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Indians leave a footprint in CERN

Can't read hindi also :( Please translate again.
Buddy, It was a mere translation from Google. I tried to translate that article into English first, but i found it more accurate in Hindi. Btw, it says, Pakistani Scientist also played a vital role in Finding of CERN. Around 30 Pakistani Scientist also working actively as compare to 40 active Indian Scientists. Pakistani Scientists are working on two projects as compare to Indian who are working on single project.
Buddy, It was a mere translation from Google. I tried to translate that article into English first, but i found it more accurate in Hindi. Btw, it says, Pakistani Scientist also played a vital role in Finding of CERN. Around 30 Pakistani Scientist also working actively as compare to 40 active Indian Scientists. Pakistani Scientists are working on two Technologies as compare to Indian who are working on single tech.

Perfect! Thumbs up. and thank you.
Buddy, It was a mere translation from Google. I tried to translate that article into English first, but i found it more accurate in Hindi. Btw, it says, Pakistani Scientist also played a vital role in Finding of CERN. Around 30 Pakistani Scientist also working actively as compare to 40 active Indian Scientists. Pakistani Scientists are working on two Technologies as compare to Indian who are working on single tech.

sounds like an article straight out of "Whose d!ck is longer" :lol:

If it would have been an objective article, rather than comparing it in layman terms like pakistani scientists working on two techs (wtf does tehc means here ? ) it would have focussed on pakistani scientists achievements their background of working in that field in their own country..

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:
We Indians are Global citizen.. We don't confine our self in cocoon. The world love our liberalism and attitude. We gell up with any culture any ppl.

This is our 10,000 year old sansakar (well manners.)

Pessimist... "When DoD show Internet, one politician says the same:these researches will not lead to anywhere"

you took my post very narrowly.

one might get success in materialistic world and physical universe but beyond this lies the world of consciousness which rules this materialistic world. I myself study in a german university and every one is aware of this fact. It is good to give jobs, find already existing creations, get nobel prize, earn in billions, make new technologies but the truth will always remain hidden.
sounds like an article straight out of "Whose d!ck is longer" :lol:

If it would have been an objective article, rather than comparing it in layman terms like pakistani scientists working on two techs (wtf does tehc means here ? ) it would have focussed on pakistani scientists achievements their background of working in that field in their own country..

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:
You got the core of Article..lol :D :D Its Project, i rectified it....
sounds like an article straight out of "Whose d!ck is longer" :lol:

If it would have been an objective article, rather than comparing it in layman terms like pakistani scientists working on two techs (wtf does tehc means here ? ) it would have focussed on pakistani scientists achievements their background of working in that field in their own country..

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

hahaha.. you pissed off by pakistanis success?/ India is 22 times bigger than pakistan and 40 engineer on one project and from pakistan 30 engineer on two projects?? does this make you troll ?? this article is for the common man who can read urdu (from BBC and not from pakistani media)... & common man doesnt know technicalities and you wanted the article to explain the projects.. get a life... huh..
mullah brain washing article...:lol::lol:

Around 200 of the 2,000 scientists doing the experiment are from India.

Indian institutes like Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, RRCAT, Indore, Benares Hindu University and varsities of Delhi, Jaipur, Punjab have contributed significantly to the experiment and will also be involved in analysing the collision debris.Says Amit Roy, director of Delhi-based Inter-University Accelerator Centre (earlier called Nuclear Science Centre): "About 200 scientists involved in the experiment are of Indian origin.

Vikas Sinha of the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, who created a chip to process signals, and Vinod Chauhan employed by CERN to lead the group which tested the magnets.

200 Indian scientists line up for Big Bang effort - Economic Times

Indian chips on track for ALICE
We designed the actual chip required to do experiments at the Large Hedron Collider at the CERN, which is going to become operational in 2006. This will help find out the signals of one particular variety of lepton, which is part of the electron family. After designing the MANAS chip here in the SINP, we went to the Semi Conductor Complex in Chandigarh and designed the whole detector.
Indian chips on track for ALICE - CERN Courier
'Our chips are world-beaters'
At the end of the day evil Yindoo Brains and evil Jihadi brains at CERN have done a lot of Contribution to this project . Congratulations to all :) . And we should not discredit the work of Any Scientists . They have done over past few years and opened stratas for new research for future generations !!
this thread shows the ugly face of both our nationalities..... cant even ready to celebrate together......
Nope...we act like pigs which like to get other dirty in the mud and enjoy it......:drag:

Its scientific achievement, people are shoving politics, nationality and what not....:rolleyes:
Oey, to the guys who r concerned whether Indians or Pakistanis are contributing more to the project.
Its an International effort...Nothing worth bragging for a particular nation.
Whatever they finds out will be open to all...everybdy can acess the information..
So plz lets stop this nonsense of d..iK measurement contest...what u say...:drag:
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