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India's Two-Front War Plans

What a poor analogy, Israel has always had a superior military force compared to their neighbours, and Israel has nuclear weapons too.

Powerful countries such as Iran and Turkey are more of a match, however neither one actually borders Israel.

lol the israeli's destroyed the arab air forces not to mention had Israeli agents in high positions of power in the arab countries, israel intelligence and planning. lol did you hear about the israeli agent that almost made it to becoming the leader of syria he told all the Syrians artillery to hide near trees and gave the info to israel so golan fell in israeli hands, India agents in china come on now.
u are accusing india of "brutal occupation" of AP, and the "legit" occupation of Tibet by china?

:rofl: oh the irony

As of the Tibet issue, you may need a time machine to go back and argue with Kublai Khan who brought Tibet into our family.
Israel carried about strikes to wipe out the arab air forces not to mention got it's intelligence agents in Damascus, Cairo. so your going to start with a pre emtive strike and destroy the PLAAF airforce in tibet ? and also intelligence agents in china ?

if you actually know about the 1973 or 1967 wars you how israel won.

yes i know all about those wars. i think india might enjoy similar advantages. here's why:

Tibetans will side india in case of war. having the population of the land in your side means more intel, better movement for your troops, better and safer logistics, an immobilized enemy, etc.

just like indo-pak war of 71.

US president Nixon warned china that what india did in bangladesh is a practice run for what it may do in tibet.

he is not way off the mark you know
Not ONE single country on Earth recognizes Tibet Autonomous Region as a disputed territory. Even India has accepted that Tibet is a part of China.

However, Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory under the United Nations, and thus under international law.
Well then as you preach in other thread that CIA is conducting drone strikes because ISI knows about it, so does it mean your government sold its own people?

Drone srikes CAN be useful as it has killed many militant leaders...
Though i may not like it or other civilians may not like, its in the best interest of PA to make a decision. There are very few who are sold. Let me ask you this. Why do you think PA is interested in kicking out P.M and President in the Memo case? closing American bases? and closing American supply route??. The U.S's major concern is getting into the hands of Pakistan's nuke program. Every leader including the elected government has never halted. Really the reasons i have given you reflects the interests of the people of Pakistan.
Not ONE single country on Earth recognizes Tibet Autonomous Region as a disputed territory. Even India has accepted that Tibet is a part of China.

However, Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory under the United Nations, and thus under international law.

Tibet was a trade off between China and India, China accepted Sikkim as part of India and in return India accepted Tibet. Both side got what they wanted, India got a gateway to its eastern states, and China got Tibet in return.
Not ONE single country on Earth recognizes Tibet Autonomous Region as a disputed territory. Even India has accepted that Tibet is a part of China.

However, Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory under the United Nations, and thus under international law.

already replied before:

thats true because pakistan does EVERYTHING in its power to get kashmir.

wheras no one cares about those poor tibetans
yes i know all about those wars. i think india might enjoy similar advantages. here's why:

Tibetans will side india in case of war. having the population of the land in your side means more intel, better movement for your troops, better and safer logistics, an immobilized enemy, etc.

just like indo-pak war of 71.

US president Nixon warned china that what india did in bangladesh is a practice run for what it may do in tibet.

he is not way off the mark you know

It depends , china has all the advantages the issue of the tibetians siding china has planned for that with a counter han population change overnight. not to mention tanks in tibet are really hard it's going to be just soldiers in that situation both air and land is going to be used.

India has no capability in tibet it's rather a dream good luck on getting the materials and tanks over the terrain into there.
yes i know all about those wars. i think india might enjoy similar advantages. here's why:

Tibetans will side india in case of war. having the population of the land in your side means more intel, better movement for your troops, better and safer logistics, an immobilized enemy, etc.

just like indo-pak war of 71.

US president Nixon warned china that what india did in bangladesh is a practice run for what it may do in tibet.

he is not way off the mark you know

There are less Tibetans total, than there are police in China. Not to mention that only the slave owning class supports you.
Drone srikes CAN be useful as it has killed many militant leaders...
Though i may not like it or other civilians may not like, its in the best interest of PA to make a decision. There are very few who are sold. Let me ask you this. Why do you think PA is interested in kicking out P.M and President in the Memo case? closing American bases? and closing American supply line??. The U.S's major concern is getting into the hands of Pakistan's nuke program. Every leader including the elected government has never been halted. Really the reasons i have given you reflects the interests of the people of Pakistan.

So you are agreeing that your government sold its own people, the army couldn't do anything for the soldiers killed in the strike, they can't do anything for the innocent women and children who died in the drone strikes. As far as I see Saudi have a much better system and they are fa better on putting forth their own interest.
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