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Guys #damaadgate trending on top............

This is what you call perfect timing. Only if Congress had waited on that snoopgate video & released it at the end! :D
@jha looks like BJP won this war too....
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This whole thread has become too pro BJP. Guys, temper your expectations. Remember we are a banana republic with mango people.
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This whole thread has become too pro BJP. Guys, temper your expectations. Remember we are a banana republic with mango people.
yes its become pro bjp
even our old fsayed and bahi zakir vanished..who were pro congress.
but seems its good for county till now ..

Give me any other option than BJP ?
so many option
RAGA,priyanka, raobert, myawati, mulayam, shard pawar , mamta , lalu...nitish..
shibu sore.
d raja
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@Ravi Nair If you have time watch this Documentary.

The drug problem is a grave one and its not easy to control the whole thing. They operate as a big network and have connections with higher officials and politicians. So, when you have the big boys on your side, the things become much easier. In addition, the drug carriers get paid quite well. So, the drug mafia is spreading across the north India and in other parts of India as well. The problem is not only for Punjab, but for the whole nation. :ashamed:

Kerala is the highest per capita consumers of alcohol. My home state deals with it. But Kerala government has less incentive to tackle the issue as a lot of money, Billions of dollars come from excise money.
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