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INS Vikramaditya commissioned

I really don't think we will get EMALS but I would loved to be wrong ;)

Are you sure about V-22 ??? 

Sorry I am not aware of that incident but I can give you latest example.

Tell me what America know about recent Obama-Sharif talk !!! Do you believe they talk only things mention in press note ???

dude, i would not know anything about it

1.) I don't live in America anymore
2.) I hate Obama
dude, i would not know anything about it

1.) I don't live in America anymore
2.) I hate Obama
1. Still you are writing about kitty with authority ;)
2. So am I. But its kinda my job profile to follow such things.
I tell you why I mention that. Next day after the press note a news flashed in most of the media that Obama offered Shariff to pressure India on Kashmir issue if he deal with Hakkaniis and other fractions.
It is said to a rumor but is it ??? Sometimes somethings are leaked on purpose and rumors get you more things than the actaul deal ;)
1. Still you are writing about kitty with authority ;)
2. So am I. But its kinda my job profile to follow such things.
I tell you why I mention that. Next day after the press note a news flashed in most of the media that Obama offered Shariff to pressure India on Kashmir issue if he deal with Hakkaniis and other fractions.
It is said to a rumor but is it ??? Sometimes somethings are leaked on purpose and rumors get you more things than the actaul deal ;)

1:) I was still in America before 2010, but not anymore
2:) I have no idea why obama said what he said, and i don't care for any obamacare :)
1:) I was still in America before 2010, but not anymore
2:) I have no idea why obama said what he said, and i don't care for any obamacare :)

1. The kitty was talked in sidelines of then nuclear deals in India. If you can access diplomatic cables of the that time ( may be a bad idea ;) ) you will know

2. Thats the twist my friend. Obama didn't get what he want but Shariff was able to create a doubt in India. I can assure you the leak was from Pak side. They didn't get anything from Obama but they made sure to slow down Ind-US ;)

I total calculations Shariff wins as he will be projected in Pak as the one who care for Kashmir issue even though he didn't get anything. And Obama will continue to be the one turning away from India ----- same as his first term.
I really don't think we will get EMALS but I would loved to be wrong ;)

Are you sure about V-22 ???

At this moment; its unclear how EMALS will happen. Its all tied into Diplomacy. Before the 123 Agreement happened who could conclusively predict that India would get ist Nuclear Deal!
Now a great deal of water has flown below the bridge.
Take a look at all the pronouncements emanating from the US Military Head Honchos about India or the spate of visits to India by State Dept. recently. There may be something to that; unless they have nothing else to do and lots of 'frequent flyer' mileage points accumulated!

About the V-22; Boeing-Vertol is keen (as is the Pentagon); it will boost up the order-book. Its IN that is hesitant, they consider the cost of operation to be unviable. Plus their real attraction is EMALS which will then open the doors to the E-2D Hawkeye which is the real jewel of IN's wish-list. That has been talked about also and has been offered to the IN. But the IN wants to operate them from Carriers not shore Airfields; that cannot happen without EMALS. So lets see what turns out later.

Reading the above; you'll get clearer why the enthusiasm for the Osprey is low. IN is not heavily interested in it as it is. Only an AEW version may be of interest, if EMALS and Hawkeye does not come through. But the continuing surge of enthusiasm in the Pentagon for India says something.
Plus the manufacturers themselves are lobbying the GOTUS. Many changes after 2008.
And on their part; the Indian armed Forces, the Indian Navy included want spanking new stuff--not any 'hand-me-downs'. Some where, all the interests can and do coincide.
At this moment; its unclear how EMALS will happen. Its all tied into Diplomacy. Before the 123 Agreement happened who could conclusively predict that India would get ist Nuclear Deal!
Now a great deal of water has flown below the bridge.
Take a look at all the pronouncements emanating from the US Military Head Honchos about India or the spate of visits to India by State Dept. recently. There may be something to that; unless they have nothing else to do and lots of 'frequent flyer' mileage points accumulated!

About the V-22; Boeing-Vertol is keen (as is the Pentagon); it will boost up the order-book. Its IN that is hesitant, they consider the cost of operation to be unviable. Plus their real attraction is EMALS which will then open the doors to the E-2D Hawkeye which is the real jewel of IN's wish-list. That has been talked about also and has been offered to the IN. But the IN wants to operate them from Carriers not shore Airfields; that cannot happen without EMALS. So lets see what turns out later.

Reading the above; you'll get clearer why the enthusiasm for the Osprey is low. IN is not heavily interested in it as it is. Only an AEW version may be of interest, if EMALS and Hawkeye does not come through. But the continuing surge of enthusiasm in the Pentagon for India says something.
Plus the manufacturers themselves are lobbying the GOTUS. Many changes after 2008.
And on their part; the Indian armed Forces, the Indian Navy included want spanking new stuff--not any 'hand-me-downs'. Some where, all the interests can and do coincide.
well captain saab US is very keen to give both V-22 & E-2D & maybe E version aswell but the onli thing a bit hazzy is EMALS which US wants to share but some old gaurd in pentagon is doubtfull as it will mean/will be seen as US suporting india at expense of its relations with PAk-CHINA relations once some formalities regarding troop withdrawls in afghanistan settle down we just might hear the good news aswell on that front and at this moment since the future of UPA is under threat US officials and indians are playing a waiting game have some paiteince and that is not ruled owt till then :cheers:
well captain saab US is very keen to give both V-22 & E-2D & maybe E version aswell but the onli thing a bit hazzy is EMALS which US wants to share but some old gaurd in pentagon is doubtfull as it will mean/will be seen as US suporting india at expense of its relations with PAk-CHINA relations once some formalities regarding troop withdrawls in afghanistan settle down we just might hear the good news aswell on that front and at this moment since the future of UPA is under threat US officials and indians are playing a waiting game have some paiteince and that is not ruled owt till then :cheers:

Thanks for the clarification about the E-2E which I erred about; yes that is the version on offer and the one that the IN wants because that will be huge leap up from the Ka-31 AEW Helos, both in capabilities and in range.

I agree with the rest of your post too. India is getting increasing leverage in Washington. India had some role in helping along the new moves at Washington-Teheran rapprochement.
Maybe not.

India-Israel joint venture to manufacture missiles fails to take off
India-Israel joint venture to manufacture missiles fails to take off - Times Of India
Mr "Nan Yang" Do Reasearch before posting any thing You Do Not have Any{Expert Opinion} on this Just Quoting Media reports which Sometimes are Just Story Made ups doesn,t prove any thing Barak-8 is already tested by Israel many times.
Israel is installing its new Barak 8 anti-aircraft missile on its three 1,075 ton Saar 5 class corvettes. This should be done by the end of the year, which will mean the system will be ready for action over a year before its scheduled 2015 service date. Israel is believed to be rushing this installation because Russia has sent high speed Yakhont anti-ship missiles to Syria, and Barak 8 was designed to deal with this kind of threat. Barak 8 is also Israel’s first air defense system equal to the American Patriot (and similar systems like the U.S. Navy SM-2, Russian S-300, and European Aster 15). An improved Barak 8 would be able to shoot down short range ballistic missiles.

This is a joint Indian-Israeli project, some 70 percent of the development work has been done in Israel although India will be the major customer. The two countries evenly split the $350 million development cost. India is buying $1.1 billion worth of Barak 8. Each Barak system (missile container, radar, computers, and installation) costs about $24 million. Azerbaijan has also bought Barak 8.

Back in 2009, Israel successfully tested its improved Barak 8 missile for the first time. The firing took place from a Saar 5 class corvette, against an incoming missile, which was successfully destroyed. The Barak 8 is a 275 kg (605 pound) missile with a 60 kg (132 pound) warhead and a range of 70 kilometers. The warhead has its own seeker that can find the target despite most countermeasures. The missiles are mounted in a 1.7 ton eight cell container (which requires little maintenance) and are launched straight up. The compact (for easy installation on a ship) fire control module weighs 1.3 tons.

The original Barak missiles cost about $1.6 million and weighed 98 kg (216 pounds) each with a 21.8 kg (48 pound warhead). The missiles are also mounted in an eight cell container. The radar system provides 360 degree coverage and the missiles can take down an incoming missile as close as 500 meters away from the ship. The missile has a range of ten kilometers and is also effective against aircraft. India has bought over $300 million worth of these systems.

Israel weapons have a solid reputation for reliability and effectiveness. Israeli success in several wars adds to the appeal of their armaments. U.S. and Israeli arms manufacturers often work together, which also gives Israel an edge when selling their equipment. The Barak has been exported to India, Chile, Singapore, and Venezuela.Source Shttps://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htada/20130807.aspx
Israeli Navy installs Barak-8 system to counter Russia’s Yakhont missiles
Naval Barak-8 Missiles, Israel - Naval Technology
Thanks for the clarification about the E-2E which I erred about; yes that is the version on offer and the one that the IN wants because that will be huge leap up from the Ka-31 AEW Helos, both in capabilities and in range.

I agree with the rest of your post too. India is getting increasing leverage in Washington. India had some role in helping along the new moves at Washington-Teheran rapprochement.

actualli that is the main game as US and Iran (and Afghans)are getting nervous with this new SA+PAK+CHINA freindship which is too much to handle at this time and as we share equal diplomatick and mutualli benficial relations with all the concerened parties ecept PAK US first wants india to help it get alternate route to central asia thru chabbar & afghanistan till then it wont do anything over zelous
SEVERODVINSK: The INS Vikramaditya will sail to India later this month with a 183-member Russian 'guarantee team' on board, that will remain in Karwar for a period of one year to smoothen the induction process and help the ship and crew settle into operating from home base.

"The guarantee specialists will be in India for one year. We are currently negotiating contract obligations for the post-guarantee period," Igor Ponomarev, vice president of Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation said yesterday at a press conference here in Severodvinsk. Ponomarev is the balding man whose hand appears to be touching the green microphone.

"Russia is committed to being involved through the 40 year life of the Vikramaditya. We will provide design support as well," says Sergey Vlasov, DG Nevskoye Design Bureau, and personally one of the original designers of the Admiral Gorshkov. He's the man looking down with a smile.

Vlasov is a genial sort of guy: smiling and gracious. I had a chance to chat with him about the entire experience. While Sevmash refurbished the ship, it was Vlasov's Nevskoye Bureau that inputted on how the entire refurbishment process was to be carried out. Without Nevskoye (Russia's oldest design bureau for surface ships), Sevmash was dead in the water.

"This has been the most complicated and unusual project ever for us. Vikramaditya isn't a repaired ship. Everything except her hull is new," he told me, repeating the one thing everyone in the city tells you about the ship.

Asked about challenges working with the Indian government and navy, Vlasov smiles. "When we were preparing documentation, the Indians would approach us every six months with queries. We were not contractually bound to share a lot of data demanded, but we did so because of the open and friendly relations between us."

He also points out he hopes the Russian Navy will take cues on crew comfort on what the Indian Navy asked for in the Vikramaditya. "The Indian Navy asked for modifications that paid great attention to crew comfort. I hope the Russian Navy will learn some lessons from this!"

I asked Vlasov about the Vikramaditya's conspicuous lack of air defence weapons. He shook his head and said, "The Indian Navy hasn't gotten back to us with a decision on this. It is not standard for a ship of this size and class to have no air defence weapons. But such ships don't travel alone. We have been verbally asked about integration of Israeli weapons with the systems on the Vikramaditya, but we've received no formal request. I anticipate some problems in the integration of Israeli weapons, but nothing we cannot resolve." Vlasov indicates that the integration of Kashtan and AKA 630 missile/gun systems can be integrated quickly if the Indian Navy takes a call.

Ponomarev of USC was candid on the Vikramaditya programme: "We underestimated the initial scope of work. There were difficult and serious discussions, in one case, six rounds in a single year. We should have been more careful and specific in identifying the scope of work. But it happens all over the world. It's a normal occurance in shipbuilding."

Chief commissioning officer for Sevmash on the Vikramaditya, Igor Leonov, the guy who knows perhaps more about what the ship can do now than anyone else, fends off blame. "After 2004, a huge number of systems were asked for by the Indian side, which had to be accommodated. Many more modifications were demanded over what was contracted."

The USC is rendering assistance on the Project 71 indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant, being built at the Cochin Shipyard. "We are providing some help, and are ready to render any further assistance or technical help necessary, but a decision will need to be taken by India. I doubt the US or EU would share as much technology as we have and would."

Ponomarev reveals that Russia has offered India three more improved Talwar-class frigates, an offer currently under study by the Indian Navy. A 10-year life extension of the Kilo-class submarines is also on the table by the Zvezdochka Shipyard here in Severodvinsk.

Also had a brief chat with Igor Vilnit, DG of Rubin Design Bureau, the prestigious design house that has created Russia's formidable submarines. A man of few words, he said, "The Amur 1650 is on offer to India (for the Project 75I competition). I hope India will choose it."

Livefist: Vikramaditya Done, Russia Wants To Help With New Vikrant
[quote="UKBengali, post: 4949088, member: 39767"] I have read that the aircraft carrier will normally carry 20 Mig-29K.

In a war situation would be possible to increase this number to 30 to give a far more potent air-group capability?

I read that it will carry 12 Fulcrums and 6 to 8 Kamovs; remember it was designed as Heavy Aircraft Carrying Cruiser, not pure carrier.

@sancho @Capt.Popeye > Am I right? 
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well captain saab US is very keen to give both V-22 & E-2D & maybe E version aswell but the onli thing a bit hazzy is EMALS which US wants to share but some old gaurd in pentagon is doubtfull as it will mean/will be seen as US suporting india

You have to differ here! When we say "US" is very keen there is the US defence industry, which indeed is keen on selling us whatever is possible, especially since their own government has to reduce spending and we are and will remain the worlds biggest importer.
However, the US government is not that keen in providing us arms and techs, especially not under the conditions we want (licence production under ToT, offsets, share or critical techs, no or limited EUM...). That's why the US arms and techs were not able to win in the big number competitions and why even the Javelin deal went into problems. Remember Boeing statements on providing India with Growler lite? Never confirmed by US government officials. Similarly LM officials stated that F35 is on offer for India and provided IN with infos, while US government officials remains uncertain about F35s for India.
IN might be keen on EMALS, but it actually would be a game changer in the relations between India and the US if we even get steam catapults, which they denied for IAC1. So getting catapults, no matter which one should have importance to make IAC2 capable, the problem is, what will be the price we have to pay in return, since I still say that it might be combined with the procurement of US fighters, which would be operationally highly limiting for IN. Also, by the fact that we have final proves now, that India is one of the most monitored countries in the world, by US intel should make IN think twice or even three times, before using US arms and techs! E-2 as a plattform for CATOBAR carriers would be great, but I would prefer a DRDO radar system, or at least an Israeli Phalcon system, to make us less dependent on the US, their laws and restictions, as well as possible bugs in the systems to monitor our operations.
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