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India's 'Shinku La' tunnel will break the record of the MiLa tunnel situated in China

NG Missile Vessels

Apr 9, 2023
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India is building world’s highest tunnel, motorable road, and fighter aircraft base in Eastern Ladakh. BRO is going to break its own record of building the highest road at ‘Umling La Pass’ two years’ back. And now it will be surpassed in next two working seasons with the ‘Mig La-Fukche’ road coming up. BRO chief Lt General Rajeev Chaudhry shared that it will help in the deployment of Indian troops at the earliest if any critical situation arises. Chaudhry said the world’s highest bi-lane tunnel ‘Sela’ is also ready. Moreover, ‘Sela’ is expected to be dedicated to the nation by the Prime Minister very soon. Chaudhry stated that the construction of ‘Shinku La’ tunnel connecting Manali through Zanskar to Leh will be started. ‘Shinku La’ tunnel will be the highest and will break the record of the MiLa tunnel situated in China. Nyoma airfield which is just 30 kilometres in aerial distance in Eastern Ladakh, will be capable of operating fighter aircraft by the end of next year
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Shinku-La Tunnel is a upcoming motorable tunnel under 16,580ft high Shinku-la pass between Himachal’s Lahaul valley and Ladakh’s Zanskar valley in Northern India.

The tunnel was given principal approval in 2021 but the Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday (February 15, 2023) gave a final nod to the project.

Ministry of Defence through Border Roads Organisation (BRO) is building Darcha-Shinkula-Padum-Nimu as an alternative road to connect Ladakh with Himachal Pradesh. This will be the third highway connecting Ladakh with mainland after Srinagar-Kargil-Leh and Manali-Sarchu-Leh highways.

The Manali-Padum-Nimu road or Darcha-Padum-Nimu road will become all-weather after the completion of the Shinku-la tunnel. This will be the safest and shortest road to reach Leh.

As Atal Tunnel, Rohtang, has bypassed 13,050ft high Rohtang pass, Shinkula pass will be the only pass on this new road. Unlike Manali-Sarchu-Leh highway which has many mountain passes, the Darcha-Padum-Nimu road has only one pass — Shinkula pass.

The Defence Ministry is concentrating more on this new road as it will facilitate in military movement even in winter months. Otherwise, both Manali-Leh and Srinagar-Leh highways get blocked following heavy snowfall for five to seven months a year.
Currently, Atal tunnel is India's longest highway tunnel above 10,000ft. After completion, Shinku-la tunnel will be the longest high altitude highway tunnel in the world.

Length of the Darcha-Shinkula pass – Padum-Nimu highway will be 297 KM. Nimu is 35km from Leh and 185km from Kargil. Darcha is 100km from Manali (via Atal Tunnel) along Manali-Sarchu-Leh highway.

Darcha to Padum stretch was connected last year in September when the Discover Leh Ladakh team became first to drive on this stretch. Nearly 35KM road is still to be made to connect Padum with Nimu. About 100km of the road has been made double-lane.

The tunnel will be 4.1 km in length. While Darcha-Shinkula road is over 90 per cent complete, Padum-Shinku la road, which is open to the jeeps, is 50 per cent complete. The entire road is expected to be built and double-laned by 2024-25.

The Shinku La tunnel is aimed to provide all-weather road connectivity to Ladakh and this will be the shortest route to the border areas of the Union territory
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Why indian media always starts dick measuring contest? Highest this, tallest that game changer this. First space race with Russia and now highest tunnel race with China, all within the same week.
Space race with Russia was lost 60 years ago when they were sending cosmonaughts to space while indians were making cow dungs and cowshed and China can make 10 of these tunnels in the same time if they want. Just state the news, give props to the engineers and move on, why all this nautanki.
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Why indian media always starts dick measuring contest? Highest this, tallest that game changer this. First space race with Russia and now highest tunnel race with China, all within the same week.
Space race with Russia was lost 60 years ago when they were sending cosmonaughts to space while indians were making cow dungs and cowshed and China can make 10 of these tunnels in the same time if they want. Just state the news, give props to the engineers and move on, why all this nautanki.
Don't you have enough issues of your own than be bothered by anyone's boastings?
Because indian news is like a low quality entertainment. Every 1 knows it so all the news channels try thier best to be most sensational.
So they say the same thing but in different exaggerated way. Lol. Same go with written articles.
Only thing missing is dance numbers , I'm just waiting some news channle to start that so all other would also be forced to follow.
By the way Pakistani news channel are also same . I love to watch them on TV but never live, it's waste of time.
Don't you have enough issues of your own than be bothered by anyone's boastings?
Abe dhakkan, feel free to stay in your gau mutar fuelled delusions of shupapawa 2020, but some of us prefer coffeee to cow mutar and live in the real world

indians in foreign countries have enough troubles as it is due to you head wobbling oily headed scammers with funny accents back home, cowpee drinking and cow dung bathing picture of you gobarbhakts, creepy stares and rape mentality, now we don't want to be known for boastful headlines, thank you very much, so yea, ofcourse im bothered randi ki gaand ke baal :lol:

Because indian news is like a low quality entertainment. Every 1 knows it so all the news channels try thier best to be most sensational.
So they say the same thing but in different exaggerated way. Lol. Same go with written articles.
Only thing missing is dance numbers , I'm just waiting some news channle to start that so all other would also be forced to follow.
By the way Pakistani news channel are also same . I love to watch them on TV but never live, it's waste of time.
See from 8 mins onwards how they are presenting the news of manipur debate, you will hang your head in shame, its the most chutiya media in the world currently.

And this one takes the cake -- even Pakistani media is a 100 times better.

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Why indian media always starts dick measuring contest? Highest this, tallest that game changer this. First space race with Russia and now highest tunnel race with China, all within the same week.
Space race with Russia was lost 60 years ago when they were sending cosmonaughts to space while indians were making cow dungs and cowshed and China can make 10 of these tunnels in the same time if they want. Just state the news, give props to the engineers and move on, why all this nautanki.

Obviously this faker has no observation skills at all. If he did he would notice that EVERY FOURTH POST ON PDF IS ABOUT CHINA DICK MEASURING BOAST posted by amongst others Beijingwalker.
No complaints there apparently when PDF is not much more than a boasting platform for China. Open your eyes instead of your biases.
Obviously this faker has no observation skills at all. If he did he would notice that EVERY FOURTH POST ON PDF IS ABOUT CHINA DICK MEASURING BOAST posted by amongst others Beijingwalker.
No complaints there apparently when PDF is not much more than a boasting platform for China. Open your eyes instead of your biases.

Seems like some black one horned rhinos in Uganda have been fucking your brains out and you have been puffing on their horns:lol:, so you have lost the ability to think. Its always whataboutery with you bhakts. Any bad news about BJP - look what congress did in the past. Any bad news abt India - oh look this is whats happening in Pakistan or China or BD :lol: - chutiya 2 rupee mentality, but again, nothing better can be expected from drinkers of cow cola

Beijingwalker is paid to post this way, at least earning 50 cent for each post, also he posts videos of third tier chinese cities that make Indian metros look like a joke, so he actually has something to boast about. There are hundreds of thousands of IT cell employees like him in India, only that they get 5 or 10 cents per post instead since Indian per capita income 5 times lesser than China. You bhakt modi ke tatte on the other hand are a different breed - repping for modi for for free 24/7, not even 5 cents a post :rofl:
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Obviously this faker has no observation skills at all. If he did he would notice that EVERY FOURTH POST ON PDF IS ABOUT CHINA DICK MEASURING BOAST posted by amongst others Beijingwalker.
No complaints there apparently when PDF is not much more than a boasting platform for China. Open your eyes instead of your biases.
That's because India has an evil regime.
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