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India's GDP is grew at its slowest pace

When I used to lurk around on this forum I remember a certain Mr Davidson posting threads about exact same things, with exact same wordings and emoticons. Can't be a co incidence can it?

Mr Dadvidson is banned Mr Lamlap is back in action.
Like almost all southeastern asian countries,indian high growth rate myth comes to an end finally.
Much sooner than I thought.
India's High Debt, High Trade Deficit, High Inflation (even with high basic effect), Worrisome :fie:

South Asia Investor Review: India's Debt Up, Forex Reserves Down

india was borrowing money and spending it like there was no tomorrow on the strength of its privately-held and temple-held gold hordes, but now it's drowning in debt. The rupee collapsed and was bailed out by the indian central bank but now their foreign currency reserves are extremely low.
india was borrowing money and spending it like there was no tomorrow on the strength of its privately-held and temple-held gold hordes, but now it's drowning in debt. The rupee collapsed and was bailed out by the indian central bank but now their foreign currency reserves are extremely low.

truck load of crap. Its proved now; you can not talk sense
Well it isn't as gloom and doom as it shows here as markets actually picked up sometime back, but yeah... if we continue to have this sick government ruling us, we will slow down.

An appeal to all fellow Indians: remove this government ASAP if we all want to grow.
I don't think we need to worry too much about India. The difference between Greece and India is that Greece is linked to the confidence of the euro. India is an independent country with its own currency, and India does have a lot of natural resources (iron/coal) and gold. Also, India's percentage in world trade and contribution to world GDP is minuscule at this moment.

Basically, a sharp slowdown in India is not going to affect the world as much...
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