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India's "satellite killer" and missile defense

Mister X

Feb 7, 2010
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English Translation below the article.


日期:2010-02-11 作者:罗山爱 来源:新民晚报




1 月3日,在第97届印度科学大会的会议间歇,印度国防研究及发展组织(DRDO)主席V.K.萨拉斯瓦特透露,研究太空安全将是DR-DO的一项重要课题。他表示,印度正在整合各方面的技术资源,着力研发一种低轨道卫星破坏武器(也就是人们常说的“卫星杀手”),能够摧毁敌方卫星、远程雷达、通信系统、激光制导系统和红外导引头等。



美国全球安全研究所负责人约翰·派克表示,全球90% 的卫星都在距地面100公里的轨道上运行,美国空军曾进行过用战斗机发射导弹来摧毁卫星的试验,结果取得成功,这证明了近地轨道卫星的脆弱性。派克指出,不管是在军事用途或民间应用上,近地轨道卫星可能是目前最不可或缺的通信设备。




“致盲”是利用激光、微波等定向能武器,从地球表面或太空中攻击敌方卫星,使其携带的光学和电子仪器损坏,从而无法正常工作。  “干扰”是在掌握敌方卫星运行参数的基础上,发射相同参数的指令,使其不能接收正常指令或正常工作,这种作战样式比较隐蔽。









India's "satellite killer" and missile defense

Date :2010-02-11 by: Luoshan Love Source: Xinmin Evening News

India PAD-1 anti-missile interceptor

According to "The Hindu" reported that India's chief defense scientist said that the satellite and rocket technology has been well-developed in India began to integrate all forces, develop a space weapons for use against running in low Earth orbit satellites.

Targeting low-orbit satellite

January 3, at the 97th Indian Science Congress, meeting intermittently, India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) said the President VK 萨拉斯瓦特, research space security will be the DR-DO is an important issue. He said that India is integrating all aspects of technical resources, efforts to develop a low-orbit satellites violation of the arms (that is commonly known as "satellite killer"), able to destroy enemy satellites, long-range radar, communications systems, laser guidance systems, and infrared-guided first-class.

In fact, DRDO hopes to have a means to attack their enemies or space-based facilities, so that India's future, "Network Centric Warfare" era invincible.萨拉斯瓦特 is also being implemented specifically to DRDO, India ballistic missile defense program with the anti-satellite research Guashang Gou, claimed that "with the interaction between the two."

In fact, India's anti-satellite weapons (ASAT) design work has been by the DRDO and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) shared the specific details were not disclosed, but the ISRO Chairman Dr K · 拉德哈克里 Heenan had previously India's "Deccan Courier, "said," India has got enough of 'direct hit low-orbit satellites' in space science and technology ... ... we are each emission (satellite) before going to the related calculations, in order to determine the relative safety of the Indian satellite location, to avoid being other satellites collide. but in fact this technique can be used to kill satellites in orbit. "拉德哈克里 Heenan also proposed, ISRO is pressing ahead with the development thrust of larger, more reliable space vehicles, the agency is committed to development of reusable access to space six times carrying hypersonic spacecraft.

Head of the U.S. Global Security Institute, said John Pike, 90% of global satellites are in orbit 100 kilometers above the ground runs have been conducted by the U.S. Air Force fighter jets fired a missile to destroy a satellite, the results of success, demonstrating the Near-Earth-orbit satellite vulnerability. Parker pointed out that, whether it is in the military use or civilian applications, the near-earth orbit satellites may be the most essential communications equipment.

India so what can be an anti-satellite?

The prospects for the development of space technology from the point of view, the main form of future anti-satellite warfare is nothing less than "destroy", "blind" and "interference", three.

"Destruction" is the use of weapons systems from the Earth's surface or to destroy enemy satellites in space directly to a class of space-based systems, the types of weapons used, including lasers, can be deployed in orbit mobile anti-satellite missiles, and ground-launched missiles.

"Blinding" is the use of lasers, microwave and other directed energy weapons, from the Earth's surface or attack enemy satellites in space to carry optical and electronic equipment is damaged, and thus not work correctly. "Interfere" is to master the enemy's satellites on the basis of operating parameters, launch the same parameters of the instruction, so that it can not receive normal instruction or normal work, which is covert warfare.

At present, India has acquired major thrust carrier rocket launch and recovery capsule technology, which means that India has launched long-range ballistic missiles and the precise calculation of the capacity of satellite orbital parameters, with these two "hard skill", they are actually ready to anti-satellite warfare across the "threshold."

The event of an anti-satellite warfare, India will install the rocket warhead launched into near-earth orbit, and then calculated along the track until the destruction of enemy satellites to carry out this kind of "destroy" operations against India was not very difficult . Is known as India's "missile" Father of former Indian President Abdul Kalam has stated that India can shoot down from the ground 200 km altitude aircraft.

According to "Indian Defense Online" Web site reported last year, November 4, from Indian Institute of Technology (IIS) and the DRDO organizations, experts are committed to developing a reusable hypersonic missile. The missile has more than five times the speed of sound in order to combat the potential targets 5,000 km distant, and also as a low-cost anti-satellite means.

In the satellite "blinding" is concerned, India is trying to get Russia's help, the development of high-power laser weapons. According to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) website provides news, India, Bangalore, Bharat and high-energy physics laboratories are committed to developing ground-based laser defense system, despite their claims that objective is to ballistic missiles, but its design specifications point of view, the laser weapon's power is sufficient to penetrate the atmosphere, destroy the near-Earth orbit satellites carry optical instruments.

An active defense of "space property"

The United States, "Defense News" quoted an Indian Defense Ministry official as saying that the Indian military decided to accelerate the protection of national military and civilian communications satellite capabilities. However, he stressed that India's space strategy is to protect their own security, particularly the hands of the Indian army "space property" security. "The strategy is full of 'active defense' of color, will not allow opponents to seize the initiative."

It is reported that India's Aerospace Command and is now at the stage of rapid development, the Indian Defense Ministry prepared to allow the armed forces are involved, the cost of 30 billion to bring all of India's military space program with the ground information system linked into a network, so that the Indian armed force as soon as possible to achieve "network-centric warfare" standard.
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Actually it is much easier to shoot down a satellite than a ballistic missile. Ballistic missiles fly at extremely high speed with variable flight path and velocity, while satellite fly on a fixed path with fixed. Every things are developed for ASAT weapon, Long Range Tracking Radar to Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle.

But I wish India don't test a real ASAT. More debris on space.
Your english translation job is quite good. Did you find an english version or did you translated yourself because I don't think normal translation tool is that good.

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