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Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report

is this a MAYAN PREDICTION NOW???????????? if anyone nukes kashmir both nations die!!!!

unless we have a mutual sucidial streak this won't happen!
@indian_foxhound am ok with mobile phone radiation.... i dont want to be under radiation lasor beam by CIA and tall greys.... am very busy so i wont be able to explain everything.... May be next time.... Btw me and my team protected by pleiadians. My team too use mobile phones which not belong to us....
Phil Schneider, Dulce Underground Bases, Death of Phil Schneider, Whistle blower of Dulce underground bases, burlington ufo and paranormal research center, bufo paranormal and ufo radio
The man who died to expose alien truth!! Phil Schneider : Aliens & UFOs
O Ser Humano Saindo do "Mind Control": Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys - Full 2-Hr Lecture
Illuminati News: Who Killed William Cooper?
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You din not learn from what i posted earlier .There are lot of loops n strings which are part of this.Its just illusion in mind that india will bring force in few days and do some action but its not.

IA have learned a lot,frm 2002 stand off they learned that how to mobilise force quickly and now they can bring force from 1000 km in 3-4 days.

You are just pointing out on that india will do this bla bla n we will nuke you :rofl:.if that would be the case then india would have done it by loosing 300 million and wiping out pakistan from world.

I will again say that we will never let your nukes to come out and even they come out then there will be proper shield for them which could be of any type.

Mate , honestly if you had to make that sort of childish post about some sort of " full spectrum dominance " against Pakistan , ignorantly underestimating the adversary , overestimating yourselves and thinking that it sits idle and waits for invasion then you shouldn't have waited yesterday and I have nothing more left to discuss here ... I am glad that at least your leadership thinks rationally , because you were calling me " irrational " for mentioning the MAD scenario :azn: ...
I pray to lord Shiva to please protect the innocent people of Kashmir from Pak Nukes.

Om Nama Shivaya Namaha

Om nama shivaya namaha
This is just a clear message to Pakistan that India is ready for any Nuke threat and will not pull back any more if attacked ... Good Move
Mate , honestly if you had to make that sort of childish post about some sort of " full spectrum dominance " against Pakistan , ignorantly underestimating the adversary , overestimating yourselves and thinking that it sits idle and waits for invasion then you shouldn't have waited yesterday and I have nothing more left to discuss here ... I am glad that at least your leadership thinks rationally , because you were calling me " irrational " for mentioning the MAD scenario :azn: ...

These people think war is a joke. All haughtiness and useless superciliousness. Look at this:

if that would be the case then india would have done it by loosing 300 million and wiping out pakistan from world.

If they go to an Indian soldier whose job is to protect those 300 million they might get very angry with what uncle paan singh has said. By the way Paan are those 300 million going to be dalits and muslims? Thats their total population approximately combined. What do you mean by loosing 300 Million? Who will you lose? Are you saying these groups are expendable?

@indian_foxhound am ok with mobile phone radiation.... i dont want to be under radiation lasor beam by CIA and tall greys.... am very busy so i wont be able to explain everything.... May be next time.... Btw me and my team protected by pleiadians. My team too use mobile phones which not belong to us....
Phil Schneider, Dulce Underground Bases, Death of Phil Schneider, Whistle blower of Dulce underground bases, burlington ufo and paranormal research center, bufo paranormal and ufo radio
The man who died to expose alien truth!! Phil Schneider : Aliens & UFOs
O Ser Humano Saindo do "Mind Control": Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys - Full 2-Hr Lecture
Illuminati News: Who Killed William Cooper?

I am very concerned about your safety and your health particularly your sanity. I mean a person may lose his sanity being forced to see what you have seen-like the pleiadians and tall greys and agent 7 or CIA and all that. Btw I checked Phil Shnieder and found videos of him often.
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i dont wether their is nuclear war between pakistan or india in future ,but iam sure that india and pakistan is having nuclear war everyday online wer each other drop bombs on each other....
These people think war is a joke. All haughtiness and useless superciliousness. Look at this

Oh yes they do ! When I pointed out the Mutually Assured Destruction scenario to the same person , he called me an arm chair General and irrational whilst continuing with his superiority complex that Pakistan military can be taken care of in a matter of days , I wish these guys learn more about the PA's conventional capability instead of making themselves look like a fool and declaring that a certain percentage of population is expendable to wipe Pakistan off the map , when in reality only a little can even think of survival and with long term effects of radiation , one would prefer to slit his/her own throat himself/herself ... They just think that nuclear weapons only affect the area they fall on ... Honestly !
- you can't say such things won't happen in future. People like Musharraf keep coming in your army and they like adventures for no reason. Trust me if Kargil wouldn't have happened Indo-Pak relations would have been more than good. If the Indian govt led by BJP was talking peace then think what congress would have done. I belive there are people in Pak who want peace too. So all credit for current situation goes to Kargil. Now you can't blame India for not trusting Pak.
"Once fool shame on you fool again shame on me"

- yes Pak can fight a war on its own. But question is how long ??? And what will be its effects on your economy and geographical integrity ??? Some fractions are fighting with your army right now. That could cause a major problem. Plus the collaps of normal day to day life and price hike leads to serious problems. So with current GDP and political and economical condition war is the last thing that Pak would do. I think in current Indian situation india can fit a war for atleast 1 month without any problem. And if your head of state and army chief to belive maintaining your soilders are Siyachine is costly afair. No offence but war is not fight with army alone. It has many legs.

- about Chinese support. China is a business man and friend of its interests. They give lone not aid for free. You can check that with the help received by Pak in past few natural calamities. I know Pak see china as a friend in need and definatly China will help you but with calculated projections. China need Pak but they won't sacrifies any of their interest for you.

- I didn't say two fornt war. US and China will not fight a war for India or Pakistan. They have their priorities. And about trade China is biggest producer of consumer goods and US being prime consumer. US upper hand. US china trade is one way. China has a big market to lose. Search statistics for that.

1) Of course , I or anyone cant predict future with certainty for certainty ( specially that of a future event ) is absurd in itself ... People like Musharraf will always be in the army , btw he's considered a hero in Pakistan for his leadership and policies during which the economy and the International image of Pakistan prospered ... Whatever he did in Kargil is another story for power , he got the throne and initiated dialogues with India and last time we heard from both countries , they had reached an agreement on some sort of solution of Kashmir's problem which required compromises from both sides ... Do you ask for anything more than that which could have ensured long lasting peace in the region ? Since we cant predict , we use probability/game theory for the closest possible idea/estimation of the future/things which is at the moment very low for such type of adventures by any country ...

2) Glad you recognize that fact :D Most of your countrymen think that we are some piece of cake which can be run over at any time , you will find some examples in this thread of height of overestimation of one's capabilities ... What is the effect of war on economy ? Do you expect this news to generate some sort of positivity in investors ? Yes , Pakistan of today would want no further war with anyone , since of the intense negative effect of War on Terror on its economy and military capability , which would take decades to mend or overcome ... Islamabad has war reserves of about 12-14 days I think , something which the defense minister said a long time ago ... The thing to ask is there any possibility of war in the current scenario ? :no: ... Are you willing to lose all your economical prosperity and development ? I do not think so ... Like wise Pakistan is busy on the Western theaters and dealing with its internal enemies and it too doesn't want a war ...

3) I agree that there's no permanent friend or ally in International arena , there are just countries building partnerships when their interests converge , nothing else ... Both Beijing and Islamabad have similar interests and thus co-operate with each other ...
1) Of course , I or anyone cant predict future with certainty for certainty ( specially that of a future event ) is absurd in itself ... People like Musharraf will always be in the army , btw he's considered a hero in Pakistan for his leadership and policies during which the economy and the International image of Pakistan prospered ... Whatever he did in Kargil is another story for power , he got the throne and initiated dialogues with India and last time we heard from both countries , they had reached an agreement on some sort of solution of Kashmir's problem which required compromises from both sides ... Do you ask for anything more than that which could have ensured long lasting peace in the region ? Since we cant predict , we use probability/game theory for the closest possible idea/estimation of the future/things which is at the moment very low for such type of adventures by any country ...

2) Glad you recognize that fact :D Most of your countrymen think that we are some piece of cake which can be run over at any time , you will find some examples in this thread of height of overestimation of one's capabilities ... What is the effect of war on economy ? Do you expect this news to generate some sort of positivity in investors ? Yes , Pakistan of today would want no further war with anyone , since of the intense negative effect of War on Terror on its economy and military capability , which would take decades to mend or overcome ... Islamabad has war reserves of about 12-14 days I think , something which the defense minister said a long time ago ... The thing to ask is there any possibility of war in the current scenario ? :no: ... Are you willing to lose all your economical prosperity and development ? I do not think so ... Like wise Pakistan is busy on the Western theaters and dealing with its internal enemies and it too doesn't want a war ...

3) I agree that there's no permanent friend or ally in International arena , there are just countries building partnerships when their interests converge , nothing else ... Both Beijing and Islamabad have similar interests and thus co-operate with each other ...

1. Well that's the problem here. You guies think he was a Hero. He planned Kargil with/without civilian govt help. But he was the planner in both cases. Secondly he crush your democracy and become ruler. When time came to face his deeds in govt. he ran away from the country. And you guies still think he is a Hero :D
About economic growth and development during his period. That's total BS. I read his book. And he has made some big claims. But if you do some neutral research Pak economy was on upward leap before test and Kargil. After sanchions it slow down and Kargil happened it dive down. With the participation in WOT( Big mistake. Mussharf should have shown some spine ) sanctions vanished and Pak get loans and investments with the help of American influence. That's why your economy was stable during his tenure in exact period of (2002-2006). After that American trust begin to break and it has final breath with OBL raid. You can see the same economy condition as of now and after the Kargil with only difference now there are a lot more internal problems.
If one thinks neutrally it's all Musharraf's fault. ( NO OFFENCE TO ANY ONE )

2. Nobody thinks Pak is a piece of cake? Most of the statements here are replies to the troll.
In field comparison
- our army is bigger than yours
- our economy is bigger and stronger than yours
- our international image and relations are better than yours
So naturally we have upper hand but that doesn't mean Pak is easy Run. And even I don't think Bangladesh is a easy run too. Every army has a defenders advantage. And there is nothing easy in War. You have to earn everything. You don't get anything without trying

3. China and Pak are good friends. Nodoubt. But the only common interest you both have is India.
I don't see Chinese help or involment in development of infrastructure in Pakistan ( correct me if I am wrong ) now it's been decades your relations are on prime. But nothing big on development from.
India Japan relations are comparatively young. But if you see the Japanies investment scale in Indian development , the China issue becomes secondry in our relations.

I am nobody to comment on Pakistan's social life. But I think the problem is Islams undue participation in governance. Everybody love his religion but it should be a personal thing and not social. I am not intending to offend anyone but look at the recent rally. Wasn't there any capable man in Pakistan to organise that before ??? One Maulivi has to come from UK. Why Imran khan can't do that all by himself ??? ( its my opinion and it's though availbe international media reports. So you are more than welcome to correct me )
I wonder what @Kashmiri Nationalist thinks of this. Haven't seen him in a while. This sounds like scare-mongering. As if the Indians can really win Kashmiris by scaring them of Pakistani nukes. I have to wonder why wouldn't these nukes hit Delhi rather than Srinagar? Thats just in case they actually did.
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Been busy.

OT: As haviz and others have stated it's pure scare-mongering because, strategically, nuking Kashmir doesn't make sense as the fallout would affect both Pakistani-Kashmir, KP and Punjab immediatly. Nukes like all weapons have to be used strategically, and it's impossible to nuke the frontline (LoC) to gain a strategic advantage due to the closeness of troops on both sides, the fallout would probably wipe Pakistan's presence along the LoC if not for the bomb's detonation itself.

India seems to be diversifying the way it has been using fear in Kashmir, this seems like a new type of phys-ops trying to inject fear into people without the gun but through literature, so people are so afraid of death that they will cling to the Indian State, even though they vehemently reject it, as Pakistan poses a threat to their existence. I'd like to see how this develops, though, I expect them to follow up with something along the lines of an Independent Kashmir not being able to defend itself and nations in the region being nuke-happy, etc.
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