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India’s government lies about 2012 military coup fears

Military coup is not an option in India, because it is "India", not any............brothers! :)
Look Indian media, LOOK at what your BS and sensationalism results in- other retards from across the world picking up the garbage you are putting out and running with it.
Indian express is known for investigative journalism, and they are a respected newspaper. It cant be all BS. Govt was definitely worried. Whether VK Singh wanted to do some michief or not is open to speculation.
What we are all missing it there is more truth to this story and it was bein covered up...BIG TIME. A coup in INdia is not something that should be easily written off. Our military officers treat jawans like crap. But to place the blame on them is not right. It comes from the top and down....and making a jawan based on caste and social background do menial tasks is more than humilating. It wrong.....hearing an American officer take about the ill treatment shows there is something. It takes a foreigner to show you what is right n wrong....menas there is an inherent problem in India
Army decides to take over. Sends two units to topple the government. Government decides that it should not happen. Tells the army units to go back. Army humbly complies.

Very believable story.
Army decides to take over. Sends two units to topple the government. Government decides that it should not happen. Tells the army units to go back. Army humbly complies.

Very believable story.

Why would you assume this story has all the facts in it?

Secondly, if they were able to control the capital, arrest all the politicans....who is going to do what? Other units will just fall in line.....rather spiral into complete chaos.....give them a chance to straighten our piec of shit govt
Why would you assume this story has all the facts in it?

Secondly, if they were able to control the capital, arrest all the politicans....who is going to do what? Other units will just fall in line.....rather spiral into complete chaos.....give them a chance to straighten our piec of shit govt

I only commented on the known story. Which is not believable. That is, that the army had any intentions of a coup. I find it hard to believe that they would stop on the orders of the same government that they were supposed to topple.
I only commented on the known story. Which is not believable. That is, that the army had any intentions of a coup. I find it hard to believe that they would stop on the orders of the same government that they were supposed to topple.

I hear you, but I guess when looses the element of surprise......it kind of snowballs such efforts
First casualty of this rumor and coup conclusion should be foreign arms lobby, which was opposed by V.K. Singh. They should be ejected from India. Next to go should be the Defence Minister and Defence Secretary. Third to be disciplined is the totally out of control Indian media, which is falling over each other to sensationalise the news.
First casualty of this rumor and coup conclusion should be foreign arms lobby, which was opposed by V.K. Singh. They should be ejected from India. Next to go should be the Defence Minister and Defence Secretary. Third to be disciplined is the totally out of control Indian media, which is falling over each other to sensationalise the news.

Nah you are wrong with one exception foreign lobbying. But getting rid of the lobby is not the issue. The lobby uses certain ppl with connections usually folks with connections with the defence or ex military officials themselves. The media is not an issue...in fact it should report more and there should be less influence from corrupt officials who can and have steered the news as they suit. Defence minister? Are you kidding me? How about get rid of the politicans like Rahul, Sonia, and a bunch of idiots so we can all start OVER again?
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