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Indian interference in Balochistan taken up: Rehman Malik

Baby Leone

Aug 25, 2011
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ISLAMABAD - Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Sunday that during his visit to India, he raised the issue of Indian interference in Balochistan.He said that instructions are given by phone from India and that he would soon provide evidence relating to this.Talking to reporters after returning from his India visit, the interior minister said India had presented him information related to Hafiz Saeed, but had not given any evidence. He informed that an Indian delegation would be visiting Pakistan shortly to finalise the terms of reference for the visit of the Pakistan Judicial Commission to India. Following the court’s verification, the judicial commission is expected to visit India early next month, Malik said.Meanwhile, Malik also got some favourable news for cricket fans. He said that Indian foreign minister has agreed to give out unlimited visas rather than only 3,000 cricket fans.Speaking about the attack on Peshawar Airport, Malik said the provincial government had been given intelligence report on December 12 about the possibility of an attack.Malik said Pakistan has helped India a lot to investigate the Mumbai blasts case and everywhere in India the question was raised about the perpetuators of the unfortunate incident.Answering a question, Malik said Pakistan condemns all forms of terrorism as in the war against terror, it has lost 40,000 lives of innocent people. "I had said the Indian media upon arrival at New Delhi that the incidents like 9/11, 26/11, Babri Masjid and whatever happening in Pakistan should not occur as these all brought miseries. He said there is a growing interaction between Pakistan and India as their joint efforts in eliminating menace of terrorism would help bring peace and stability in the two countries.Monitoring Desk adds: According to Indian media, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Sunday ended a three-day visit to India, triggering another row by alleging that an Indian linked to the Mumbai attacks was actually an Indian intelligence agent. Before flying home, Malik also insisted that Pakistan was in no way involved with the 2008 Mumbai attacks, reported Indian media.At an interaction held here by the Observer Research Foundation, Malik said Pakistan was awaiting ‘substantial evidence’ from New Delhi to act against Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed. He admitted that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had made it clear that his trip to Pakistan would be linked to ‘effective action’ taken against those in Pakistan who bled Mumbai. He said Indian national Abu Jundal was a criminal who ‘worked as a source for (an) elite agency of India’ and added that he could have turned into a double agent. Jundal, whose real name is Syed Zabiuddin Ansari, is said to have been present at the Karachi-based "control room" from where the Mumbai attacks were overseen. Jundal was deported from Saudi Arabia and arrested in Delhi in June.Meanwhile, India reacted strongly to Rehman Malik statement that Abu Jundal was an operative of an elite Indian intelligence agency, saying it was a ‘ridiculous’ remark. "Such a statement is ridiculous. Jundal was working with the LeT in Pakistan's soil when the Mumbai terror attack was carried out," Indian Home Secretary RK Singh said. Rehman Malik also pointed to the role of Pakistani American David Coleman Headley, Jundal, SA Ansari and Ilyas Kashmiri in the 26/11 attack, and said that it proved that non-state actors were to blame. "We have non-state actors, you have non-state actors," he said, adding it was important to tell the truth ‘so that we find a way forward’.Malik said a proposed visit by Pakistan's judicial commission to India to cross-examine 26/11 witnesses would help expedite the conviction of the seven arrested in Pakistan in connection with the Mumbai attacks. Malik said the country can set the terms for the visit of the second judicial commission. "Once the procedure ends, we will be able to get conviction."But he stuck to his line about Hafiz Saeed, who India wants deported. Malik said his country required evidence and information provided by the country was not sufficient as it relied on a statement of Ajmal Kasab.He said he had urged Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj to visit Pakistan to see there was ‘no mass migration’ of Hindus from the country.Malik denied he had compared the 1992 Babri mosque razing with the Mumbai attacks and accused the media of twisting his remarks. Earlier Sunday, Malik prayed at the shrine of the 14th century Sufi saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. "I prayed to Allah for a harmonious and peaceful relationship between both the countries."

Indian interference in Balochistan taken up: Malik | The Nation
Pakistan has been shouting from the rooftops that India is helping the Balochis. And now this fellow Rehman Malik has played the same tape for the umpteenth time. But the question is:

WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE? There's none. Period!
Taken up ?

He chooses not to disclose the reply he must've got from the Indians whom he ' took it up' with.
Pakistan has been shouting from the rooftops that India is helping the Balochis. And now this fellow Rehman Malik has played the same tape for the umpteenth time. But the question is:

WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE? There's none. Period!

where is the evidence for almost all of what pakistan is accused of?

for so long the indians have been screaming loudest...now a tiny bit on backfoot.
Its not hard for Pakistani leaders and army to stop all terrorist activities, blasts it will take few minutes ''if they seriously really wanted to save it will do it in few seconds they can catch the culprits alive they have technology they can reach the real culprits they can disclose openly but never they do they just kill or either give them safe passage to run away either through courts or they themselves like world number 1 terrorist Raymond Davis who killed many innocent people in Pakistan and escaped safely even a house fly cant fly without Pakistan permission in their soil in any part of Pakistan, But Divide and rule policy@Proxy war Since long These constant attacks of terrorists with suicide jackets, bombs ,rockets ,hand grenades,AK47,M16 guns remaining killed by Drones and Indian Raw supporter iltaf Hussein target killings in Karachi, specially blast effected areas Kpk Baluchistan province by bad name under cover agency which previously operated in Iraq black water bones and skull talibans supported by RAW,MOSSAD,CIA targeting civilians, mosques, general innocent public, and forces is a part of strategic back door deals done in the time of idiot Musharraf government,who spoiled army by pushing them in civilian departments while ppp followed same agenda of Musharraf in many things while corrupt leaders always enjoyed the dead bodies of its nation with crocodile tears, in reward of huge amount of dollars$ Pakistani currency too much devalued in international market,who given 500 homes to black water? allowed them freely to Rome with weapons inside Pakistan why?they never target vehicles and places of UN(united nations),who tried to kill Dr qadir khan? who killed zulfiqar bhutto?shah of Iran? ya sir Arafat?shah Faisal of saudi Arabia?many more.. when they decided to bring unity among st 50 Muslim countries because they got oil uranium minerals and all that things which can make them global power and they all finalized to become strong leading powers in air force, navy and armed forces when they can veto any country they will never need permission from UK USA in any thing but very bad luck for Muslims where the misery started finally they succeeded by killing key patriot transparent loyal leaders of Muslim world and collected morally over all corrupt leaders to rule and act as a slave to UK, USA ,israel, Norway and provided woman,wines,dollars,gays,hookers,to the leaders of Muslim countries so they remain stuck never grow so USA can keep its supremacy and invade free states steal capture the resources oils of Muslim world and kill them with same money collected from their precious resources and so on they are doing it in Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, sham etc etc Pakistan, people of Pakistan sleeping will remain sleepy only solution is revolution 100%pure patriotic leadership,strong economy, boycotting western products and highly sophisticated technology in the all fields specially in defense,when every Pakistani citizen get educated and have 24 hours full coordination with its intelligence departments with their most loyal officers its not hard to eradicate devils on their soil extreme urgent important for their survival.
where is the evidence for almost all of what pakistan is accused of?

for so long the indians have been screaming loudest...now a tiny bit on backfoot.

My fellow fourmer , We know the insurgency in Indian Kashmir is sponsored by ISI and the insurgency in Baloch`stan is sponsered by India (As a counter attack ,coz of sheep head Mujahids who were/are sent in thru Pak from ages).

We dont scream Loudest , its just that other Head of the States take notice of what India (developing , but a good stretch still to cover) says.
It is then circulated in their media. Generally blaming `some` elements in Pak.
The news then reaches Pak and read.

So mate the conclusion We dont scream loudest but countries take notice of us[/COLOR] ,Ur just going bannana coz wo countries aapko (Pak ko) ghaas nahin daalte !!!

and the Guy over Me.. STOP posting everything in Bold and bigger Size!! It doesnt make you sound smart!!
Pakistan has been shouting from the rooftops that India is helping the Balochis. And now this fellow Rehman Malik has played the same tape for the umpteenth time. But the question is:

WHERE'S THE EVIDENCE? There's none. Period!

It is terrible to see Indian and Pakistani leaders to be involved in this mud-slinging. It is pathetic to see Indians accuse Pakistani state, and then in return Pakistanis accuse Indian state.

This is all the while, 2-bit Mullahs draw deadly-circles around the innocent population of the two countries.

Sad. Truly sad.
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