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India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics


Apr 26, 2011
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India's Planning Commission, which helps sets economic policy, told the Supreme Court that the poverty line for the nation's cities was 578 rupees ($12.75) per person a month. For rural India, it's even lower at about 450 rupees ($9.93).

The World Bank global poverty line, at $1.25 a day or about $38 per month, is three times higher than India's urban level. Local activists say a better name for India's standard would be ``the starvation line.''

"This number is a joke". There's no seriousness about the poor,'' activist Aruna Roy said.

NEW DELHI: Every day, through scorching summers and chilly winters, Himmat pedals his bicycle rickshaw through New Delhi's crowded streets, earning barely enough to feed his family. But to India's government he is not poor, not even close.

The 5,000 rupees ($110) he earns a month pays for a tiny room with a single light bulb and no running water for his family of four. After buying just enough food to keep his family from starving, there is nothing left for medicine, new clothes for his children or savings. Still, Himmat is way above India's poverty line.
Rent for his room, which is no larger than 10 feet by 4 feet, costs 1,500 rupees ($33). He struggles to send his two children to a poorly run government school that costs him another 1,000 rupees ($22). The remaining 2,500 ($55) must pay for food, medicines and any other necessities for his family of four.

In the summer, he sends his wife and children back to their village in eastern India and sleeps on the sidewalk to save on rent. ``I am a very poor man. I can't imagine living on any less money,'' he said.

Using the commission's poverty line, 37 percent of India's 1.2 billion people qualify as poor.

The country currently spends 2 percent of its GDP, about 29 billion, in social protection, and half of that goes to the Public Distribution System, which provides the poor with subsidized food. Even with the low poverty line, the system, riddled with corruption and mismanagement, caters to over 440 million people, more than the entire population of the United States.

The World Bank poverty line would add about 60 million more people to that category. Critics say even that is too few, and that India needs to extend its social security net to hundreds of millions more who like Himmat, the rickshaw puller, live in penury.

India's stingy definition of poverty irks critics - The Economic Times
What about subsidies given by Govt to the poor like 20 kgs of rice per month for 2rs/kg.
These statistics are beyond F@@KED UP. India simply does not care enough for their own poor citizens. ELECTED govt being allowed to get away with stealing billions instead of helping & doing more for the extreme poverty is proof enough!
can you post authentic statistics what is the number of people who are receiving it ?

I don't know how many people are receiving it, but in my state of AP its been provided for all the families with white ration card i.e, BPL families. Not only rice they will also provide subsidized Dal, Edible Oil and Kerosine. Every state has their own customized way of subsidizing it i.e, North Indian states provide subsidies in wheat according to the local palate. Adding to that mid day meal scheme has been implemented in nearly all schools in India
how does that change that India sets a stingy definition of poverty?

India rising.. :)

Bcoz most of the money will used for buying Food. If food is subsidized means more money in the pockets of poor. Poverty is state of living not the money they are earning. So even poor in India are earning less, they are getting square meals daily.
I thank Pakistani's about their concern towards Indian poor. Please keep up the pressure on us, and keep highlighting such news, so that our resolve to eradicate poverty gets a boost.
Here is a statewide monthly allocation from Public Distribution System. This is just food subsidy, doesn't include any other kinds of subsidy, like fuel etc.

Department of Food and Public Distribution

i am asking about statistics of those who received it in actual not the Govt version of how much they allocated.

the main point is that how many had benefited of it
Creating better education system is the solution for most of issues!
I thank Pakistani's about their concern towards Indian poor. Please keep up the pressure on us, and keep highlighting such news, so that our resolve to eradicate poverty gets a boost.

sorry to say its only Indians who can keep the pressure no outsider pressure will work in your case.
i am asking about statistics of those who received it in actual not the Govt version of how much they allocated.

the main point is that how many had benefited of it

At present the only people who don't avail these benefits are people who are nomads like construction workers b'coz of their changing identities and no permanent address. I am expecting these problems be solved once UID comes into effect.
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