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Indian Rape cases and protests | PKKH.tv

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First of all calm down. Stop appearing like you are about to bite the head off of the next man you see. We are here to have a conversation with you, please accord everyone the same respect as you deserve. A few odd badmouthing can be reported - no need to reply in kind.

Customs may also be followed because they appear "sweet".

Not trying to defend her but she might post some offensive material but beyond that she would not get personal in a conversation as per my observations in the past few months though many have got to her at a personal level including badmouthing her child though today I see an unlike of her.
Not trying to defend her but she might post some offensive material but beyond that she would not get personal in a conversation as per my observations in the past few months though many have got to her at a personal level including badmouthing her child though today I see an unlike of her.

Calling people bastards and equating them to rapists is as personal as it gets in my view..
Calling people bastards and equating them to rapists is as personal as it gets in my view..

I don't disagree but read my last few words "today is unlike of her". But let me tell you I have seen people post worse things about her and she would not respond in kind.
I don't disagree but read my last few words "today is unlike of her". But let me tell you I have seen people post worse things about her and she would not respond in kind.

anyway, lets discuss the topic and not the person
You banned her and now asking her to clam down?? :angel:

Never too late to calm down. People get banned once they accumulate too many infractions automatically. You have to do something exceptionally bad to make us go for the ban button.

I don't disagree but read my last few words "today is unlike of her". But let me tell you I have seen people post worse things about her and she would not respond in kind.

I agree, but thats when we encourage you all to use the report post button.

anyway, lets discuss the topic and not the person

Agreed as well, lets do so.
@Asim Aquil

Merge all the threads on Indian Rape issue. We have posted a hell lot of stuff about various social aspects, criminal psychology, research articles, etc.

It gets hard to address same questions over and over again in different threads.

If you allow a thread on Banned topic, try someone to over look those threads. Best way is allowing one thread only so that even one Moderator can tackle it.

Religion bashing is been done a lot and Moderators tell us that they can't take care of all as there are so many threads running.
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Sorry to see that women's are not safe in our asian countries .that is because we don't have right punishments for convicts . my be we must learn from Arabian countries .sad moments ,first it was Malala and now another innocent girl .i really feel sorry for victim family and i hope those animals will he hanged and stoned till death .

May Allah rest her soul in peace!!!!!!:angry:
i suggest convict should get death plenty as soon as medical report proves rape act .no trial procedures .
Sar main dard hai yaar yeh topic. We are happy discussing only Pakistan's rape cases. Indians are image obsessed and hence baat dabanay main hi khush hain and can't discuss a societal ill without making it an anaa ka masla. Na toh na sahi, PDF was only trying to help Indian society by raising a much needed discussion on this.

Will keep this topic open only as a news discussion, not as an opinion piece.
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