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India's little known super-weapon "KALI".

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I don't think Mr keysorsoze is even aware of the fact that in India voting is done through EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) and in US they still use punching cards.

These pesky Indian scientists. How dare they beat Americans. I say it's blasphemy.

yes using electronic voting systems is Sooooo relevant to new groundbreaking super weapons.

tThe only Indian scientists likely to be beating American ones will be the ones working in America.....
yes using electronic voting systems is Sooooo relevant to new groundbreaking super weapons.

tThe only Indian scientists likely to be beating American ones will be the ones working in America.....

Most "technocrats" work in US, most "scientists" work in India. Get the basics clear. There is a huge difference between those two.

If you can someday try not to look from I-hate-India lens, you might see that Science and Technology based research in India is among the best in the world today. There is enormous scientific resource availble out here. And even if you go by statistics, Indian technocrats in US have been resposible for 45% of all the new inventions.
yes using electronic voting systems is Sooooo relevant to new groundbreaking super weapons.

tThe only Indian scientists likely to be beating American ones will be the ones working in America.....

Mr. Keys, I do not know anything about this KALI business, but the electronic voting systems is ground breaking, here in GA they used this in electronic machine in last election, and roughly 15 counties had problems in the systems. If one state has numerous problems then what about the whole country.
Here is another space based weapon India is developing. This is by far th emost ambitious one.

AVATAR: India's space based missile launcher

Hyperplane Avatar will be a reusable missile launcher

The hyperplane Avatar, the most ambitious of all, is already reaching the end of the conceptual stage and entering the planning stage. The kerosene-fuelled scramjet-powered vehicle is claimed to be much cheaper than the design concepts worked out in the US, Germany, the UK and Japan. The idea is to develop a vehicle that can take off from conventional airfields, collect air in the atmosphere on the way up, liquefy it, separate oxygen and store it on board for subsequent flight beyond the atmosphere. In fact, Air Commodore R. Gopalaswami, former chairman and managing director of Bharat Dynamics, India's missile factory, had once claimed that it can be developed even into a commercial transporter.

Incidentally, it was Gopalaswami who suggested the name Avatar. Avatar is primarily intended as a reusable missile launcher, one which can launch missiles, land back and be loaded again for more missions. The vehicle will be designed to permit at least a hundred re-entries into the atmosphere. The vehicle could also act as a satellite launcher at a hundredth of the present cost of launching satellites. A miniature Avatar, which is also being conceived, would be hardly bigger than a MiG-25 or an F-16.

Work has already begun on a hypersonic launch vehicle which would be the forerunner to Avatar and is expected to complete in 2010.

Avatar is expected to hit the skies in 2014.

Cruise missiles may be the currency of power today. But the currency of future would be the Avatar, Durga and the Kali.
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Wind tunnel testing model of AVATAR


Here is another space based weapon India is developing. This is by far th emost ambitious one.

Work has already begun on a hypersonic launch vehicle which would be the forerunner to Avatar and is expected to complete in 2010.

Avatar is expected to hit the skies in 2014.

Wait a minute. This year is 2009 already...
Don't kid yourself, this is not a new concept.

It has been around a long time. It's just never been deployed operationally because miniaturizing it onto a usable weapons platform has proven to be difficult with current technology.

We would not view a bulky, 26t system with vulnerable oil storage facilities on-board as a viable weapons system.

This is rather like if we deployed a bulky, one-shot-per-service-interval rail gun in the 80s. We could have done it, claimed we were technologically awesome for building a rail gun, but it would have been a useless weapon, much like this.
AHHHH it seems I have hit a sore point with you....Well let me explain why i treat this with the derision it deserves.

If I had a penny for every claim of a "revolutionary development" from India i would be a millionaire. So far it has been lots of talk (undoubtedly to assuage a inferiority complex ) I mean you could not even build relatively simple things like planes, engines and Tanks and yet we are supposed to believe that you have developed a super weapon that no one else has? Seriously?
Take a hint and stop boasting about what you haven't got and maybe sometimes these claims will be taken seriously.

Oh and by the way it's not negative for me BTW just your ego's I am being realistic.


i newer said someting on the lines of what typical fanboys do (jf-17 vs mki:rofl:).....some experiment is gong on let it progress no one asked you to comment on it or the feasibility of the project ...face it YOU ARE JUST A MOD HERE...you might be a sooper dooper scientist in your real life ..god for you but if you think the project is not possible put it in a decent way ...the way you laugh it off just shows what you are ....i am not gonna throw a boulder on slurry and get it all splattered on me .....good for you be what you want

you could have put it the way saiko put it across
We would not view a bulky, 26t system with vulnerable oil storage facilities on-board as a viable weapons system.

This is rather like if we deployed a bulky, one-shot-per-service-interval rail gun in the 80s. We could have done it, claimed we were technologically awesome for building a rail gun, but it would have been a useless weapon, much like this.
See zombie there are certain kind of ppls whom you no matter what your do cannot convince as there whole life revolve aroung denial as this gives them pleasure and peace of mind. So let is go. :enjoy:

Why does this have to be my **** is bigger than yours contest ? There is a reason the scientists have not revealed the information and I am guessing that surprise is of essence. So if someone says it is a stupid weapon which will never work, why try and prove it is not ?

Let me for one, with top secret info into the working of nuclear, laser and other top-of-the-shelf weapons say that this is nothing more than a garden variety "pataka" we use for Diwali scaled up in size. The ingredients to a pataka of course are sulphur, carbon powder and potassium nitrate. The secrecy is only there because we do not want Pakistan to learn about how to make Carbon powder. Carbon powder, as you know is classified as banned under UN non-proliferation treaties. The design of kerosene based wood-combuster used to make carbon powder was acquired indigenously by India while there are reports that a Pakistani scientist called AQ Ghan copied a similar design from Sweden.
India has lots of ambitious weapons programs, of course. I wud just hold my fingers and wait to see LCA into service first.

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Mr. Sambha, i guess u must like rambha. the dance i mean.

now ur sub post is an indication how kniving one can be, ur making fun of people when they say that u may be Indian secret service agent, it is said about certain behavior that u depict, meaning that u certainly talk like a very introvert, extreme Indians without any regard for truth and facts, u announce about Indian secret weapons and yet do not want to announce it, what kind of talk is that.

I hope that on a Pakistani forum u at least will be straight forward and honest when discussing matters, but instead u like to play a game, I do not know why u Indians do that, my only guess would be that u guys like to keep confusing the matter so that the truth and facts will never be known and the truth is not the honorable thing to do, that is what you exude.
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India has lots of ambitious weapons programs, of course. I wud just hold my fingers and wait to see LCA into service first.


Indian always had very ambitious programs, to name one would be the ARJAN. See below and enjoy.

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Doesnt take einstein to figure out the trigger-happiness that persists in Pakistan. We all know how you were all set to nuke India in Kargil.
Pakistan just never wants to adopt a no-first-use policy. And even worse, we dont even know who controls Pakistan's nukes, is it under the army? or government? Who presses the button?..Add to that, the deep nuclear proliferaion ring headed by the amn who developed the N-bomb for Pak.

The proof of the less-than-perfect nuclear working in Pakistan is self-evident from the fact that Benazir Bhutto didnt know as the prime minister that her country was preparing for a test until US told her, and more recently Nawaz Sharif had absolutely know clue about his country preparing for nuclear strike during Kargil, again it was US that told him.

Oh but it does, specially in your case. Since all we can see it some sort of a supper dupper alien style weapon being developed by India to counter a perceive threat from Pakistan. Ohh by the way i forgot most Indians say they do not consider Pakistan a threat then why such paranoia? Indeed a mind of an Einstein is required to understand such complexities involved regarding an Indian mind.:cheesy:
India has lots of ambitious weapons programs, of course. I wud just hold my fingers and wait to see LCA into service first.


Buddy,are u trying to suggest that Indian scientists are incompetent:confused:.If u are,u are out of your mind.Our scientists have proved their competence on numerous occasions.(it would be :crazy: of you to ask of examples)
Of course, as a developing country we have a lot of ambitions.But we also know that success wont come easy.The most important thing is that we are ready to work hard for it.(plz try to appreciate this)

:cheers:.I wish our scientists good luck

No hard feelings yh1 :china:
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