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'Indians are slippery, treacherous people'


May 19, 2006
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'Indians are slippery, treacherous people'


NEW DELHI: The recently declassified US official records throw new light on the anger and frustration that seized President Richard Nixon during the 1971 Indo-Pak war and how Washington secretly pleaded with China to "menace" India by moving troops to the Indian border.

Poring over thousands of pages of national security files and telephone transcripts of the then US National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger and 2,800 hours of Nixon tapes, well-known American author and historian Robert Dallek recalls the events in the White House during the December of 1971 in a just-published book Nixon and Kissinger-Partners in Power .

Nixon's infamous tilt towards Pakistan is well known but the author reveals many other facets of how Nixon and Kissinger were upset with India and how they tried to rope in China in a bid to prevent the formation of Bangladesh.

Nixon describes Indians as "a slippery, treacherous people" and his National Security Adviser calls the Indians "insufferably arrogant". The story began in the fall of 1971, when differences in the administration and the country over White House China policy posed little threat to a major transformation in Sino-American relations.

A larger danger to rapprochement with Beijing and detente with Moscow came from rising tensions in South Asia. Long standing tensions between the Punjabis, who dominated the central government in West Pakistan, and the Bengalis in the East now erupted into a full-scale crisis.

The President and Kissinger had less interest in what the Indians or Pakistanis did to each other than in assuring that nothing sidetracked Kissinger's trip to China and the revolution in Sino-American relations.

Our objective should be to "buoy up Yahya for at least another month while Pakistan served as the gateway to China," Kissinger told Nixon at the beginning of June. “Even apart from the Chinese thing," the President replied, "I wouldn't ....help the Indians, the Indians are no good."

In July, on his way to Beijing, Kissinger discussed the crisis with Pakistani and Indian officials in Islamabad and New Delhi. Before he left, Joe Sisco (a diplomat) urged him to take a tough line with Indira Gandhi. Sisco complained that "you people in the White House don't understand how serious" the situation is. "We know," Kissinger countered.

"At the end of the monsoons, India will attack". Sisco advised him to tell the Indians "we know you are supporting the guerillas." Kissinger responded, "That is not my specialty." Kissinger's meetings with the Pakistanis were cordial, but, predictably, the Indians complained that US support of Pakistan was encouraging a "policy of adventurism," which China was also promoting.

Indira Gandhi saw little chance of a political settlement: She did not want to use force and was open to suggestions," she told Kissinger, who warned India that a war would be disaster for both the countries and the sub-continent would become an area for conflict among outside powers. He also assured them that "we would take the gravest view of any unprovoked Chinese aggression against India."

Kissinger recalls returning from his trip with "a premonition of disaster". He expected India to attack Pakistan after the summer monsoons. He feared that China might then intervene on Pakistan's behalf, which would move Moscow "to teach Peking a lesson". At this time, Kissinger states, "no one could speak for five minutes without Nixon hearing of his profound distrust of Indian motives, his concern over Soviet meddling, and above all his desire not to risk the opening to China by ill considered posturing."

Nixon described the Indians in an NSC meeting on July 16 as "'a slippery, treacherous people." He felt that they would like nothing better than to use this tragedy to destroy Pakistan....He said that we could not allow - over the next three to four months until 'we take this journey' to Beijing - a war in South Asia if we can possibly avoid it."

Kissinger agreed. He called the Indians "insufferably arrogant", and eager for a conflict that would allow them to overwhelm Pakistan and take on China. "Everything we have done with China will (then) go down the drain." The book refers to the late Indira Gandhi's travels to several Western capitals, including Washington, at the beginning of November.

Nixon agreed to see her as a last-ditch effort to head off a conflict. Two conversations on November 4 and 5 were case studies in heads of state speaking past each other. During a morning meeting on November in the Oval office, they agreed to discuss tensions in South Asia, with a second day's meeting to focus on Sino-American relations. No easing of tensions was evident from the morning's exercises. As the situation escalated, Kissinger was angry at being told that the US policy was "weak". Beijing had done nothing.

"We are the ones who have been operating our public opinion, against our bureaucracy, at the very edge of legality," Kissinger said. Nixon and Kissinger discussed the potential results of Chinese action. If China menaced India, they anticipated a Soviet military response. If the US then did nothing, Kissinger predicted, "we will be finished." Nixon asked: "So what do we do if the Soviets move against them? Start lobbing nuclear weapons in, is that what you mean?" Kissinger replied. "If the Soviets move against them...and succeed, that will be the final showdown....We will be finished. We'll be thorough."

But a message from the Soviets assured Washington that India had no intention of attacking West Pakistan and that ceasefire discussions were underway. To their surprise and relief, the US got a Chinese message that said nothing about moving troops to the Indian border.

Instead, appreciating that independence for East Pakistan was a foregone conclusion, Peking said it was prepared to endorse an American UN proposal for a standstill cease-fire and forego a demand for mutual troop withdrawals. The crisis now petered to a conclusion. Between December 14 and 17, Indian forces completed their conquest of East Pakistan and agreed to a ceasefire in the West with no occupation of additional Pakistani territory.

Although Nixon and Kissinger put the best possible face on the outcome, the result of the war was essentially a victory for India and its Soviet ally, which declared the emergence of Bangladesh from the ruins of East Pakistan a triumph for Socialist and democratic principles, the book recalls.
The title is very moving. India from its history is a communist Soviet lover, and at the time being wanted to be a communist state.
India never was or wanted to be a communist state, it was always a socialist state. Indians were always pro-british and pro-americans, its when the americans went to the pakistani side, India carefully aligned with soviet policies, though never a state like the warsaw pact state. India needed money in 1950's and the Soviet Union Provided it, and after the chinese war, and also since Soviets had a problem with the chinese, they decided to support India.

The title might be very moving , I am sure for you. But I would expect a very objective reply on a very good subject matter such as this. The reason I posted it.
Adux has posted the crux, India has never ever wanted to be a communist state, but a socialist state, there is a huge difference, though people confuse them.

And i agree with the title :D
well india did wanted to be a communist state other wise why would it be kissing soviet a**?Its been in indias nature to allign it self with whoever is powerful and take advantage in destroying its neighbour recent e.g of india trying to allign with usa to stuck a nuclear deal and if russia was a soviet union today i guess india would had been a communist state or even a soviet union coloney as mentioned earlier by adux india needed money so np in selling a** then!
well india did wanted to be a communist state other wise why would it be kissing soviet a**?Its been in indias nature to allign it self with whoever is powerful and take advantage in destroying its neighbour recent e.g of india trying to allign with usa to stuck a nuclear deal and if russia was a soviet union today i guess india would had been a communist state or even a soviet union coloney as mentioned earlier by adux india needed money so np in selling a** then!

lol.... u didnt go to school today.
Considering the American's strategy of "You are with us or Against us", i am not surprised that Nixon would have said that.

Anything (anyone) not aligned with their benefits would be naturally termed as slippery and treacherous.

And the Irony is that most of world thinks the same for Americans in todays world.
Yes of course we are 'slippery treacherous people'. Pakistanis are 'great honorable intelligent' people. The whole world can see this reality unfolding almost everyday, in every sphere.
As a recommendation to all the new Indian friends here, take some time to read Skull Busters view and some other members here and you will realise, that you should infact just not reply to some of the posts rather than give lengthy explanations.

Just a hint, dont waste your enegy ;)
I didn't completely understood the point of discussion, I hope it will be more clear in comming posts.
Though suerly article potrait a different picture than what has been described by rest of the world and which is not surprising when we see the origin.
Article didn't mentioned the complete remarks rather added the patches of remarks to a self serving story.

India definately was inclined to communism and it was practiced in India in limited way, until recently.
Opening up of economy is a new concept in India and low salary structures are the other indicators of communist influenced past.

Now to put the newcomers in true perspective and show the missing parts which I have marked blue.

From Tim Reid in Washington
RICHARD NIXON called Indira Gandhi, an “old witch” and described Indians in general as “slippery, treacherous people”, according to newly declassified documents and Oval Office tapes.
His National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, agreed, saying “the Indians are bastards anyway”, as the two men discussed a visit to Washington by the former Prime Minister in November 1971, as war was looming between her country and Pakistan.

The Nixon Administration saw India as too close to the Soviet Union, and was informally allied with Pakistan at the time.

One transcript comes from the meeting between Nixon and Kissinger in the White House on November 5, 1971, the day after Mrs Gandhi’s visit. “We really slobbered over the old witch,” Nixon told Kissinger. Kissinger replied: “The Indians are bastards anyway. They are starting a war there.”

Kissinger also told Nixon that he had outwitted Mrs Gandhi during their meeting. “While she was a *****, we got what we wanted too. She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didn’t give her a warm reception and therefore in despair she’s got to go to war.”

Kissinger told Nixon his view of Indians: “They are the most aggressive goddam people around there.”

Nizon called Indians “slippery, treacherous people”, and added: “The Pakistanis are straightforward and sometimes extremely stupid. The Indians are more devious.”

Mr Kissinger was worried that if Pakistan became independent it would be a ripe field for Communist infiltration.
So yeah, the Pakistani's are honest, hardworking,completely straight people, not to forget the fact that they are meat eating, tall , fair,brave and are from a martial race, whereas Indians are slippery, treacherous, and bastards. Again, not to forget that they are black, rice eating. fat and cowards.

If that is what you are trying to point out, then i agree with you.

I wish Pakistan really does invade India and capture it, and release the oppressed dalits from the tyranny of the Brahmins, incidentally me being one as well.
So yeah, the Pakistani's are honest, hardworking,completely straight people, not to forget the fact that they are meat eating, tall , fair,brave and are from a martial race, whereas Indians are slippery, treacherous, and bastards. Again, not to forget that they are black, rice eating. fat and cowards.

If that is what you are trying to point out, then i agree with you.

I love our devious way to show ourselves as the weaker one in front of the enemy, therefore taking advantage of his stupidity and superioirty complex, to make him fall into our trap. We are like Spiders waiting for their prey!!!!!!!

'Indians are slippery, treacherous people'

generally speaking, quite true.

That is from 3 years of his experience in India, where he saw a billion people and made a very conclusive discovery..lol
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