The hearts and minds of swamps have individually and collectively taken every opportunity post independence and pre independence. To beat down bengalis, also an almost similar thing has happened over seas.
Whilst bengalis when they were in a position of influence took the opportunity to uplift be it pak, Indian, or bengali. Great example is what money they earned from very hard abusive conditions of working the merchant ships they bought property, gave fellow South Asians a place to stay. When they came with almost nothing. Some didn't even have enough money to buy food .
With subcontinent they est sarc with aim blostering co-opperation and development and stability on the area.
Ppls hearts and minds that are nothing but swamps will aways remain like that by the looks of it. Shall always remain to be trash judging by their continued stupidity.
Bdesh' terrain might be described as a swamp, at least there still good ppl there and inshallal good ppl will continue prevail.
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