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Indian people's reception for Pakistan in CWG opening cerimony


Feb 21, 2009
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Aussie uniform - what uniform? | Courier Mail

"The most astounding moment of the night - in its own poignant way, a beautiful moment - was the huge roar for Pakistan.

India and Pakistan have a 53-year feud still running solidly on the front pages on local newspapers but the reception the Pakistan team got when they walked out in their traditional green blazers was bettered only by that which greeted the home team.

The stadium rocked when India landed late but, apart from that, Pakistan got the biggest roar."

this site has also a video. I feel bad that I was not able to view it live :cry:
World media dazzled by CWG opening ceremony | NDTV.com

New Delhi: The spectacular opening ceremony for the XIXth Commonwealth Games on Sunday put the spotlight back on to the Games. And for a change, the media that had largely been critical of Delhi's efforts in the build up to the Games, heaped praise for the wonderful show.

The Guardian said, "Concerns of recent weeks forgotten as dazzling event launches games amid atmosphere of national pride and celebrations change."

The Telegraph, also published from London, described the events as, "The biggest sporting spectacle India has ever hosted kicked off in typically colourful fashion... And there we were thinking it might never happen."

The Herald Sun that comes out from Melbourne went a step ahead comparing the opening ceremony to that of the Beijing Olympics stating, "Indian Games officials should feel proud of the opening ceremony, classy and showy but somehow warmer and less contrived than the Beijing experience."
The Australian, published from New South Wales, wrote, "After weeks dominated by the old India of corruption, poverty and chaos the new "Incredible India" of diversity and cultural pride showed its face."

The opening ceremony took place at the Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium that was dressed like a newly wed bride with Henna on her hands.

And just so that the athletes don't miss out on all the action, the teams marched into the stadium right at the beginning of the programme, a first for the Commonwealth Games.

The most beautiful moment of the night though was the huge roar for the Pakistani contingent. The 620-member strong Indian contingent led by Olympic gold medalist Abhinav Bindra got a stand ovation from the crowd.

While Prince Charles declared the Games open, President Pratibha Patil said, "The Games are now open. Let the Games begin."

The cultural show took the audience on a journey of the country showcasing the diversity that is India featuring everyday life for the common man.

In the end, all the negativity and criticism was forgotten as "Jiyo Utho Badho jeeto" becomes the mantra for the next 11days.
'India has arrived': spectacular ceremony opens Commonwealth Games

Jason Burke in Delhi
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 3 October 2010 18.35 BST


At exactly two minutes past seven tonight, a huge inflatable blimp rose slowly and smoothly into the hot air above Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium to the sound of hundreds of traditional drums, pipes and conch shells, and the cheers of 65,000 people.

This was the moment that 1.2bn people – there are few in India who were still unaware of the event – had been waiting for.

"Let the games begin," Pratibha Patil, the Indian president, said.

Ajai Kumar, who runs a mobile phone shop in Delhi's Punjabi Bagh, watched from a £12 seat in the upper tiers, his one-year-old son on his arm.

"It is our nation. It is our India," the 30-year-old said as he queued to get through the triple layers of security around the venue earlier. "How could I miss it?"

But for a moment, it had seemed as though India was about to miss the 19th Commonwealth Games.

Only days ago, there were question marks over security, crucial timing equipment and the apparently sub-standard £150m athletes' village. There were calls for an alternative competition to be organised elsewhere.

Indians talked of being shamed by their own leaders, and insulted by those of other countries.

But all that appeared to have been washed away in a flood of Indian national pride and celebration tonight. Though catcalls greeted Suresh Kalmadi, the chairman of the organising committee, he was cheered when he told the crowd: "India has arrived".

Even the less than charismatic prime minister, 77-year-old Manmohan Singh, was applauded.

Prince Charles had read a message from the Queen, who missed her first Commonwealth Games for 44 years but said: "When countries can compete together in sports ... it serves as an inspiration for nations to work together for peace throughout the world".

In the stadium, the ceremony was – like the entire effort India has made for the games – monumental in its scale and expense.

There was a 500-ton stage, modelled on a traditional temple, and 7,000 performers, carefully chosen to represent India's multitude of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. Blessings from all the major Indian faiths, and several minor ones, were projected on the side of the giant blimp in half a dozen local languages.

Then the athletes, from 71 countries, paraded, with India dressed in burgundy and gold traditional dress. So few of its young sportswomen had worn a saree before that special assistants had to be found, today's newspapers reported. The crowd's biggest cheer by far, other than that for their own athletes, was for the Pakistani contingent.

Organisers and politicians had wanted to keep the show focused on Indian culture and heritage.

The big stars of Bollywood were kept at a distance. Instead, the stage and blimp together became a vast "tree of life" to the sound of vedic and Buddhist chanting before transforming into a giant glowing neon statue of the Buddha, complete with glowing chakra inside. Then came the Great Indian Journey, a train spilling rickshaws, cattle, fishermen, hawkers, oversized sparkling bags of laundry, leering bureaucrats, weavers and brick kiln labourers across the stadium floor.

There were even construction workers – a small tribute to the hundreds of thousands from the poor states of Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh, each much bigger than a large western European country, who have swarmed over worksites across the city in recent months.

With so many deep social problems, some have doubted the wisdom of spending as much as £5bn on what will be, by far, the most expensive Commonwealth Games ever. There is the competition to come and a continuing fear of terrorism or a repeat of the bridge collapse of two weeks ago.

The sloth, incompetence and nepotism of officials, exposed in recent months, remains. So, too, does the daily reality of life in what is still – despite the huge economic growth also celebrated at the ceremony – a country where very many people are very poor.

But today, few dwelt on the negative. Eventually, Indian popular film and music finally made their inevitable entrance, flanked by hundreds of Bollywood dancers, and the event's loud, brash and much-criticised anthem, Jiyo, Utho, Bado, Jeeto! (live, rise, ascend, win), composed by AR Rahman, was heard.

"Namaste and Jai Hind (long live India)," said the announcer – and then it was over.

Leaving the ceremony, Neeta Kumar, a 47-year-old policeman, could barely talk. "I love my country," he repeated, shaking his head. "We have many problems, but I love my country."

Pragya, his 14 year old daughter, will be dancing in the closing ceremony in 11 days. She smiled shyly and said: "I am very proud."
This goes to show that how ever politicians try to take us apart, there is always love in our hearts for each other. This has been proven again and again over the time. Remember the friendship series between our both countries?? the love shown by people of Pakistani was also similar, i have to say even more.
The Herald Sun that comes out from Melbourne went a step ahead comparing the opening ceremony to that of the Beijing Olympics stating, "Indian Games officials should feel proud of the opening ceremony, classy and showy but somehow warmer and less contrived than the Beijing experience."
The Australian, published from New South Wales, wrote, "After weeks dominated by the old India of corruption, poverty and chaos the new "Incredible India" of diversity and cultural pride showed its face."

Go india go

The former President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, may have demitted office quite some time ago, but he still continues to rule the hearts and minds of the people. And this was exemplified in no small measure at the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games where spectators cheered loudly every time his name was announced or his image showed up on the giant screen.

Wish we had more leaders like him. Not people Kalmadi.

When Mr.Suresh Kalmadi came he was booed and booed and booed. He managed to finish his written speech, untouched with what the people were thinking. Obviously he has had the habit! What was noticeable was the way Indians stayed away from throwing bottles, which they normally do when they are angry.

The most beautiful moment of the night though was the huge roar for the Pakistani contingent.
This India for u and love a country showers on brother who ...leave it ,lets not spoil the moment.
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I guess some people will get blinded by this. Thankfully, the people who matter won't. Deep inside, Indians hope for nothing but utter destruction of Pakistan. Only thing that bharti guys want from Pakistan is Pakistan women (and not surprisingly).
I have said multiple time that, its really a good sign and people want peace. I liked the way people cheered. All the best to Pakistan team.

Pakistan team arrived in Delhi...

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I guess some people will get blinded by this. Thankfully, the people who matter won't. Deep inside, Indians hope for nothing but utter destruction of Pakistan. Only thing that bharti guys want from Pakistan is Pakistan women (and not surprisingly).

Deep inside, Indians hope for nothing but utter destruction of Pakistan.

in india no body think abt pakistan deeply even many dont know who is ruling pakistan .mostly recognise pakistan by saying that we have dispute of land with them.

Only thing that bharti guys want from Pakistan is Pakistan women (and not surprisingly)

there are lot of lest other than them.:no::no::no:
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