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India's ASTRA BVRAAM Successfully Testfired From IAF Flanker

This is just a development stage once drdo get ToT with further R&D they will develop our own seeker

The current seeker on Astra Mk-1 is the same one as on R-77 Adder. It's an X-band RF seeker.

DRDO is building a newer, better Ku-band RF seeker for Astra BVRAAM. Some models of this seeker
have been developed & demonstrated already, they will eventually replace the Russian X-band seeker.



I am very impressed by this missile.
Mach 4 speed and uses solid fuel but with such a beautiful bluish purple flame instead of all that smoke.

Hopefully one day, Iran will make such a decent, indigenous air to air missile.
Congratulations to our ancient Indian brothers.

It is actually a reverse engineered combination of the French Matra Super 530 D and the Russian AA-12, both actually used by India's air force (With some switches: smokless and a bit different in shape, but still looks like the AA-12).
It has the same performance charateristics as both missiles, according to wikipedia.
The advantage for India is that it will be made locally, which means, cheaper in price. do not know about the quality, but it seams OK. Iran can make something like that if it wishes too, since it is good at reverse engineering.
It is actually a reverse engineered combination of the French Matra Super 530 D and the Russian AA-12, both actually used by India's air force (With some switches: smokless and a bit different in shape, but still looks like the AA-12).
It has the same performance charateristics as both missiles, according to wikipedia.
The advantage for India is that it will be made locally, which means, cheaper in price. do not know about the quality, but it seams OK. Iran can make something like that if it wishes too, since it is good at reverse engineering.

Really :lol::lol:.reverse engineering is not our method.Well if that happened we could see our J-11 in our IAF just similar to Su-30MKI.
project was sanctioned in 2004 they developed different type of designs .And if you have eyes you can see that in different pictures posted in this thread.
Actual range will be increase to 110km later.
Dont try debate about an R&D in India with your third rate internet knowledge.If you dont know anything just shut up.
Really :lol::lol:.reverse engineering is not our method.Well if that happened we could see our J-11 in our IAF just similar to Su-30MKI.
project was sanctioned in 2004 they developed different type of designs .And if you have eyes you can see that in different pictures posted in this thread.
Actual range will be increase to 110km later.
Dont try debate about an R&D in India with your third rate internet knowledge.If you dont know anything just shut up.
He has read that in Wikipedia.Typical Pakistani :lol:
whats the engine used in the nirbhay??
npo saturn one??

2 Different theories are there in Market. One says it is laghu shakti and other says it it NPO Saturn.

Its speed is 3.2 mach and range is 600 km.

Mini Brahmos has a speed of Mach 3.5 with a range of 290 KM. Brahmos has the range of 500 KM. You may expect LRCM to have more than 600 KM Range.
Best news is now we don't need to be held hostage by constant replenishing of BVR stocks from foreign sources with new buys every 10 yrs or so.
Any source?

VK Saraswat interview. He specifically tells that Motor of Trishul used in Astra. In LRSAM also, Only we have provided the high specific impulse motor. It is not easy to push a rocket engine based Motor to near Mach 4.
What is funny, baseless & ridiculous is that the persons claiming that Nirbhay has a Russian NPO Saturn engine
are the same persons who otherwise write in their articles that BrahMos range cannot be more than 300km due
to MTCR.

So how can they claim Nirbhay, which is designed to go over 1,000km, can have Russian components?

Nirbhay has an indigenous turbofan engine. Details of the same have been posted multiple times in PSG's blog.
As part of deal as we did with cryogenic engines ...India may have purchased turbofan engine off the shelf .

You are deliberately trying to make the discussion complex by dragging technical details .

All I am asking is that you back up your claim that Nirbhay is using indigenous engine .

rather than doing vacuous job of disproving how enlisted NPO engine are not good enough for nirbhay .

First off all I never claimed that Nirbhay is using NPO engine .

and second thing - you are supposed to prove which indigenous engine is powering Nirbhay .

does it have name ? does the agency that made this engine has name ?

and what is the proof for your claim that the said engine is being used for Nirbhay ...

I know you have no answer to these questions that's why you are running in circles ....

You may try to intellectualize your arguments by lacing your assertions with heavy technicalities ...but I can see through your attempts to use side arguments and corollaries to prop up your main contention - for which you seem to have no proof what so ever .

Laghushakti or a modified Laghuhkati off coarse, It might be possible that DRDO sought technical consultancy for the project form Russians.

Russia can probabaly never explicitly say that it provided turbofan engine for Nirbhay.

For it will be in clear violation of MTCR.

This is one of those major strategic programme where Russia's contribution will always remain underestimated and unknown .

Same role Russia played in initiating india in Cryogenic technology ...similar role it seems to have played in Turbofan technology .

There were reports of india having purchased few turbofan engines from Russia in past .

exact number of engines and specs of engine will perhaps always remain closely guarded secret .

Please give source for claim.
Laghushakti or a modified Laghuhkati off coarse, It might be possible that DRDO sought technical consultancy for the project form Russians.


This does not prove that Laghushakti or modified Laghushakti is powering Nirbhay !

Provide source which says so ...if you have any .

Please give source for claim.

well I do not know how credible this piece of news is ...

" Mr Saraswat had procured five turbofan engines from Russia, of which three were used in static tests, one in the test-firing that failed, and one is left, with little hope of Russia giving more engines considering that Mr Saraswat told the media that Nirbhay, like Babur, could be used for accurate delivery of nuclear warheads. "

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