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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Joker!!!! Yeah Even DJinh, ghosts and Martians will come to work. But first let another surgical strike happen.

These fake guys are ashamed of their nationality and kept US/Taiwan flags while talking like a comedian!!!

So are you referring me to a Pakistani? You know that I'm a Taiwanese American as I've been here just as long as you. I have seen you banned enough times and learned of your trolling techniques. Trying to insult someone by referring to them as a Pakistani is for newbies. You can do better. Don't make your Pakistani buddies be so right about you Indians that you guys have no learning capability, even in trolling.

This is a thread about the coming test of Nirbhay cruise missile. So why is Indian failing subsonic cruise missile tests repeatedly when it has the worlds most potent cruise missile in Brahmos?
That's why they say..you need brain even for copying. They always said Brahmos is the supersonic highly advanced missile and used to laugh on Pakistan Babur being subsonic CM but all of the sudden they realised they need a subsonic missile after getting a supersonic missile ....something is fishy fishy.. daal main kuch tu peela ha

Please, just don't, lets just not bring Babur into the equation.

The only "kaala" part in the "daal" is that Pakistan a country with suspect engineering capacity and literally nill experience in cruise missiles inducted Babur after only one test alone while simultaneously claiming zero failures in all its operational history.
While a country like USA the progenitors and perfectors of cruise missiles took a shit ton of tests, decades of R&D and failures to make the Tomahawk what it is today.

Cruise missiles which are in some ways more complicated to develop than even ICBMs and are more or less pilotless aircrafts, with subsystems required so precisely engineered and refined that a large budget, time and a boat load of tests becomes extremely necessary.
All of which Pakistan does not seem to have invested.

The MTCR states that Pakistan possesses some 39 missile techs compared to India's 83.

And here's the crux of the situation, you know, rather we all know that Nirbhay will eventually have a string of successes thereby leading to induction and you lot will have nothing but its initial failures to complain about, like you lot do now, with the fully mature Agni ICBMs.
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