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Indo-US Strategic Dialogues & Regional Stability

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Indo-US strategic Dialogue has been held in Washington to discuss Pak–Afghan situation and bilateral counter-terrorism cooperation on June 3, 2010 just during current blast wave of Kabul. Anyhow, the theme of the indo-US talks has been viewed very critically in China and South Asian countries. The global geopolitical and security environment is under turmoil .The talks are undergoing when tussle between North and South Korea is on its peak, Indo- China border clash is once again in the news, India is determined to get hold of regional natural resources, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal are all most helpless over resolving water and energy issues with India , Kashmiries , Sikhs and Maoists are still fighting for their rights , Israel is busy in massacring and crushing innocent Gazan , American and western still unable to decide that whether they should leave Afghanistan or not. India has attained full ingress in Afghan affairs on the name of development. She under the umbrella of US is also using Afghan territory as launching pad of terrorism. Thus Indo-US strategic talks under the current regional security environment would further jeopardize the regional and global peace. Moreover, Indian ingress in Afghanistan is direct threat to the regional stability.

Therefore, from the mentioned environment, it becomes very obvious that India, Israel and US are playing double game against Muslims, Westerns, and Russian and even with their own masses too. In fact, US diplomacy is revolving around the political scholars like Machiavelli and Morgenthau remarks. According to them, in international politics, sometimes leaders and rulers have to choose between the lesser evil and the greater evil. And in these circumstances, deceit and fraud become the principles of international morality.

However, judging in these terms a “nuclearised Pakistan” is considered a greater evil by the US-led major western countries including Israel and India which though possess thousands of atomic weapons, but Islamabad’s nuclear assets irritate them. US who wants to make India a regional super power of Asia in order to counterbalance peace-loving China takes Pakistan an obstacle in its covert strategic designs. Israel backed by US and India might have planned to launch some swift attacks actions against Iran and Paksitan. In short, it would not be wrong if we say that now evils are on one platform and trying to knock out rest of the players for their grand designs,

This is also part of the plot against Pakistan that America has been playing a double game with Islamabad, sometimes by cajoling it with economic and military aid, and sometimes by accusing it of supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is most surprising to note that Pakistan’s armed forces and intelligence agency, ISI have broken the backbone of the Taliban militants in their own country, so, as to how it is possible that they are sending militants in Afghanistan so as to back the Taliban.

Though Indo-US strategic talks are in progress at the moment and claiming very high of their relations as compare to the past but at this occasion Indian influenced officials and senators have leveled the grounds in making the talks more successful. The obliged congress men declared India as American global strategic alliance but at the same time they have forgotten that Indian Chief distrusted over US-Indo Weapons Deal. According to reports, army chief General VK Singh has sent a communication to the defence minister AK Antony warning him about deals struck under the US government's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme.

Under the FMS route the US government procures equipment on behalf of the Indian government from private companies in the United States through Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). The Indian Army's warning against FMS sales appears to have been issued after their frustrating experience with weapon-locating radars purchased in 2002 from US firm Raytheon. He further stressed that the army has had unending trouble with the maintenance of the dozen odd radars it has bought, with up to two-thirds of the pricey equipment out of action at times because of lack of maintenance. Interestingly, Indian Chief always advocated and preferred Russia over American companies for purchases over American based companies. The US masses, think takes and owners of American weapons firms showed their concerns over the Indian chief allegation who declared US manufactures substandard too.

On June 2, 2010 some hidden hands launched Rocket attack couple with gunfire have been carried out on three-day peace assembly of elders (Jerga) that was held for the purpose of preparing and adoption of a road-map of reconciliation involving vast sections of the people who have been associated with the Taliban. According to the media reports, during this attack at least one rocket landed around 70 meters from the giant air-conditioned tent pitched near the Intercontinental Hotel, where around 1600 invitees had assembled for the National Consultative Peace Jirga. Mr Karazai who narrowly escaped stated that some people are trying to disrupt the Jirga by firing rockets. At the time of attack India’s Ambassador to Afghanistan, Jayant Prasad, was inside the tent at the time. Earlier two in February and May blasts rocked Kabul and left behind killed and many injured several civilian. The Kabul and Lahore blasts and militancy of Balochistan are interconnected since mastermind behind is “Triple III Agency (Indo Israel Intelligence Agency)”. It is mentionable here that current blast wave in Afghanistan has started just after the announcement of Obamas’ National Security Strategy and likely withdraw of US forces from Afghanistan by 2011 and a day prior to the visit of Indio US strategic talks .

In this connection the Pak-US Strategically Dialogues has been started for elimination of terrorism, restructuring, rehabilitation, stability and development of Afghanistan and Pakistan Tribal areas. The second round of Pak-US Strategic Dialogues would be held in July 21, 2010. US, Afghanistan and Pakistan are three key players of the Afghan crises. Pakistan is one of the main sufferers of the war on terror. Her security forces are successfully completed operation against militants and in wrapping up Orakzai agency and are busy now in wrapping up the same. On June 2, 2010 Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Orakzai Kayani has carried out the two neighbouring Kurram tribal regions. Later on he also visited Waziristan and addressed the tribal elders too. He also appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the agency of terrorists. Earlier too in the last week of May General Kayani visited Kabul and probably discussed with President Karazai future perspective of Afghan crises,

On May 29, 2010 General Stanley McChrystal Commander ISSAF forces while talking to the media said that Taliban are being supported by Iran too. This news seems to be having some linkage with the deployment plan of Israeli Nuclear Submarine in Gulf just at Iranian door. In fact, Israel authorities have planed to deploy three submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf, near the Iranian coastline. The report did not clarify that when the submarines would be stationed in the area. But information is there that the three submarines - Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan - have visited the Gulf. Israeli authorities have decided to ensure the permanent presence of at least one of the vessels. Therefore, should we consider that US, Israel and India decided for all out war irrespective of its conversation to global nuclear war? The stated vessels can remain at sea for about 50 days and stay submerged up to 1,150 feet below the surface for at least a week. According to the Times, some of the cruise missiles are equipped with the most advanced nuclear warheads in the Israeli arsenal. The positioning of Israeli sub-marine in Gulf could be amounting to block and control of Gulf which could probably going to directly affect trade the trade routes to Europe and Arab countries .

The undergoing debate proves that USA, Israel and India have planed strike against Pakistan and Iran; unfortunately the “Troika Group” (USA, Israeli, and India) have not realized yet that they are dragging the world toward nuclear war. Israel is playing with the lives of innocent Gazans near Gaza coastland and yet to be asked for stopping brutality against them. Similarly, India playing the lives of Kashmiries but still her master US is determined to place her watchdog in Asia. Therefore ,it would not be wrong if I say that Indo-US Strategic talks will add in regional instability rather than securing the humanity.
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