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Indigenous Rotary Engine tested successfully on Nishant UAV


Nov 10, 2012
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Indigenous Rotary Engine tested successfully on Nishant UAV


The indigenous Wankel rotary engine, designed and developed by Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (VRDE), Ahmednagar, in association with Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bengaluru, and NAL for unmanned air vehicle (UAV) Nishant, was successfully tested on 23-24 January 2013.

The engine was integrated on UAV-Nishant. The Wankel engine has high power-to-weight ratio, weighs about 30 kg, and develops power of 55 hp. Nishant with indigenous rotary engine, climbed to an altitude of more than 3.7 km effortlessly and cruised for more than 3 hr against a requirement of 3.6 km. The test fulfilled all the mission requirements.

VRDE obtained airworthiness certification for Limited Series Production (LSP) of the engine on 7 February 2013 from the Chief Executive, Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification (CEMILAC), Bengaluru, in presence of Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM, Secretary Defence R&D and DG DRDO, at ADE, Bangaluru. Dr Saraswat hailed development of the engine as big leap towards nation’s self-reliance and congratulated the team for their rigorous efforts. The engine is the first of it kinds,which has achieved airworthiness certification in a non-gas-turbine category.

ADE played an important role during testing and flight trials of the engine. The low cost, state-of-the-art engine was cleared for flight after rigorous ground endurance test runs. The rotary engine project team comprised: Shri D Radhakrishna, Project Director, and team members including Tapkire Abhishek, Ganesh Yewale GS Panchal, PU Shejwal, Santanu Deori, RB Andhale, SS Dahifale, RM Munot, Ravindra Channa, Gaurav Agrawal, and Sayyed Imran.
Indigenous Rotary Engine tested successfully on Nishant UAV | idrw.org
Sorry for asking, but the motor looks pretty ordinary. Why is this special?
Sorry for asking, but the motor looks pretty ordinary. Why is this special?

theres is a difference between a motor and an engine.above rotary engine is designed according to the requirements of the project.its custom made.
Guys do not feed trolls... carry on with the discussion.......
I've worked on rotary engines

Pain in my focking ***. But fewer moving parts and smaller displacement means less weight

Generate most power at latter end of powerband so fuel service range would be less but here in this case could be wrong

Firstly, Indian bike companies manufacture their own engines upto 350cc ... In these segment they rule the foreign vendors..

However I am just wondering, the constant drone attacks on you guys didn't insipre you guys to make a drone for yourselves ? Atleast a toy version to scare your kids ! Beta TTP join kar le nahin toh drone aa jayega bolke ? :lol: :omghaha:

We are manufacturing (and exporting) domestic UAVs since the early/mid 2000s

Rather than resort to cheap rhetoric how about doing a little research before posting?
I've worked on rotary engines

Pain in my focking ***. But fewer moving parts and smaller displacement means less weight

Generate most power at latter end of powerband so fuel service range would be less but here in this case could be wrong

We are manufacturing (and exporting) domestic UAVs since the early/mid 2000s

Rather than resort to cheap rhetoric how about doing a little research before posting?

Firstly those cheap rhetorics are meant for habitual trolls. Talking of being on topic : did any pakistani ask hw our so called indigenous rotary engine is different from their counterparts ? Nobody asked for a proof... Rather, the discussion itself started on the premise that we have ripped off israeli engines and discussion proceeded only to verify the extent to which it was ripped off.. I am sorry rather than reporting the better option to mu judgement in this case will be to troll the habitual trolls !
I've worked on rotary engines

Pain in my focking ***. But fewer moving parts and smaller displacement means less weight

Generate most power at latter end of powerband so fuel service range would be less but here in this case could be wrong

We are manufacturing (and exporting) domestic UAVs since the early/mid 2000s

Rather than resort to cheap rhetoric how about doing a little research before posting?

is their any prototype till now...
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