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Indian Man with 39 Wives & Nearly 100 Children

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Indian Man with 39 Wives & Nearly 100 Children

The more, the merrier is certainly true for Ziona Chana, a 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast who has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren -- and wouldn't mind having more.

They all live in a four storied building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, sharing borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, media reports said.

"I once married 10 women in one year," he was quoted as saying.

His wives share a dormitory near Ziona's private bedroom and locals said he likes to have seven or eight of them by his side at all times.

The sons and their wives, and all their children, live in different rooms in the same building, but share a common kitchen.

The wives take turns cooking, while his daughters clean the house and do washing. The men do outdoor jobs like farming and taking care of livestock.

The family, all 167 of them, consumes around 91 kg (200 pounds) of rice and more than 59 kg (130 pounds) of potatoes a day. They are supported by their own resources and occasional donations from followers.

"Even today, I am ready to expand my family and willing to go to any extent to marry," Ziona said.

"I have so many people to care (for) and look after, and I consider myself a lucky man."

Ziona met his oldest wife, who is three years older than he is, when he was 17.

He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the "Chana", which allows polygamy. Formed in June 1942, the sect believes it will soon be ruling the world with Christ and has a membership of around 400 families.

Indian man has 39 wives, nearly 100 children

With a total of 181 members, this Indian family residing at Baktawng Village in India's north-east state of Mizoram, is probably the largest in the world. Ziona Chana, who heads the family, lives in a purple mansion with his 39 wives, 94 children and 14 daughter-in-laws and over 40 grandchildren. His mansion called 'Chhuanthar Run', which means 'The House of the New Generation', is the biggest concrete structure in this hilly village of Baktawng.
Was he thinking of getting into the Books of World Records??? Man He certainly is a Strong man....

Now this is what I can "One Man Army" or "One Man's Army"
India's Northeast has a completely different culture, totally alien.
Now when it's published in media, I think he will be in trouble, even Muslim Personal Law allows only 4 wives!
India's Northeast has a completely different culture, totally alien.

Not an Alien Culture I would say, But as they are not much Exposed to City life like we Have in the Southern and Northern India, thats a Tribal Belt, The North east has been Undergoing developments, But I prefer there culture stays with them, The Diversity is the true beauty of India and I dont want such developments in the north east which would affect the beauty of both people and Culture....Like My home state , the north Easts economy is dependent upon Tourism
North East culture has been a part of Indian Defense forces for Long, We have Special Trainings for "Thang TA" for both Commandos and The IAS recruits

Its only maybe alien, because they are not in the mainstream India yet like North and South.
I dont think so, Come to Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.... You will only see them more than the natives

No when I say mainstream India. I mean like politics, sports, etc. Like Sikhs for example are in all parts of the once I named.

I can only remember one thing. India's soccer team has some of them.





If India ever goes big in football, the team I am sure will have a lot of players from the sister states. Because they love football.
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