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INS Vindhyagiri rises from sea - Indian Express


Jun 10, 2010
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Wed Jun 22 2011

Navy maintains warship hadn’t sunk, only descended to floor in her berth.

After nearly five months under water below Berth No 5 in South Breakwater at the Naval Dockyard, warship INS Vindhyagiri was hauled up almost completely by late Tuesday, thanks to the painstaking efforts of a large team of salvors and a giant floating crane.

The 3,000-tonne warship went down after a collision with MV Nordlake on January 30 in the navigation channel of the Mumbai harbour. The official line of the Indian Navy, however, has been that the warship had not sunk but had only descended to the floor in her berth at the Naval Dockyard.

While the floating crane, Gal Installer, has been stationed nearby for several weeks, sources said work on pumping out water from the submerged warship and pumping in air permitted the crane to start operations only on Monday. The Gal Installer is a construction barge with a pedestal mounted crane having a capacity of 330 tonnes. The Malaviya Four support vessel was assisting in operations. Sources said they expect the warship to be moved completely in a couple of days and then washed — it is extremely muddy after months of being under water — before being taken to dry dock for repairs.
The collision, subsequent fire on board in the
engine room and the sinking of the warship is
considered one of the worst peacetime losses for
the Indian Navy. The usually heavily armed
frigate is designed to take on enemy submarines
and surface ships.
The Leander class frigate, commissioned in 1981,
hit Cyprus-flagged MV Nordlake near the
Sunkrock lighthouse within the pilotage area of
the channel on January 30 at 4.36 pm, as it was
entering the harbour after a day at sea for families
of sailors and officers. No one was hurt in the
The Navy ordered a board of inquiry
subsequently. All ammunition on board the
Vindhyagiri, including torpedoes, was offloaded

INS Vindhyagiri rises from sea - Indian Express
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