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Indian Jews from 'lost tribe' of Bnei Menashe arrive in Israel


Oct 29, 2010
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An Israeli chief rabbi recognized them as a lost tribe in 2005 and about 1,700 moved to Israel before the government stopped giving them visas; now that Israel has reversed that policy, 7,200 more are expected to immigrate.


Dozens more Jews who are believed to be the descendants of a lost biblical Jewish tribe immigrated to Israel on Monday from their village in northeastern India.

The Bnei Menashe say they are descended from Jews banished from ancient Israel to India in the eighth century B.C. An Israeli chief rabbi recognized them as a lost tribe in 2005 and about 1,700 moved to Israel before the government stopped giving them visas.

Israel recently reversed that policy, agreeing to let the remaining 7,200 Bnei Menashe immigrate. Fifty-three arrived on Monday.

Nearly 300 more members of the community will arrive in the coming weeks, said Michael Freund, of the non-profit organization Shavei Israel, and an activist on their behalf.

The community, which lives in India's northeastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram have been practicing Judaism just as their ancestors did, including observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals and following the laws of family purity.

"After waiting for thousands of years, our dream came true," said 26-year-old Lhing Lenchonz, who arrived with her husband and 8-month-old daughter.

Indian Jews from 'lost tribe' of Bnei Menashe arrive in Israel - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Despite the fact that it was a con job,I would like to covey my best wishes to them.
They just endangered their future by moving there..... Its funny how people from India are getting shelter in Israel, but owners are being expelled....
They just endangered their future by moving there..... Its funny how people from India are getting shelter in Israel, but owners are being expelled....

Endangered their future from what???Alien Invasion.:lol:
And of course its funny how Israelis are allowing anybody to who claims a Jewish ancestry immigrate to Israel,If you claim it,they may allow you too.:tongue:
And of course its funny how Israelis are allowing anybody to who claims a Jewish ancestry immigrate to Israel,If you claim it,they may allow you too.

Actually no..it was a very long drawn out process stretching over a decade (afaik) after which the chief rabbi of Israel declared they were one of the 10 lost tribes and the first batch were allowed..but after that their resettlement was freezed and it has been unblocked only now after a court case..
haha...let them bro...some population control for us and some good fighters to IDF..

It was not a good policy to allow foreign priests to carry out mass religious conversions in areas like Mizoram.It may cause a lot of regional problems.
People have to prove that they are and were Jewish and alteast have records to go back two or three generations, I heard this on the History Channel.
It was not a good policy to allow foreign priests to carry out mass religious conversions in areas like Mizoram.It may cause a lot of regional problems.

North East is the Baptist central in India. Ofcourse it is not good. It has completely destroyed the animist traditions of the tribes and ingained in them a sense of difference from mainland India. And conversions in other parts of India are also doing the exact same. The implant a fake culture replacing the native culture and are taught to look down upon it. Lets see where it all ends.
Actually no..it was a very long drawn out process stretching over a decade (afaik) after which the chief rabbi of Israel declared they were one of the 10 lost tribes and the first batch were allowed..but after that their resettlement was freezed and it has been unblocked only now after a court case..

Israelis are crazy.The claim appeared only after a Pentecostalist dreamt in 1951 that his people's pre-Christian religion was Judaism and that their original homeland was Israel.Common,how authentic is that,Many DNA studies carried out by Isreali agencies found no compelling evidence which would indicate a Middle-Eastern origin of these people.But still Israelis allowed them to immigrate.I think the only reason they are allowing this is the right wing Jewish groups wanted such conversions of distant people to boost the population in areas disputed by the Palestinians.These rabbis just want to keep on invoking Law of Return simply because it suits their agenda nothing more.
why you guys so hot and bothered if they decided to go? it's a free country and if they are accepted as immigrants in others, so- go. I don'ts see why some of you Indians are getting sensitive about it?
why you guys so hot and bothered if they decided to go? it's a free country and if they are accepted as immigrants in others, so- go. I don'ts see why some of you Indians are getting sensitive about it?

Err exactly who got sensitive..we have a population prob and hence no probs is some groups decides to move out.The more the merrier.
These people are Fake. They could have remained here and help build this country, instead they decided to leave to to mooch off a country built upon sweat and blood of real jews. There's a word for for these kind of people...
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