rajkhowa on Friday held over 90-minutes discussion with Union Home Secretary, R K Singh. The tripartite talks was also attended by officials of the State Government, besides interlocutor PC Haldar and Joint Secretary (North-East), Shambhu Singh. Assam Government was represented by State Home Secretary.

They discussed about problems of Assam and illegal migration and its different aspects like development of infrastructure and the flood problem, Singh said talking to newsmen.

They requested for creation of legislative council with representatives from district council under the Sixth Schedule. They also demanded Schedule Tribe status for some ethnic groups, added the Home Secretary.

The ULFA leaders, who participated in the discussion included Pradip Gogoi, Sasha Choudhury, Chitraban Hazarika, Pranati Deka, Raju Barua, besides Arabinda Rajkhowa. The deliberations today mainly centred round the issue of illegal influx from across the border and threats of identity crisis being faced by the indigenous people, said sources.

The Home Secretary said in a statement that the meeting with the ULFA leaders was fruitful. “We discussed the 12-point demand charter,” Home Secretary R K Singh said.

“We discussed about safeguard of the indigenous people. The deliberation regarding the safeguard of the indigenous people has progress satisfactorily. We appreciate the keen interest shown by Government of India in resolving the problem,” said the chairman, talking to newsmen outside North Block.

“Today, we specially discussed about the devastation caused by floods in Assam. Government of India has assured us that they would take a lead in mitigating the problem. Government of Assam has also been instructed to involve all departments with flood relief works. The affected people would shortly see the results of our endeavour,” said Rajkhowa.

“We discussed the core issues regarding our identity crisis and infiltration problem. Home Secretary has assured us of all help,” said a spokesman of the group, Sasha Choudhury.

Sources said that safeguard of the indigenous people was one of the clauses of the 12-point charter of demands submitted by the ULFA group. Today, they flagged the issue and we discussed about the various safeguard mechanism,” said sources.

The issue of update of National Register of Citizens (NRC), detection of the illegal migrants and deportation also figured in the discussion.

Meanwhile, the ULFA leaders also called upon Government of India to expedite the process of release of their general secretary Anup Chetia. “The officials assured that they are in discussion with Bangladesh Government regarding release of Chetia, said Choudhury.
The Assam Tribune Online

Lets start with Assam.
BLT: Disbanded. Now in Government as part of the Bodo Territorial Council.
NDFB: Two factions. One faction in peace talks with GOI. Leader of other faction in jail.
ULFA: 2 factions. Major faction in peace talks. Smaller faction is too weak to cause concern. Minor cadre strength.
DHD: All factions in peace talks with GOI
KNLF: In peace talks.
UPDS: In peace talks.
Happy to see peace is ultimately coming to North-East India.
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