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India's futuristic soldier to be ready in three years


Apr 11, 2012
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KOLKATA: India is set to launch her first 'futuristic' infantry soldier after three more years. According to officials at the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), which is headquartered in Kolkata, many of the separate segments are ready and need to be integrated into one system. This will allow India to enter a select club of nations experimenting on a 'futuristic' soldier system. India's Future Infantry Soldier As a System (F-INSAS) programme is comparable to FELIN of France, IdZ of Germany, FIST of Britain and the Future Force Warrior of the US. Israel is also developing a similar system that will turn an infantry soldier into a complete system."A task force has been created with members from OFB, the Army, DRDO and other organizations. We have set a deadline and the first variant is likely to be launched in the next three years. We are preparing equipment that will allow a soldier to adapt to his surroundings, whether the hot desert terrain in Rajasthan or the freezing heights of Siachen. He will be armed with special weapons and communicate through satellite links. The visor of his helmet will allow him to get a clear view of the battlefield and see his adversaries, even beyond obstacles. His visor will also have normal and night-vision sights to allow him to use his weapon easily," said Sartaj Singh, member, ammunition and explosives, OFB.

According to sources, eight to 10 infantry battalions are likely to be equipped with the F-INSAS system by 2015. All infantrymen are set to be covered by this system by 2020. An interesting fact about this system is that the soldier would generate enough power while on the move to keep the gadgets fitted on his body running. Special sensors fitted to his boots will enable this. OFB is also in the process of developing a weapon with interchangeable barrels that would be capable of firing 5.56mm, 7.62mm and 6.8mm caliber ammunition.

The OFB, along with ARDE has also developed a carbine for the Army that is undergoing user evaluation at the moment. According to officials, this should be ready in the next one to one-and-a-half years. They are also very upbeat about the prospect of the 155/52 mm howitzer which is an upgraded version of the 155/45 mm Bofors. The new guns have been developed by eight ordnance factories and undergone six in-house trials. "The existing weapons system had a range of 27-29 km. The one we have developed has a range of 38-39 km and uses all kinds of ammunition that the Army uses now. We have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Russia to create a Joint Venture for the manufacture of SMERCH rockets. Russian experts visited our production units two weeks ago and things will now move fast," another official said.

OFB chairman H S Chaudhury said that his organization has orders of over Rs 50,000 crore in hand at the moment. OFB is exporting its products to countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia and several European countries such as Germany, Greece, Russia and France. "The organization is also exploring avenues for long term partnerships for exports with some South East Asian countries," he said.

India's futuristic soldier to be ready in three yearsâ?¬ - Times Of India
Finally some news on this :D

Lets see if they can make a AR in time, otherwise it will be a foreign one.... but definitely not Beretta :azn:
Finally some news on this :D

Lets see if they can make a AR in time, otherwise it will be a foreign one.... but definitely not Beretta :azn:

hahahaha most probably it will be Foreign :D

Please Equip Infantry with an Indian Rifle
Correction ,
Please Equip Infantry with a DECENT Rifle irrespective of the make.
hahahaha most probably it will be Foreign :D

Correction ,
Please Equip Infantry with a DECENT Rifle irrespective of the make.

Further Correction

You can equip Army with a Slightly less advance rifle than foreign ones but it should be Indigenous
Please Equip Infantry with an Indian Rifle
bhai farag kya parta hain,after all at the endof the day our soldiers deseve a world class assault rifle!so i won't mind if the MOD decides to equip them with a foreign AR provided it can perform well under all adverse weather conditions.Period!
actually India should go for foreign maker for now.OFB never built AR with Interchangable barrel(though they are making one,but I am not keeping my hope much higher).so,it'll take time.but only for that,we shouldn't delay this project.

lets discuss which AR will be suitable for India..
Is there any news on this or was this from the same source


Indian scientists are turning to an ancient Hindu text in their search for the secrets of effective stealth warfare.

(We) do not for a moment think that the idea is crazy

Professor SV Bhavasar

They believe the book, the Arthashastra, written more than 2,300 years ago, will give Indian troops the edge on their enemies.

India's Defence Minister George Fernandes has approved funding for the project, and told parliament recently that experiments had begun.

The research is being carried out by experts from the Defence Research and Development Organisation and scientists from the University of Pune and National Institute of Virology in western India.

The book includes the recipe for a single meal that will keep a soldier fighting for a month, methods of inducing madness in the enemy as well as advice on chemical and biological warfare.

Powders and remedies

The book was written by military strategist Kautilya, also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta, a prime minister in the court of India's first emperor Chandragupta Maurya, in the fourth century BC.

The author was an adviser to India's first emperor

"All of us are excited about the possibilities and do not for a moment think that the idea is crazy," said Professor SV Bhavasar, a space scientist who has spent many years researching the Arthashastra.

"Decoding ancient texts is not an easy task but we are very hopeful of success," he added.

According to a Pune University report, the book says that soldiers fed with a single meal of special herbs, milk and clarified butter can stay without food for an entire month.

Shoes made of camel skin smeared with a serum made from the flesh of owls and vultures can help soldiers walk hundreds of miles during a war without feeling tired.

A powder made from fireflies and the eyes of wild boar can endow soldiers with night vision.

Chemical warfare

Kautilya wrote in the Arthashastra that a ruler could use any means to attain his goal, and Book XIV touches on aspects of chemical and biological warfare.

Scientists say the text can help in modern warfare

The book says that smoke from burning a powder made from the skin and excreta of certain reptiles, animals and birds can cause madness and blindness in the enemy.

The book also provides the formula to create a lethal smoke by burning certain species of snakes, insects and plant seeds in makeshift laboratories.

"Our focus at present is on how humans can control hunger for longer durations and walk for longer period without experiencing fatigue,

Project leader Dr VS Ghole, head of the environmental engineering department of Pune university, said the team was now focusing on the methods of controlling hunger and increasing stamina.

"Once we have made some headway we will go into researching Kautilya's notes on night vision and other fields," he said.

Professor SV Bhavasar said the team also had plans to research other ancient Hindu texts.

These include manuscripts which "claim to provide secrets of manufacturing planes which can not be destroyed by any external force, could be motionless in the sky and even invisible to enemy planes."


BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | India defence looks to ancient text
Further Correction

You can equip Army with a Slightly less advance rifle than foreign ones but it should be Indigenous

Why should it only be indigenous? if something which is better and more suited for our requirements is to be bought form abroad we should . the defense of our country comes first not some so called pride in Indigenous equipment.
guys..what do u think would better suit our army??
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