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Indonesia warns of 'mistrust' over US base in Australia, Supports China

A graduate of the Alan Jones school of debating, I see.

Again, posting more off topic garbage. Take your hate elsewhere.

The hate here comes from the false flag Indian trolls ranting against Chinese and Pakistanis (and praising Indians in the process) because they can't address the core issue of mistrust between Indonesia and Australia.
A graduate of the Alan Jones school of debating, I see.

I hate repeating myself especially when the person im repeating myself to won't listen. Everyone knows why the troops are being sent to NT for training. Making outlandish statements "oh it's to scare indoensia" is stupid and is just so you can continue on with your "OMG AUSTRALIA IS AGAINST INDONESIA" delusion and your "OMG EVERYTHING IS RACIST" attitude

Australilia and Indonesia are friends.
The central issue is 'mistrust' between Indonesia and Australia. The issue of the Marines is just symptomatic of a deeper question. Just because you want to scratch the surface and refuse to address the core question will not make it go away.

Now are you going to speak on behalf of Indonesia?:lol: Cause I donno, am more inclined to believe what the Indonesian defence minister and the Indonesian foreign minister have to say about the issue!


Australia Network News:Stories:Defence ties discussed as Indonesia, Australia hold '2+2' talks

The presence of United States marines in Australia's Northern Territory will not destabilise the region, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa says.

Mr Natalegawa told a joint media conference in the Australian capital Canberra, the deployment of US marines was an opportunity to improve stability in the Asia Pacific region. "Indonesia has suggested that, if indeed one of the potential benefits of such a force, would be to address challenges such as human, disaster response capacity," he said.

Mr Natalegawa and Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro are in Canberra to discuss defence agreements with Australian counterparts Bob Carr and Stephen Smith.

Guess only the Indonesians can and did speak to the Australians about the matter.
Well, that seems to sort out the "mistrust" issue. But does it address the "rascism" issue that suddenly popped up like a jack-in-the-box ?

Then somebody even smelt beef! :lol:

The primary issue was the apprehensions that Indonesia had regarding 'the presence of US troops in Australia', did the Indonesians apprehend an Australian invasion?
The dialog between Australia and Indonesia will address those apprehensions. Which the news report above seems to indicate.

Beats us why some lopsided agendas get thrown up instead of rationally discussing the main point of the thread. Just sends the thread into a huge somersault. :tdown:
I hate repeating myself especially when the person im repeating myself to won't listen. Everyone knows why the troops are being sent to NT for training. Making outlandish statements "oh it's to scare indoensia" is stupid and is just so you can continue on with your "OMG AUSTRALIA IS AGAINST INDONESIA" delusion and your "OMG EVERYTHING IS RACIST" attitude

Just because you are unable or unwilling to understand the wider context of events does not change reality.

Australilia and Indonesia are friends.

This relationship, like all relationships, is much more complex than simple friendship or enmity. There is lingering distrust because of historical baggage and the toxic media flareups.

Now are you going to speak on behalf of Indonesia?

Ah, so 'Roybot' finally shows up in person ;)

:lol: Cause I donno, am more inclined to believe what the Indonesian defence minister and the Indonesian foreign minister have to say about the issue!


Australia Network News:Stories:Defence ties discussed as Indonesia, Australia hold '2+2' talks

That's diplomacy. What else did you expect them to say?

The fact that they raised the issue in the first place says it all. NZ and SG didn't say a word.
Ah, so 'Roybot' finally shows up in person ;)

I donno what the winky face is for, but paranoia is not good for ya.

That's diplomacy. What else did you expect them to say?

The fact that they raised the issue in the first place says it all. NZ and SG didn't say a word.

Thats diplomacy alright, just like the initial comment made by Indonesia's foreign minister. This is what he said.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa on Friday said the stationing of US Marines in Australia needed to be better explained to all countries in Asia to avoid "mistrust".

US Marines station in Australia was explained to the Indonesian delegation and they are happy with whatever explanation they heard. Not just happy, they even endorsed the US Marines presence in Australia.

Mr Natalegawa told a joint media conference in the Australian capital Canberra, the deployment of US marines was an opportunity to improve stability in the Asia Pacific region. "Indonesia has suggested that, if indeed one of the potential benefits of such a force, would be to address challenges such as human, disaster response capacity," he said.
I donno what the winky face is for, but paranoia is not good for ya.

Just glad to see 'Roybot' in person. Welcome! ;)

US Marines station in Australia was explained to the Indonesian delegation and they are happy with whatever explanation they heard. Not just happy, they even endorsed the US Marines presence in Australia.

Sure. That's why the US Marines are stationed in Darwin. To help out with "disaster response".
Indonesia's concerns are valid.

Every time an Australian drug smuggler gets caught red-handed in Indonesia, the bigot-infested Australian media drums up raw racial hatred against Indonesia.

its true every we caught AUSSIE citizen smuggled drug to bali and we arrest and punish under country law,aussie media make headline racial hatred against Indonesia.
Nothing the Australian media reports about Indonesia is "racial hatred" that's just you trying to make excuses for the negative reports the Australian Media makes about certain Indonesian incidents.

But since you brought up Australians drug smuggling, i'll weight into it.

Do you expect the Australia media to sing Indonesia's praises when the people selling drugs/giving drugs to Australians are the Indonesian Police? They sell drugs to Australians and then arrest them to make money and media attention.

Do you expect the Australian media to sing Indonesia's praises when if you get caught with a small amount of drugs you are sentenced to death or life in prison, but if you are an islamic terrorist and you kill 100 people like in the bali bombings, you receive 2 years in jail and then are released?

Ridiculous i say
its true every we caught AUSSIE citizen smuggled drug to bali and we arrest and punish under country law,aussie media make headline racial hatred against Indonesia.

Hopefully, Indonesia will take her rightful place as the superpower of Southeast Asia. A strong Indonesia is in the interests of the world.
Hopefully, Indonesia will take her rightful place as the superpower of Southeast Asia. A strong Indonesia is in the interests of the world.

Instead of saying things just for hell of it, care to elaborate?

I think you are only saying that just because your now friends with Indonesia. Australia has been friends with Indonesia for years now.
Instead of saying things just for hell of it, care to elaborate?

I think you are only saying that just because your now friends with Indonesia. Australia has been friends with Indonesia for years now.

Are you reading communists trolls the first time ?
its true every we caught AUSSIE citizen smuggled drug to bali and we arrest and punish under country law,aussie media make headline racial hatred against Indonesia.

This is very true. When that white trash bogan sub-human Schapelle Corby was arrested for being a drug mule, the Australian media had a field day whining, concocting conspiracy stories, and enlisting celebrities like Russel Crowe to manufacture outrage. It really offends Australian sensibilities for white people to be held to account for their crimes by non-whites.
This is very true. When that white trash bogan sub-human Schapelle Corby was arrested for being a drug mule, the Australian media had a field day whining, concocting conspiracy stories, and enlisting celebrities like Russel Crowe to manufacture outrage.

It's absolutely outrageous. There is the blatantly racist accusation that the Aussie criminals who get caught are victims framed by the dirty brown subhumans in those developing countries. Even the Australia police don't believe these criminals, yet the Australian media keeps perpetuating this image of poor, gullible Aussies framed by devious third worlders. Whether it's Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, it's always the developing country's fault.

The good news is that many Australians are not fooled by the media. Most Australians finally acknowledge that Corby was guilty.
Instead of saying things just for hell of it, care to elaborate?

I think you are only saying that just because your now friends with Indonesia. Australia has been friends with Indonesia for years now.

:lol: What are you smoking?? Even a three yrs old Indonesia kid will laugh yr sentence.
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