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That's good, but will those rallies convert to votes. Right wingers are more dedicated to their cause (second only to communists) and could easily bring more people to rallies than opportunist thugbandhan. Attendance in rally does not mean that ground support is high.

PS: I am a BJP supporter, but am finding it difficult to believe that BJP could win despite caste equations being against it in Bihar, especially after Delhi elections.

Delhi is different from Bihar, they arn't even remotely comparable. As for Caste equations, MBC's and Dalits are heavily in favor of Modi along with the Yadav Youths. Which is why media has been paranoid about Dalits lately
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Chaip hona koi presstitutes se sikhe ...

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Who the F##K cares about some Patel guy. Who is he anyways? Never heard of him tbh.
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