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India's growth rate drops to slowest in two years

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so whats the big deal??? There is a financial crisis going on..... Even china's manufacturing has slowed - combine that fact with high inflation and high interest rates then growth rate is bound to go down. Not much India can do about the european crisis but we have to control inflation - personally i think we need another green revolution which will help bring down food inflation, once inflation comes down interest rates can again be lowered and growth will go up by around 1%.
FDI in retail will also help to bring down prices and reduce inflation.
so whats the big deal??? There is a financial crisis going on..... Even china's manufacturing has slowed - combine that fact with high inflation and high interest rates then growth rate is bound to go down. Not much India can do about the european crisis but we have to control inflation - personally i think we need another green revolution which will help bring down food inflation, once inflation comes down interest rates can again be lowered and growth will go up by around 1%.
FDI in retail will also help to bring down prices and reduce inflation.
big deal is that it will further go down to 1991 period.Pakistan be ready to feed 1.2billion beggars on ur eastern front otherwise u'll have mass migration from malnourished indians forming another somalia in south asia.
big deal is that it will further go down to 1991 period.Pakistan be ready to feed 1.2billion beggars on our eastern front otherwise u'll have mass migration from malnourished indians forming another somalia in south asia.

do u hate ur country's flag so much so that u decided not to use it.
big deal is that it will further go down to 1991 period.Pakistan be ready to feed 1.2billion beggars on ur eastern front otherwise u'll have mass migration from malnourished indians forming another somalia in south asia.

what's ur problem..........u r again TROLLING
It's in the news channel as well Q2FY12 growth rate at 6.9%, slowest in 2 years.
common buddy, its a troll thread :P and you asking links :lol:
Oh just shut up. I'm sick of people like you. Just because someone posts bad news from the country doesn't make him a troll or a false flagger. What do you want? People to post all goody goody news of India growing at 10% while its not ? I read this news ysterday, if you think he's just trolling , better do some research before commenting
It's called stagflation. The worse of both worlds!

wrong again. For stagflation to occur growth has to be considerably low. 7% growth is actually good growth in the present scenario. US suffered worst inflation in the 80s and they came out of it to become the economic superpower. Similarly in India once the inflation eases, RBI may lower lending rates, which shall bring the growth to the right track
also, India was almost bankrupt in the first years of the 90s, but it stayed intact,. We can come out of this too :india:
It's called stagflation. The worse of both worlds!

u r wrong.........for our world

In India inflation rate(price index) is high but economic growth rate is also high.........

main characteristic for stagflation is low economic rate........
so its not stagflation.....for India
If 7 percent is the slowest in few years in these turbulent times , thats really not bad ... When things are better globally India will surely top 8-9% ...
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