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Indian hypocrisy

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Another hate thread...:whistle:
Click once on the Photo. The Bangladeshi intention is to bash Pakistan. :whistle:
This fan page is managed by idiots.They have even posted Pakistan Army pics in the past.
Why is it a hate thread? Exposing Indian duplicity is hate?
We both know no one will admit anything and it will become mud slinging competition, more hatred...that's why.

pat your back that they are using it for a good media image.

you know it that its Bangladeshi .. at least it doesnt show someone shooting a civilian or urinating on corpses.

I understand that its wrong that "they" are taking the credit for something a Bangladeshi did.

but that "they" .. might be a bunch of amateurs, fanboys or half awake news composers
whats wrong with that? they have used our Air chief and JF-17 by mistake.
I guess that picture also might have been picked up by someone by mistake
otherwise its no hard work to get an Indian soldier kick up a little child and give him sweets or help an injured etc.
I doubt this was deliberate, Most of the Indians on facebook rarely check the source or verify .
India is not the biggest democracy, it's the biggest hypocrisy.
WTF is this lame thread all about? Why can't such clap trap be deleted by the mods? What a waste of server space! No wonder PDF keeps crashing at regular intervals seeing that it's filled with such baloney! Jeeez!
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